The truth and lies of Ukraine Politics and governments

A good Year to you too!

There is a nice song of Billy Joel - We didn't start the fire!


I m.called the french white knight rider and my hand will be always led by justice and so in 2023, I swear to protect the very pretty ukrainian widow and her so lovely children from Ruscists or russian fascist agression ! I wish you to everyone a very happy new year whoever you are ( Ruscists, nazis, communists, chinese or americans). Sincerely yours François
My middle name is "Leaping Warrior."

101 ways of fabricating things to start bombing a sovereign country's capital city suddenly in an early winter morning. What is the next chapter? Annihilating human kind for the greater good of everyone?

sixthelement, are we talking here about about Belgrade, Baghdad, Damask, Livia, Afghanistan and other countries?

Oh no! My plan to clean my bloody hands has been exposed! You are just funny Sergey, and full of fallacy.

Where did I go wrong, sixthelement? And how can we stop this? In other words, it's just bla-bla-bla! West and East is not talking!

Where did I go wrong, sixthelement? And how can we stop this? In other words, it's just bla-bla-bla! West and East is not talking!
Stop talking sickening contempt for the West! It's nonsense and old. Enough!

On the other hand, let's look at the real culprit...

Look who's talking now.

DWeathers, are you serious? What is that? Do you suggest me to watch Star Wars? Do you watch only movies or you sometimes read some history books? What is your remarks? Translate them for me please! I don't want to be rude, but what you are trying to say? What was it? I am unable them discipher.

You know, Lianshen, it's not like that. You can accuse me that I don't like NAZI. And you'll be correct. I don't like NAZI. I don't like terrorists, crazy liberals, etc, but it doesn't mean that I am going to vilify them. You know, even the war has rules. When somebody brakes these rules, do I have to still conform to such rules? It's an rhetorical question. Why? Because today the West is playing dirty games on Russia. Do you think I have to like it? Above all the nonsense what we had been discussing. How we can discuss something if we don't know the rules of the game?

[YTP]De Funès et Hitler (« Le grand restaurant »,1966) / Superangers

May be Sergey could explain this amazing “truce” decreed by Putin on the advice of his friend Kiril for Orthodox Christmas? In fact this decision didn’t change something: the Russians continue to bomb the Ukrainian cities. One more time Putin showed to the world his absolute hypocrisy and in the same time his confused mind in front of this war that will lead him to his downfall.

Yes, anil, it's a very strange truce because Ukranians said in advance - we are not going to abide of any truce. So, that's what's going on. Truce doesn't mean never to respond. It would be strange to anybody - you can shoot me, I will not respond. It would be very stupid thing to do.

I remind you that a truce is decided between belligerents and is not decreed by only one of the parties, otherwise such an initiative is at the risk and peril of whoever takes it. Anyway Putin never intended to actually apply it because he never stopped the bombings again civilians populations. Once again Putin's bad faith is evident. He is a professional liar and manipulator. Who would believe his word if not people brainwashed by his propaganda. His words were above all a message for the Russian people.

anil, 7 of January is an orthodox birth of Jesus Christ. Putin just proposed to hold fire. Is it so bad? Do you think it's a peace agreement? No! It is not! It's just a wish to hold fire for a holliday. If Ukranians are showing their contemt to it? So be it. What is here to discuss? Someone is saying YES, somebody is saying NO.

Life is tough Sergey, right? You bang the door into someone’s house, smash their things, kill some family members, rape and torture for days, then you give them 3 days off, and they don’t even bother thanking you. What a world!

Yes, sixthelement, it is. Did you just discover it? Ukranian forces 8 years were doing it. Did you know this? Did your media said anything about it? It's hipothetical question. We all know the answer. But some want to remember what is convenient to remember. Is it bad Putin didn't let you know that? Oh no! It's not him! Who is it then?

Don't expect me to believe the fabricated claims of a media in an autocracy. You should have brought proof to international organisations and solve this. You are one of the big-5 in UN for example. Instead, a sneak attack with bombs directly to the capital, without even a declaration of war or any official attempts to solve things. Same shit was there during Crimea. No wonder why that soil did not see a single day of democracy, and no wonder you are speaking with the attitude of your old friends from Molotov-Ribbentrop... Anyway, keep throwing more soldiers consisted of your minorities on Ukrainian people and be as delusional as you already are. It is normal that you are brainwashed, you were born in a state which called itself a dictatorship afterall.

sixthelement, it's absurd wnat you are saying. It seems like you living in 1990 es. By the way, the USSR is not existing! Beleave it or not I don't care. If you want to know the truth try to use the other media resources. Russia Today for example. I know, you'll tell me it's propaganda. But watch it anyway. It won't hurt you.