Comments and suggestions

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Why not a "online people" tab ?
Age filters
Suggestions to improve mobile user experience.
forum area: Travel
Create a blog
Missing the old design
Esperanto translation
Sending photos in a chat
Notification about comments on topics
Add Catalan to the languages! :)
Delete messages history
Penpal-gate chat on Telegram
History of conversation
A.A.A looking for WEIRDOS xD
what is your favorite game??
REALLY A OPINION POLL (question for everybody)
Dutch forum
[Official Contest] We need you, let's evolve!
my profile
Do you think tools provided by penpag-gate, livemocha etc are good ?
Special "Country" forums
Where can i find a list of my friends i've added? :)
Should we delete the accompt wich are not used?
Privacy Settings
[moved] How Did Penpal-Gate Start?