The truth and lies of Ukraine Politics and governments

Russian government is telling us first that it is fighting Kyyv's government because it is a nazi one : well if that's the case, I would like to know why it is supporting military and financially on the same time, all the worst dictatorships
( like those of Kim Jong Un, Bachar El Assad , Colonel Traore in Mali, the Mollah s regim in.Iran ) and all the neo nazis, white race supremacists and extreme right parties on this planet !

Russian government is also justifying its agressive action in Ukraine by the fact that it pretends not wanting a future extent of Nato at Russia borders : well if it is really the case, I would like to know why after being very reluctant to the decision of Sweden and Finland last summer to join Nato and being military agressive with those countries, it told us 3 months ago that it did not care having 1300 kms of new borders with Nato in the future !

Ukrainian people and their government keep looking for many years just in one direction, this of the West, of the Eu and more particularly of their nearest and greatest neighbour country, I mean Poland

Why ? Because before the special operation launched by Russian government last february 2022 against them, many Ukrainians people used to work in Pokand or for polish societies in the Eu ( mainly in transport business ).

Poland joined the Eu in 2004 and since this time, it is knowing a real economic boom and development : I used to visit this country in august 2020 and I was really impressed by its modernity and dynamics and Ukrainian people are dreaming and hoping the same future for their own country

Of course I guess that such a future for Ukraine and Ukrainian people is very badly seen by actual Russian government because many Russian citizens could be really tempted to massively emigrate in a neighbour country whose 50% of its inhabitants speak the same language, are sharing the same religion as them and where some of them have already relatives too.

At last, some russians citizens might also being very tenpted to ask to their actual political leaders why they cannot benefit with the same economic and life confort standards as their direct neighbors and in my opinion, this is the real reason of the agressive behavior of Russian government against Ukrainian government and Ukrainian people !
That s all folks ! Have a nice day ! Yours François

Some people planned the new crown trick and provoked Russia through Ukraine since 2014. Russia just had to defend itself. The real invaders are not what we see

No sane person should support the Russian imperialism
If Russia sure is an impperialist country, it doesn't mean that no other coutry is esually or more imperialist and provoked Russia here, or does it?

Some people planned the new crown trick and provoked Russia through Ukraine since 2014. Russia just had to defend itself. The real invaders are not what we see

No sane person should support the Russian imperialism
If Russia sure is an impperialist country, it doesn't mean that no other coutry is esually or more imperialist and provoked Russia here, or does it?

Good evening dear Eric ! How are you ? You cannot imagine how much you missed me ! If one day you got the opportunity to go to Bordeaux for a political meeting and pay me a visit, I promise you to do my best so as to make your stay in my city absolutely unforgetable !
Concerning your last comment dear Eric, you re absolutely right as always when you tell us that Russia is not the only one imperialist country on earth but it is for sure not the most clever one because it really made last february 2022 what the Us government expected it to do ( French president Macron kept phoning and warning Russian government before their invasion of Ukraine about that but this one refused to listen to him ! ). In my opinion, chinese government is not doing and will not do the same mistake with the question of Taiwan. Have a good night dear Eric ! Yours François

Make violence and point your finger that that’s not your fault. That’s how today’s Russian politics looks like. Kindergarten level. With all hatred to human beings, such difficult to intend something more ugly.

I think to put it simply putin
Is just another Hitler wannabe!
Pure and simple
I know some people may not agree but that's my opinion

I read a headline from a Western news organization recently talking about a Ukrainian leader who was transferred to a paperwork job after he complained about high losses. It's hard to discern the truth because i know how propaganda is used to keep morale when facing an uphill challenge. I think when things are too easy maybe it's time to take what news we hear with a grain of salt and consider some things too good to be true. I hate to hear the Russians' side of things who always have a negative view of the West. All too often the Haters of the West are willing to tell of our insufficiencies.

I believe that everyone lies for tactical reasons. The truth is usually found in the middle. I hope that peace will come soon.

Concerning the destruction of the Krakhovka dam. The truth is certainly not in the middle. The responsible is in only one of the two camps. So only one lies hypocritically.

Both countries will have lied at some point. That is normal in a war. It is also normal for each to blame the other. But no one knows the truth. In the end, it's none of my business. I will not take sides, nor will I allow myself to be incited. Many people think they are experts and know the truth. What we hear in the public media does not have to be the truth. However, people can be manipulated very easily. Who actually blew up the dam, no one knows. I have no grudge against Ukrainians, nor against Russians. The fact is, innocent people are dying!

Russian government is also justifying its agressive action in Ukraine by the fact that it pretends not wanting a future extent of Nato at Russia borders : well if it is really the case, I would like to know why after being very reluctant to the decision of Sweden and Finland last summer to join Nato and being military agressive with those countries, it told us 3 months ago that it did not care having 1300 kms of new borders with Nato in the future !
In fact, Russia has nothing to say about launching a military operation against Ukraine, because Ukraine's accession to NATO threatens its security. The main thing is a matter of interests. There is nothing wrong with Ukraine joining NATO as a sovereign country, but apparently this makes Russia feel oppressive and fearful, which is why it invaded Ukraine. We can actually understand Russia objectively, but it is still not a "correct" act, is it. Because war brings disasters and harms the interests of ordinary people. But to be honest, the Ukrainian leader joining NATO is really brainless, and if they do not want to be attacked by Russia, they should be considerate of Russia.

Russian government is telling us first that it is fighting Kyyv's government because it is a nazi one : well if that's the case, I would like to know why it is supporting military and financially on the same time, all the worst dictatorships
( like those of Kim Jong Un, Bachar El Assad , Colonel Traore in Mali, the Mollah s regim in.Iran ) and all the neo nazis, white race supremacists and extreme right parties on this planet !
I think both governments have their own ghosts, mind you, I'm talking about the government, not the state. The interests of the country should be represented by the people, not by the government. The people will never make mistakes!

The adhesion to NATO is always the same wrong argument to invade Ukraine. In reality NATO always refused to integrate Ukraine to avoid Putin’s anger. The first reason of this invasion is that this dictator couldn’t bear a democracy so close to him. That could give ideas of liberty to his own people. It’s exactly like for China with Taiwan. It’s a very bad example this free island near a country leads by a communist regime. I absolutely agree with you AttaFromChina: The interests of the country should be represented by the people and it’s not the case in Russia or China.