Other languages


I'd like to just have 1 word (or sentence) from as many different languages as possible for fun!


Hello. This is a place for all languages learning lovers! I am searching for a person who can help me improve my spanish and korean. And if you have any tips...


Kruidnoten liggen alweer in de winkel. Persoonlijk vind ik het veel te vroeg en ik begin meestal pas half november met het eten van kruidnoten. Jullie?


Τα ελληνικά δεν είναι μια ευρέως ομιλούμενη γλώσσα και είναι δύσκολο να βρεις ελληνόφωνους φίλους. Για μένα τα ελληνικά είναι ΠΟΛΥΥΥΥΥ δύσκολα. Θα μπορούσε κ...


Hii, I am Nihu and i have been learning korean for a while now. I would looooove to find someone to talk in korean to. If you are korean and want to help or ...


Just ask me anything abt turkish/turkey and i ll answer ur quetions!


I would like to learn Romanian, Hongarian, and some more Bulgarian (and Spanish too ofc.), but i guess that Azmin could perhaps learn me Hongarian.


Hi, I'm looking for someone who want teach me Polish. I was searching a pen-friend to write him (or her) in English, and improve this language, also begin to...


Goedemiddag .,..ik ben 50% duits en 50% nederlands. ( misschien ook 77 % Nederlands in mijn hoofd ? ) Maar helaas heb ik de Nederlandse taal niet geleerd omd...


I speak: norwegian, english and german. And very few words spanish.


hey there, I’d like to meet people who know Lithuanian language / have been to Lithuania / know about Lithuania and its culture well (: DM me if you do! than...


Ik zoek een Russische native om te taal te spreken. Я ищу родной русский, чтобы говорить на языке с I am looking for a native Russian to speak the language w...


I'm pretty interested on Russian culture s and Russia's language. At the same time,I'm also looking for more and more friends who I can chat with?. Could you...


Hej, I am from Germany and would like to learn swedish, because I travel a lot and I am going to live in North-Sweden in a couple of years. Everything is wel...


Hi! I am looking for someone who could help me with arabic :)


Hello there, I'd like to get back into penpaling, although I have to say that I not am really into handcrafting my letters, preferring the old-fashioned way ...


Hello. Want to learn Indonesian and Sundanese? Feel free to ask


Hallo zusammen, ich suche auf diesen Wege Brieffreundinnen aus Dänemark und Deutschland. Ein bisschen was über mich: ich bin 35 Jahre alt bin Busfahrerin und...


Hello! As you can already see above, I am obsessed with many many languages and if I could, I would learn every single one. But as this is not possible, I ch...


Hey guys , how are you? Im looking for a friend , who can help me with learning those languages? Anyone here to help me with?


Se você tiver interesse, envie-me uma mensagem e já vemos como podemos continuar no futuro. Pode ser correio electrónico ou carta tradicional. Obrigado.


Greenlandic, also known as Kalaallisut, is a spoken language in Greenland (alongside Danish) and has roughly 50,000+ fluent speakers. Greenlandic, having few...


Hello everyone! I’m looking for Dutch native speakers in order to improve my Dutch skills. I’m still a beginner and I would like to learn more phrases and wo...


I'm looking for pen pals who speak Norwegian. I am currently learning Norwegian and would like to use it so that I can really learn it. I am 31 years old, mo...


I emigrated to Poland a few months ago and therefore would like to learn Polish Can someone please help ? Wyemigrowałem do Polski kilka miesięcy temu i dlate...


Hi, I'm an Italian guy that, for pure interest, is learning Galician, so I'd like to write to someone who can speak and write in Galician, so that I can prac...