Comments and suggestions


hello it will be good to make album for the photo to make, for example, an album for a country visited.


Hi! In this amazing site there is a place to write the countries we had visited, why not to add a place where we can write a list of countries we would like ...


It is badly needed. This place will be much more colorful then.


I would like it to be able to search for a specific age instead of every age


Why not a indication of the last time a profile was active ? It would be interesting for knowing in advance if a profile is a waste of time to contact A simp...


Hello admins and dev's ! :) I wonder why there is not a "Online" Tab which could open a window where you can find all the online members on PpG. I think it c...


I really think PenPal gate should have age filters. We can choose male or female while this is not supposed to be a tinder kind of place. And, on the other h...


Hi there! I noticed that this site is not mobile friendly and it is really uncomfortable to use with a smartphone. Most of us access the web via mobile devic...


I think adding a forum area for travel will allow people to talk about there travel experience. help others get over there fear of not knowing an airport, un...


Maybe you can make a blog where different people can write their news, add photos and leave comments.


The old design was old-fashioned indeed, but that was what made this service special. Is it not possible to give an option to choose the old version for nost...


Hey pen pal gate! I can help you translate your website into Esperanto. Esperanto is my second native language and I would love to make an Esperanto translat...


Please make such a function so we can send photos in the chat!


I created a topic in the forums, and I didn't get any notification when people posted comments. I think it would be good to be notified about comments on a t...


Since I'd like to learn Catalan, it would be great to see, who can speak it. It's a bit strange that there are languages listed, I never even heard about, bu...


Add a button to clean message o delete conversation


Hello everyone! I spend most of the time on the Internet using my smartphone, and unfortunately the chat here on penpal-gate is not convenient to use from a ...


Shouldn't it be a good idea do talk in the public chat ONLY english? And if you want to talk with someone in a different language, that you do this in a priv...


I think that would be cool to have a personal history of our conversation on the chat :D


HEY GUYSSSS! HOW ARE YOU? I JUST CREATED A GROUP ON FACEBOOK [color=#FF0000][content deleted][/color] JOIN US!!!!! :clap :clap :clap :clap :clap :clap :clap ...


There must be a way to make the forum/chat more active... what if we all just post a little bit more, It'll help I think?


How about adding some more items to communication, I mean, MSN is already deleted cause it's combinated with Skype now, and how about adding Snapchat/whatsap...


Hi ! I post this poll even if somes persons already said me that many persons on this site would it. Now I think that it's a good question to ask. :) Many pe...


I think we may say there are a lot of dutch-speaking people on penpalgate by now. Why don't we have our own forum? I don't mind talking another language, but...


Hello hello, Penpal-Gate has been - for over 2 years now - a platform that allows people from everywhere in the world, to both practice languages and make fr...


everytime I want to view my profile to read and reply to comments, I have to search for the link to my profile page before I can see the comments. why not sh...


What do you think about tools provided by websites where you can exchange languages like penpal-gate, livemocha, palabela, babbel, italki, sharetalk etc ? I ...


Can we have "any-country-name" forums in a separate category, named "Our world" or something like that? A new topic for every country started by anyone. The ...