hey, @Etienne , you got a lot of languages in the PPG list, but Galician isnt standing under it, while Catalan is, and Galician is a region language too, and...
Respond here if you’re a best friend though ♥️🌹 + I reached 7,000 views at the same time so 1/7 people who viewed my profile became my friend
I had one and was wondering who else had one and what made you like them.
Hello everybody! 🙋♀️ This forum is the offline chatroom!! You can say anything you want which is nice to share but maybe not big enough to start separate fo...
Pls sharee
Share the colour of ur eyes,mine: i wish i had blue/green eyes though 📸️ 📸️ 📸️
i'll ask for monster high dolls and clothes lmao, wbu?
I’m trying to buy some ;-;
I'm looking for someone who can be my penpal. Both male and female are welcomed. All I want to do is to make friends all over the world.
📸️ Olympic pizza 🍕 📸️ Cheese croissants 🧀🥐 📸️ Sushi 🍣 📸️ Chicken ramen 🐔 🍜 📸️ Chia porridge 📸️ Texmex macaroni box 📸️ Focaccia 📸️ Churros 📸️ Tortilla lasagna
what would be the language really you want to speak? for me: Romanian :) since yesterday i started learning it via Loecsen, and i allready know the most simp...
Hi, I'm looking for someone to write a few short stories with (clean stories, but funny or romantic possibly)
Hello everybody! 🙋♀️ I have a question i wanted to ask for some time but maybe it is stupid and not for me to think about it. But it is a bit difficult what...
i have a lot of good friends out here, buti think that @Remus ` profile is more ore less my fav profile. Why? well, because he visitet Romania, speaks Romani...
Tell a scary story or legend, or a weird dream
Just wanted to know if any of u ever received parcels from online penpals. I never had it at all.
Hi azazel, Thank you for your request. I am sorry I am not so familar about this website, so I deleted your friend request accidententally, and I don't know ...
Do you like your name?
hello people, i have a lotto do today, and tomorrow we`ll be returning to spain toceleb Sinterklaas. Not so sure if we celeb Sinterklaas 5 dec, so i`ll proba...
idk why, but in a short time ive got a lot of profile views; mostly it takes pretty some time bfore there comes an other profile view.
At least I'm one of them
Me and my mother(plus my dog) will probably have a big dinner and see Christmas films
Might be I leave for some days
is there anybody who knows this site? i do......
有人点进去过那个类似广告页面的宗教宣传吗() 居然还有一对一的志愿者联系,离谱,有没有勇敢的朋友试玩过,好奇但胆小,我截图了但发不出来,每次要发的时候就巨卡(怀疑) (另外,我真的很烦已读不回,òᆺó随便回点什么都可以啊,我又不会顺着网线过去打你,搞得我跟个小丑🤡一样,oi泥萌 我努力接住的话兜子你们就这样扔掉,...
@Remus , could it be possible for you to learn me Romanian? i love to learn that language :)
Hey what‘s your favourite picture in your gallery? Mine is 📸️
📸️ we have to do a little more, and then the van will be ready for the road :). We want to be back in spain bfore 5 december :)
My morning started with cafe au lait ☕, croissant 🥐 and oatmeal