How to say "hello" guys? :) We say ' wanakkam' how about you guys? :)
yesterday, I tried the sports car for average people, Morris Garage 6, which reaches 100km within 6 seconds, and do U turns at fast speed. This is my first t...
My answer is Buick GL8, with 7 seats van, however, I don't know why only China market has this type. If I have more money, I will definitely buy my dream car...
Which country has the best hot springs?
Hello everyone! I have a question about cost of university/college studies in different countries. How expensive are your studies? Does the cost of studies d...
Moikka kaikki! (=Hi, everyone!) So, I'm looking for a penpal. I would love to learn other languages (I speak only Finnish, Swedish, English... and Latin xD) ...
first, you can join in the chatroom second, you can private massages someone, may send photos in private messages. Third, you can open and answer topics at f...
Hi guys, I have uploaded a great number of photos at my profile , hope you enjoy,
What’s your attitude towards sex worker?
In my country it's Musik.
Hello, friends. I wanna know about you and your culture. About me: I write a book, I'm writing another book, I like learn languages, I wanna play fortnite an...
How do you say: “nice to meet you” in your mother tongue? Write it down below!
What city is best for living ? Rennes or Lyon ?
Hello everyone!My name is Mingfei Peng. I am from China.I want to hold a English debate with students around the world.I have already found students from USA...
Hi everyone! I'd like to have some penpals to write letters with (yes, I want to use these crazy oldschool things called 'paper' and 'pencil'). I'm from Germ...
Share your most wonderful traveling experience 😄
Namskara 🙏🏻 ( Kannada from South India)
Hi guys, I'm looking for a penpal. I'm bored. And I need a better english. I love Harry Potter and sports. So write me if you want ^^ Hope see you soon, Bye ^^
Hi guys, I have an idea. we can play a game with food. I know food isn't for playing, but still. I say a country and a court that fits this country. it doesn...
mine:Sherlock Holmes& Joe Sutter
Hi guys , maybe this is a funny question hahaha what do you think about your friends? why you like them ? kind or? and who is your best friend you ever met ?
What is the most famous breakfast dish from your country?
Hi guys. Do you have an idea, what you can do in Corona time? Let's make a list. All is possible. But please child-friendly ^^
Hey there, I wanted to get in touch with a few of you and what better topic could there be than talking about a hobby many of uns share? Dancing connects peo...
Hi, I'm looking for a penpal or even a person with whom I can exchange surprise boxes. I'm 18 years old, live in Germany and love Art, books (thriller, novel...
Anyone doing online work and earning for it who can teach someone else to do that as well.. I'm interested in learning a few online scopes.
Hi guys, I have uploaded photos on my profile, please check and comment. Thanks.
I guess Peking roasted duck would be popular.
Hi, I am Dimi from China, I like videos chat,and my Skype ID is live:f12e4d515b64599b