Other languages


Hello! I want to improve my Swedish, so I might be able to call a university there on my own and study in Sweden later on. As a matter of fact, I'm looking f...


Miałbym 2 pytania do osób posługujących się już językiem polskim: 1) Czy znasz jakiś język poza polskim i angielskim? Jeśli tak to jaki? 2) Rosyjski, czy nie...


Hi, Is anyone learning American Sign Language or any other sign language?


Hi, Jeg er Hristina og jeg vil rigtig meget gerne forbedre mit Dansk. Jeg kan godt forstar og snakke men jeg har brug for at apgave sproget. Jeg ville sete p...


I would love to learn Korean, so please help me.


Hallo, ich suche Leute um russisch in Wort und Schrift zu lernen. I seek people to learn russian.


I've studied modern greek at the university, so i'd like to improve it. I'm italian, i can offer an Exchange language


Hallo, Ich bin Sarada (29) aus Luxemburg und hilfe gerne jemandem der luxemburgisch lernen will. Jedoch kann ich selbst keine lux Grammik, nur sprechen. Das ...


I am looking for an Israeli boy or girl


Wie woont in België? leuk als jullie hierop reageren! dankjewel


I am nuno miguel, and i can teach portuguese to anyone that is interested in learning portuguese.


Hej alla ! I need to improve my Swedish, so I might be able to call a university there on my own and study in Sweden next year. As a matter of fact, I'm look...


Hello Romanians/Romanian speakers! I'm Polish and I'm doing an English project about Romanian curse words. You would help me a lot if you write some down (ho...


Good morning, I`m 15 years old and I would like to learn norwegian. Also I`m interested in spanish and english. Maybe you are from Germany too and you are lo...


Hi everybody. I'm italian and I'd really like to learn Albanian. I see that Albanian speakers are not very common here so if you know the language and you th...


Hi! I have recently started learning Korean, and I need somebody to help me, somebody whom I can ask for an advice on this subject - for example, about some ...


Hi! I'am Manuel and I'm searching someone that speak arabic, because I started a course of this beautiful Language. Read you soon. Manuel


Hi everybody ! I'm a new penpal gate's user. I'm here for learn English and Irish but I propose to those who wishes it to teach them the Occitan (That spoken...


Merhaba arkadaşlar. Türkiye ve Tükçe hakkında her şeyi buradan sorabilirsiniz. İyi yazışmalara herkese. :D I forget English translate. :P Hello everyone You ...