The truth and lies of Ukraine Politique et gouvernements

No, you didn't understand me. I said that you, in your seemingly free France, will not be able to say anything you want. Look at Charlie Hebdo's drawings - they laugh at the death of a refugee child who drowned in the sea, they mock at the plane crash with Russian encemble, but do they mock at all at gay parades? But why, the naked manicured men in bras look pretty funny, honestly. Don't you think that? So why Charlie Hebdo never mocks the LGBT community? Tell me, in what normal country - like Russia, China, India, in countries of Latin America, in African countries you could find such a silly disgusting crap published as you do in France? Do you know how many Russians donated to rebuild Notre Dam after fire?

To all other crap I will respond later.

There are so many questions here and I don't know where to start? I can understand when the West was afraid of the USSR because everybody knows why. It was a socialist state. But what is now? What is the problem? Russia, China began to develope their economies? Some people would say - it's Ukraine! But it's started before that! Ukraine has nothing to do with it. Then what? Interests! Interests like they were in 1800-1900 s and long, long time ago! Humans can't live in peace. They are too greedy. After the WWII there were Unated Nations which tryed to force the law upon all nations. Nowdays everybody is acting as he likes. And what I see here, people are so brainwashed. They have such a strange iadeas and understanding what is going on. It's amazing!

Chechens want their homeland back too. Putin's puppet leader, Ramzan Kadyrov and those who follow him have sold their souls to Putin!

Chechens want their homeland back too. Putin's puppet leader, Ramzan Kadyrov and those who follow him have sold their souls to Putin!

Ha, big mistake you wrote this. Indigenous indeans also want their whole continent back. So will you clear out please? Just 60 years ago blacks couldn't ride same buses with whites in your own country. And at the same time we had a University of People's friendship where Africans, arabs, and other nations that had poor education came to this university and studied here free of charge. And went back home to become doctors, teachers, engineers. Guys, you know zero about my country.

DWeathers, whites have to give back the land to indians. Whites have to pay back compensation to black slaves etc. Don't even start things DWethers, if you don't know what you are talking about.

And again, Chechen people are the most patriotic now in Russia. So, if you tryed to give an example, it was a bad example. Shame on you.

Как вы все хорошо обсуждает, перевариваете, оцениваете, анализируете степень глупости и уровень наглости. Но факт что Россия бомбит Украину остаётся фактом. Что умирают люди разного возраста - тоже факт. Что кто-то считает себя в праве решать, как должен действовать другой. Украина была очень развитой и процветающей, свободной и лёгкой на подъем страной, при всем уровне коррупции. Везде был интернет, везде ловила связь, "новая почта" за сутки могла доставить что-угодно и куда угодно, через интернет банкинг за секунду перекидывались деньги со счетов, коронавирус не подкосил экономику, говорить можно было что угодно и кому угодно, на любом языке и тебя все понимали, хорошие дороги, отличный конкурентный сервис - магазины, аптеки, предприниматели, работали круглосуточно без обедов и перерывов и выходных, довольно низкие цены при постоянно растущем долларе. Но 24 числа 2022 прилетели бомбы ... И те кто были братьями стали убийцами и насильниками, страх, боль, а потом и ненависть охватила людей, которые потеряли все в один момент ... И все стали русофобами, и "рашист" это самое унизительное обзывательство ... Никто не имеет права навязывать свою волю и все имеют право защищаться. Вспомнила фразу из фильма: добро побеждает всегда, когда оно защищается. Россия сейчас агрессор и террорист которая считает, что ее обделили и чего-то там лишили, зависть, злость и тупость страшная штука...

No "Ukraine" has done anything wrong because Ukraine has never done anything as a whole in history

Ha, Ukraine is on the stage now. How do you explain shelling Donbass 2014-2022? Kids, grownup civilians dying? 7,5 thousand? Your own citizens, you know? West doesn't publish it in the press, but you, divchina, know what I talk about. You stopped paying pensions and payments to invalides in Donbass, and Russia began to pay them, just not to leave people starving. And why do you use Russian language that is prohibited now in Ukraine? And ha, she is writing from France. Why are you not fighting for your motherland, the Ukraine? Why did you invite NATO bases to Sebastopol and Odessa, why did you allow biolabs that were not even reporting to the Ukrainian government? Why in 2013 in Lviv you had a slogan of youth festival "Ukraine free from drugs, alcohol and muscovites?" Why did you finance Nazi batallions that don't even hide they wear fascist signs on their uniform? Why did you destroy the memorials to Soviet soldiers who fought fascism together? Why did you burn alive 48 people in Odessa back in May 2014, and "never found" who was in charge of this, although it was all filmed? Why your Poroshenko president said that "Donbass children will live in basements and our children will go to schools"? Betrayal is in your nature, and you are punished for that Big Time. Your only way to live through this is to surrender.

