The birth of my daughter
The general life style for example
Traditions when it comes to events like weddings,birthdays,etc how do they celebrate?
Anything like that
Wouldn't say I have a favourite author
I like books that are factual for example .a while ago I read a book called mugabe vs the white African it's about a political power struggle for the farmers land and it exposes the corruption of mugabe
I'm interested in genealogy,and local history of my town
And enjoy learning about different traditions in different countries like weddings etc
It fascinates me
Not paying attention at school
My mum used to say God pays debts without money 💰
And I think the most underrated person is Saint Christopher the patron saint of travellers
He protects us all and keeps us safe on our travels where ever they may be
Giving advice but not listening or taking my own advice
And spelling
Losing my parents
I would definitely go to Germany 🇩🇪
But after a year I wouldn't return I love everything about Germany
Getmans are great people
That's a tough one
Will get back to you on that one
Having a very simple childhood
Going out to play with my friend's
Not bothering anyone else
Knowing it was time to come home when the street light came on
And not being a slave to the Internet Having a childhood unlike the generation of today
Who have in a way had there childhood stolen from them because of the Internet
I'm left handed
The future for the next generations
I see my self being 10 years older than I am now but I will always be 18 🤣
My parents were richer 🤣
On the whole naturally good