Hey!:) I thought it might be a good idea to write an app for Penpalgate. Especially for mobile phones on the road it would be an enrichment. Is that possible?
hello it will be good to make album for the photo to make, for example, an album for a country visited.
Hi! In this amazing site there is a place to write the countries we had visited, why not to add a place where we can write a list of countries we would like ...
It is badly needed. This place will be much more colorful then.
I would like it to be able to search for a specific age instead of every age
Why not a indication of the last time a profile was active ? It would be interesting for knowing in advance if a profile is a waste of time to contact A simp...
Hello admins and dev's ! :) I wonder why there is not a "Online" Tab which could open a window where you can find all the online members on PpG. I think it c...
I really think PenPal gate should have age filters. We can choose male or female while this is not supposed to be a tinder kind of place. And, on the other h...
Hi there! I noticed that this site is not mobile friendly and it is really uncomfortable to use with a smartphone. Most of us access the web via mobile devic...
I think adding a forum area for travel will allow people to talk about there travel experience. help others get over there fear of not knowing an airport, un...
Maybe you can make a blog where different people can write their news, add photos and leave comments.
The old design was old-fashioned indeed, but that was what made this service special. Is it not possible to give an option to choose the old version for nost...
Hey pen pal gate! I can help you translate your website into Esperanto. Esperanto is my second native language and I would love to make an Esperanto translat...
Please make such a function so we can send photos in the chat!
I created a topic in the forums, and I didn't get any notification when people posted comments. I think it would be good to be notified about comments on a t...
Since I'd like to learn Catalan, it would be great to see, who can speak it. It's a bit strange that there are languages listed, I never even heard about, bu...
Add a button to clean message o delete conversation
Hello everyone! I spend most of the time on the Internet using my smartphone, and unfortunately the chat here on penpal-gate is not convenient to use from a ...
Shouldn't it be a good idea do talk in the public chat ONLY english? And if you want to talk with someone in a different language, that you do this in a priv...
I think that would be cool to have a personal history of our conversation on the chat :D
HEY GUYSSSS! HOW ARE YOU? I JUST CREATED A GROUP ON FACEBOOK [color=#FF0000][content deleted][/color] JOIN US!!!!! :clap :clap :clap :clap :clap :clap :clap ...
There must be a way to make the forum/chat more active... what if we all just post a little bit more, It'll help I think?
How about adding some more items to communication, I mean, MSN is already deleted cause it's combinated with Skype now, and how about adding Snapchat/whatsap...
silent hill fo sho!!
Hi ! I post this poll even if somes persons already said me that many persons on this site would it. Now I think that it's a good question to ask. :) Many pe...
I think we may say there are a lot of dutch-speaking people on penpalgate by now. Why don't we have our own forum? I don't mind talking another language, but...
Hello hello, Penpal-Gate has been - for over 2 years now - a platform that allows people from everywhere in the world, to both practice languages and make fr...
everytime I want to view my profile to read and reply to comments, I have to search for the link to my profile page before I can see the comments. why not sh...
What do you think about tools provided by websites where you can exchange languages like penpal-gate, livemocha, palabela, babbel, italki, sharetalk etc ? I ...
Can we have "any-country-name" forums in a separate category, named "Our world" or something like that? A new topic for every country started by anyone. The ...