Adolf Hitler

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First of all:

It is the most senseless strategy to compare historic persons. Who was worse? Who killed more in a more cruel way? The Tsar of Russia? The King of Belgium? Hitler? Stalin? Nestle? Apple?
There are dynamics (human made) and there is violence, chaos and barbarism. Of course there are "peaks" of barbarism, where societies loose their coat of civilization, f.e. starting massive antisemite, racist pogroms, slavery a.s.o. - seriously... what kind of answer does someone expect asking "what do you think about Adolf Hitler"...?

I will try to explain my point of view from a historical point. - Don't get me wrong, I do not even like, what he had done and I hate what he had done for the world in his dictatorship, no question!
But from the history, you only can say, that his politics were exactly what the Weimarian Republic needed. He was a Keynesanian economist, he did exactly, what other countries would had done in this time in this crisis of the state.
Also his national politics weren't as bad as we think. Russia, France, Italy, Spain, they did nothing other than a very strict nationalism. And yeah, it is right, war establishes work space for those, who have no work, as well as the building of the highways.
So politically - he did all the right things for bringing the Weimarian Republic back on the map of global players. His fail was only his extreme version of his politics and his goals.

As I said: I don't like him, no, I have to say, I really hate him, but the politics in this time were those, which other countries, also in Amercia, did as well.

the only good thing he did was killing himself

I think that Adolf Hitler believed that what he did was right. He wasn't the only one how wanted the Jewish to be killed. But even then it wasn't right to die so many of people.

A part of German history. From a personal point of view, I do not see anything good at this time. He did some good things. For example, that people had work. But he was inhumane and responsible for much suffering and death.

Look at RoyW's answer. He has describe it in better words.

It gives much people there say thet not Hitler have done all these things, but that he was just a puppet...
But how ever, it was terrible what happend in second war...

Hitler was the biggest looser in History!
One third of Germany lost, the other Parts occupied and destroyed....

Churchill said about him:"Hitler is my best General".

To make out of one idea a military move, is the stupidy thingest to do.

Hitler was the biggest looser in History!
One third of Germany lost, the other Parts occupied and destroyed....

Churchill said about him:"Hitler is my best General".

I know, I am.

Don't fear the past, enjoy the present, hope for the future.

Actually it’s a sensitive topic. We all know what he did in that period. We all learned history and saw his policy, how he warring and he he killed Jew( it’s sad and grieved sorry...) he can said a totally bad person. And you also can’t say he is great for German because you can't build pain on other countries and nations for the development of your country. Nazi is nightmare for all human beings, it deserves our reflection.

Putting the atrocities to one side let's look at it logically.
Adolf Hitler formed the nazi party, which then went on to create everything we use in the modern world, infact it was a nazi general that took America to the moon, it was nazi technology that gave us drones, satellites, rockets and jets, helped perfect nuclear weapons, made helicopters, designed sub orbital bombers, came up with firing missiles from submarines, designed stealth bombers, and made guided missiles.
Hitler as a person? He was a broken man due to world war 1, he couldn't paint and had anger issues, he didn't care about the means of something just results, he knew what he wanted and did what it took to get it no matter the cost.

Hitler? War scheisse, nur scheisse

I, as a German, say
this man is the worst one that has ever ruled and lived in our country

he wasn't a good person but a lot of people helpt him... it wast all his fault... there are a lot of thinks we don't know

Hitler, Stalin, Lenin= jedno gówno, ludobójcy i czyste zło.
Hitler, Stalin, Lenin = one shit, genocide and pure evil.

he was good until 1933 but then he went too far about the jews

Past times were awful because of Hitler. In many documentations on the german TV you can see, that many Explorer are trying to find a solution or an answer how it was possible to convince a whole country or the majority of germans. But nowadays there is a bigger problem. In past times after the war people tried to avoid hateful acts. People wanted to be better. But many germans are doing the same mistakes again. There are still some right-wing extremist organisations or racists. But the german country with this horrible history should know what happens if big groups are spreading hate! There isn't a big change in our country!

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