The truth and lies of Ukraine Politiikka ja hallinto

No, anil, that's not any hate. They are equal to normal people and all people on the Earth may have difficult lives irrespective of whether they are LGBT or not. But I see that this topic as a taboo in your country. And Charlie Hebdo's drawings have nothing to do with attracting someone's attention, but just mocking horrible events that have nothing to do with freedom of speech.

Yes, with respect to "other crap", I will give you some of my crap - examples from the history of France:
Filip Le Bel executed templiers and took all their wealth.
Henry de Navarre ripped and massacred catholics in Paris.
The greatest massacre was during the French revolution when Robespierre and not only him guillotinned the monarchists and even their previous allies.
Napoleon came to Russia and killed 580 thousands of his own soldiers.
Today we see French police using gas and waterpipes against the protesters (never done in horrible Russia by the way).
Let's also not forget the French colonization of other countries.
So if we use your logic, we could say that France was most of the time ruled by terrorist government, n'est-ce pas?

All in all, why all these things happened? We can go on and on, but it won't stop what is going on in Ukraine right now. Like they say - why ask why? Ask yourself what can you do to stop it? Ukraine has to be a neutral country! Why Ukraine wants to be part of NATO? Isn't it strange? What they are trying to achive making such statements? We are trying to be your enemy, but please, don't shoot at us! What is it? Is it some kind of schzophrenia? We can kill people, but you don't! What kind of logic is that?

The best thing is to stop arm them. Then they'll have to surrender and install new government, neutral, we don't need any friendship with these people. We will rebuild Mariupol, Donetsk, all other cities and villages that they shelled. We will restore plants in Donetsk and Lugansk People's Republics. And we will help to ressurect the economy, we are not prohibiting Ukraine language, actually, it is one of our state languages. We will rebuild the memorials to Soviet soldiers, that were vandalized and destroyed, and we will celebrate Victory Day as before. We will rebuild the roads, as we did in Crimea. And the people of Donbass will be our welcomed and honored citizens, because they have paid the highest price for their freedom from ukrofascism.

And this is our action on Victory Day on May 9 that is called "Immortal Regiment". Over 1 million people participated last time only in Moscow. Sergey can share his part from his home city, I bet.
We carry the portraits of our relatives who fought in WWII. I go each year. My grandfather was a pilot, he lived through this war, and another one was burned in the tank in 1944. From this video you could probably understand how much we value the Victory over fascism and how great the ukrainian betrayal is in our understanding. Guys, you will never defeat Russia.

Yes, Chinablue, that's exactly what some people are trying to forget. And we shuldn't forget it never! When some people asking the question - why Russian forces are envaded Ukraine? Why all these killings? They should put the right questions - how many sevilience Ukranian forces have killed? And how many cevilience Russian forces have killed? And if they wanna know, Ukranian forces killed many times more! But why people talking about Russian forces? Isn't it a little bit strange? What's going on?

I guess we'll have to regard the words of Chinablue under, The Lies ABOUT Ukraine.

How about Sergey gets banned from speaking on the forums for a few days to place him in a "Neutral" state? That way there will be global peace at least here and Sergey will have had his Power of His Writings confiscated? Who's trying to stir conflict?

DanielWeathers muokkasi tätä .

Hey, DFeathers, looks like you practice a true freedom of speech principle - cancel Russia and Russians, prohibit them to speak, ban them. But your state is keeping Assange, a truly independent journalist, as a hostage. Free Assange!

Some interesting reading here.

DWeathers, what are you talking about? Who banned me? It's just make me sick to discuss all these nonsense. I am amazed how easy the media can manipulate people's mind. Sometimes I think that it's possible to present Devil as a savior of humankind! And people will believe it!

It's you, DWeathers, all the time you saying just Russians,Russians, Russians! They are everywhere for you. It's a sickness for sure.

LGBTQ culture doesn't need pushing nor are people who are not for it fit for labels as bad people for it. But a religious conquest is used to motivate Russians to fight to eliminate the Ukrainian language and ways of culture. I do not believe in the bad Ukrainian stories that Russians propagate to me. Russian media can lie like China's can. LBGTQ can push it's narrative too on old established customs and be the antagonizer people hold out against. No one has to change their old ways for something risky and new and feel threatened.

Мальчик по-моему больной, действительно. Бред какой

Putin is the "six" of the oligarchs of Russia. Russian oligarchs are closely connected in business with Ukrainian oligarchs. This is a joint consortium commanding the war in Ukraine. It prohibits attacking logistics chains, it prohibits attacking airfields, it prohibits attacking hydroelectric power plants. The consortium commands the troops and it is tied to joint corruption. Putin does not make independent decisions, as he never did. This man is a protege of a corrupt oligarchic society. He himself is personally mired in corruption ties. Navalny objected to this. He has been in prison for the second year. There he is being psychologically destroyed and will be destroyed. Putin's entire policy is directed against his own people. He is only a player on the world stage, as Gorbachev was once a player. The people cursed Gorbachev. The people will curse Putin too. Until the new Stalin comes, repeals the ban on the death penalty, and shoots a hundred oligarchs, Russia will drag out a miserable existence. The USA and Europe will slowly and surely devour Russia. Only this is now hindered by China, which is economically saving Russia with its orders for resources. When the United States and Britain switch to China (this is possible by 2027) - there will be nothing left of Russia - China will take everything. All other speculations about Russia's weakness are the delirium of zombified youngsters.

DFeathers, please do not stop. Show us how many dirt you could throw on us. You are pathetic.

Some songs from Russia to you, guys - kids are singing:

Yes, DWeathers is really gone mad on politics. That's why I don't want to answer him. He is saying such a strange things, I am afraid for his sanity. There is another guy, Billa. That guy even worse.

And, Merry Christmas to all of you. DWearhers, to you too!

And thank you, Chinablue! Very nice songs!