Germany is not good like that whatsoever.
Are maybe nurses' wages as weird as expelling EU citizens (therefore with the same rights as German citizens) who can't afford an economical stability anymore, including mothers, pregnant women and perhaps people with disabilities as well? While keeping mantaining extra-EU people for free?
Either the Merkel is going definitely crazy, or she's subtly supporting the AfD for the next European elections ahahah
Not to mention this Europe's policies and its new institutions (the new EU police for example, capable of overwhelming a country's natural sovereignty)... lately I've been getting really disgusted by Europe, and I morally can't acknowledge myself as European anymore.
Thanks to this new EU police (whose goals are controlling other partners and helping the "United States of Europe"' abhorrent dream to come true), the European Union will become a dictatorship not so far from the actual Russia, Turkey, or Hungary, the ones that it always stigmatises.
The countries that said NO to the formation of this institution are the only sensed nations left: Denmark, Sweden, The Netherlands and Slovakia (maybe Czechia Republic too, don't remember), except for Poland and Hungary's no, because you know why 😂
P.S. Europe is not being killed by sovranists or populists but by the European Left itself, which has become extremely malsane over time.
That being said, I'm openly a Right supporter and yes, I'm going to vote for the only possible European salvation: the Right (and in Italy it means Salvini and the League).
Once again, I'm not narrow-minded because of my political ideas, I'm just a traveller and I consider that our own roots, traditions and languages (even more than the Colosseum, even more than Millennial stones, languages have been growing with us since humankind came to life. Thus, they are, indeed, the true oldest and greatest monuments of our existence, although everybody tends to forget about it) are something to value every day, not to lose just in name of an unhealthy multiculturalism (concept that applies rather well to places with no culture at all like America and Canada, instead).