Suggestions to improve mobile user experience.

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Hi there!

I noticed that this site is not mobile friendly and it is really uncomfortable to use with a smartphone.

Most of us access the web via mobile devices, and search engines such as Google penalizes non-mobile friendly websites in search results. This could push actual users and potential users to choice another service, and it is very unfortunate, because this is a great community. Why not try improve mobile user experience?

There are at least three ways to do that:

1) Create a Penpal-Gate app;
2) Modify the actual template of the site to be responsive;
3) Redesign the site with a new mobile friendly template;

Every approach has pros and cons, and I'd like to discuss them with users and administrators of this site. If you decide to follow one of the last two approaches, I'd like to offer myself to contribute (obviously for free).

What do you think about it?

Edited by gcali .

I think the new update is good but I've got a problem. Whenever I press the return button of my keyboard the app is sending the message. How can I make this stop?
Thank you for a response😊

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