Anything and everything

Looking for penpals (and some help)
À la recherche de gens demeurant en France !
English-French exchange with me !
How think Ukrainians? (friendly sounding)
Name your day
Let's cook !
A silly question
A man/woman who whant speak english
Speak a language not like other languages ?
Demande d'ajout d'une langue
Going to London
Travelling to Russia
Project for my future youtube channel
Hi, I'm French. I want korean, japaneese and chineese contact!
Do you love dogs/cats?
New friends
looking for seriouses relation ship
who want skiing/snwoboarding in france Alpes Arc 1800 ?
Looking for penpals (and some help)
Project for a bday
How do you spend your weekends?
North Europe!!! WRITE ME PLEASE!!
Hand-writing letters or conversations via Skype
How many days have you been a member of PPG?
Penpal for Finnish girl.
Shelters along my road trip FR-D-PL-LT