Politics and governments




Heute sind Wahlen, geht ihr wählen? Vous allez aux elections européenes?


Hey there!!! You know climate change is a big problem nowadays. I’ve founded a group to talk about it. The main goal is to become as much big as possible to ...


What's your idea about Adolf Hitler? Good thumbup2 So So :mellow Bad :hang:


Who is an important and famous figure that you admire? A politician, or an activist, a writer, a journalist... Whoever you want!


The faucet is a closely related item in our life. Its main function is to adjust the size of the water flow, which not only facilitates people's use, but als...


Hello, I wish to know what do you hear about France in news. Do you still hear about yellow vest or police violence or something better? Thank you.


What do you think of Machiavelli's claims to monarchs or politicians in his book The Prince?


What do you think of one ruler for all countries. They would have offices. They would not be dependent on the ruler but would be subject to his sentence


Vielleicht gibt es ja jemanden der mir in Politik helfen würde... hab es zwar nicht als Schulfach, finde es aber trotzdem schade das ich so wenig weiß..ist i...


Hi every one! Yesterday, Donald Trump met Kim Jung Yun again and the american president came in North Korea for the first time. Then, Trump invited officiall...


Are you guys aware of the exodus of more than 5000 people escaping from Honduras to the US? Last thing I heard is that Trump will not allow them to get throu...


for a graduate (me in civil engineering), is it easy or feasible to be welcomed and find work in russia despite not having an excellent knowledge of the Russ...


c'est le débat entre l'ancien président italien matteo renzi et marine le pen. qu'en pensez vous? https://youtu.be/Eh_2H-zwwhI


Hello. I would like to ask about social policy in your countries. Are you happy with how it is? What would you change if it was possible and what is in your ...


I know it is a very controversial topic, but more and more is said about it. What is your opinion on this? Is equality parade necessary for you? Or do you fe...


Traditionally, being lesbian, gay, bisexual, or transgender is taboo in many Western cultures. Homosexuals, transsexuals, and other queer people have been di...


I don't know whether i should post this topic or not. Although I am a Chinese student,I should mourn the Poland's president 's death.


So for all of the people like me following the whole Clinton-Obama thing, who do you think should get the Democratic nominee. I think it should be Obama. How...


Hi everybody, i'm a new member. I'm not fluent in english, so i seek for your indulgence. You can correct me when i'm wrong. I want us to discuss about the p...


Hey, i was wondering what the most populair prejudices are in your land. I live in the Netherlands and there is Gay a common prejudice. Also other LGBT+ is a...


Cały świat , wszechświat, natura żyje w cyklach. Odkrywanie tych cykli to nie lada gratka dla ludzkości. Pokazujemy cykl 676 letni, który prawdopodobnie odpo...


The whole world, the universe, nature lives in cycles. Discovering these cycles is a real treat for mankind. We show the 676 year cycle, which is probably re...


Hello everyone. Give your suggestion to make this world free from wars and about poverty alleviation.


how can you end the conflict and bring the country back to a stable position?


Venezuela, perhaps you've heard of the country, perhaps not. It's located in the North of South America, neighbouring Brazil, Colombia and Guyana. Recently i...


NBA Live Mobile Tips You Could Benefit From Knowing The first time you played NBA Live Mobile can be a surprising treat! You probably learned to get the ball...