Are you guys aware of the exodus of more than 5000 people escaping from Honduras to the US?
Last thing I heard is that Trump will not allow them to get through the border adn even movilized the military.
What do you think of it? opinions?
If Trump lets them pass through his country then others will come, just like Afrikaans in Europe. Nothing more, nothing less.
People must understand that they can't go everywhere they like and get accepted "just because" (even those countries who select only the best immigrants started to get tired of them and have raised the requirements).
On the one hand there are these poor people seeking for help, but on the other hand there are many other things, such as citizens fearing new waves of criminality brought by people who can't afford to live in decent conditions (and that are therefore forced to do this in order to live). And then there's the economical factor, but that's another speech.
migrant: a person who moves from one place to another in order to find work or better living conditions. so there basically saying Honduras sucks, Mexico sucks, lets keep going until we find somewhere better. My advice is watch out Canada you might be next lol.
Lol, it's funny because that's exactly the same situation going on in Italy. Immigrants would like to reach Nordic countries but they either protect their borders or send them back here by charter flights or... like France has been secretly doing for a while... by just invading Italy with their armed police or military men.
Thay's right, but try to explain this to our Left politicians ahahah
Lol, it's funny because that's exactly the same situation going on in Italy. Immigrants would like to reach Nordic countries but they either protect their borders or send them back here by charter flights or... like France has been secretly doing for a while... by just invading Italy with their armed police or military men.
Deportation, leaving the European Union and closing the borders are the best solutions
Sometimes they pretend money to reach Sweden as well, and I'm not joking.
Then there are those who are forced to stay in Italy that pretend wifi, services and better conditions than our own citizens.
If I'm a guest, if I'm running away from something, I thank my host for what it can give me, but they are just spoiled children.
Many of them are not even refugees, but just economical immigrants.
Moreover, now the ONU, through the Global Compact, would like to Force people to accept this situation.
I hope Italy will say no, considering that finally we have a pragmatic right (first government elected by Italians after 6 years), against an idealistic yet malsane left.
If rich countries should welcome millions of refugees from poor countries then whole africa,latin america and half asia should be in europe,canada and USA😂.
If corrupt poor governments are busier with wars and stealing money,should rich country take the victims?
If Trump lets them pass through his country then others will come, just like Afrikaans in Europe. Nothing more, nothing less.+5
People must understand that they can't go everywhere they like and get accepted "just because" (even those countries who select only the best immigrants started to get tired of them and have raised the requirements).
On the one hand there are these poor people seeking for help, but on the other hand there are many other things, such as citizens fearing new waves of criminality brought by people who can't afford to live in decent conditions (and that are therefore forced to do this in order to live). And then there's the economical factor, but that's another speech.
In the name of globalization, open borders and free market, the miserables are NOT welcome in the US or anywhere else, life sucks! It is the more powerful's world, it is okay to colonize them, exploite their resources and do unfair trading with them because they are of a different race or religion. Where is the love and humanity?