Hey guys, I will share a musuc clip about Moscow with you. Not sure if it is allowed in democratic countries. 😀 But it's safe, of course. ))

No "Ukraine" has done anything wrong because Ukraine has never done anything as a whole in history

Even Honduras has done something in history, even if you do not know about its existence

Ha, Ukraine is on the stage now. How do you explain shelling Donbass 2014-2022? Kids, grownup civilians dying? 7,5 thousand? Your own citizens, you know? West doesn't publish it in the press, but you, divchina, know what I talk about. You stopped paying pensions and payments to invalides in Donbass, and Russia began to pay them, just not to leave people starving. And why do you use Russian language that is prohibited now in Ukraine? And ha, she is writing from France. Why are you not fighting for your motherland, the Ukraine? Why did you invite NATO bases to Sebastopol and Odessa, why did you allow biolabs that were not even reporting to the Ukrainian government? Why in 2013 in Lviv you had a slogan of youth festival "Ukraine free from drugs, alcohol and muscovites?" Why did you finance Nazi batallions that don't even hide they wear fascist signs on their uniform? Why did you destroy the memorials to Soviet soldiers who fought fascism together? Why did you burn alive 48 people in Odessa back in May 2014, and "never found" who was in charge of this, although it was all filmed? Why your Poroshenko president said that "Donbass children will live in basements and our children will go to schools"? Betrayal is in your nature, and you are punished for that Big Time. Your only way to live through this is to surrender.
You say things that have never been in Ukraine, I don’t know where you got it and where you got this lie from. I don’t want to explain something to you, because you think that I and my children stand up against bombs and tanks that kill, which means you don’t hear me anymore. I hope that someday you will understand that you are wrong and you will live up to this moment.

The old trick which Putin started his career with by blaming the Chechens on the apartment bombing of Russian soldiers and made himself the hero soon to be promoted to president. The cities of Buynaksk, Moscow and Volgodonsk in September 1999, killing more than 300, injuring more than 1,000.

Ha, Ukraine is on the stage now. How do you explain shelling Donbass 2014-2022? Kids, grownup civilians dying? 7,5 thousand? Your own citizens, you know? West doesn't publish it in the press, but you, divchina, know what I talk about. You stopped paying pensions and payments to invalides in Donbass, and Russia began to pay them, just not to leave people starving. And why do you use Russian language that is prohibited now in Ukraine? And ha, she is writing from France. Why are you not fighting for your motherland, the Ukraine? Why did you invite NATO bases to Sebastopol and Odessa, why did you allow biolabs that were not even reporting to the Ukrainian government? Why in 2013 in Lviv you had a slogan of youth festival "Ukraine free from drugs, alcohol and muscovites?" Why did you finance Nazi batallions that don't even hide they wear fascist signs on their uniform? Why did you destroy the memorials to Soviet soldiers who fought fascism together? Why did you burn alive 48 people in Odessa back in May 2014, and "never found" who was in charge of this, although it was all filmed? Why your Poroshenko president said that "Donbass children will live in basements and our children will go to schools"? Betrayal is in your nature, and you are punished for that Big Time. Your only way to live through this is to surrender.
You say things that have never been in Ukraine, I don’t know where you got it and where you got this lie from. I don’t want to explain something to you, because you think that I and my children stand up against bombs and tanks that kill, which means you don’t hear me anymore. I hope that someday you will understand that you are wrong and you will live up to this moment.
So shelling Donbass civilians is ok, you think? Your Nazi batallions Aydar and Pravy sector killed Donbass mothers and their kuds, from 2014 to 2022. And now same thing goes towards you. Revenge, my dear. 48 burned alive people in Odessa including one pregnant girl look at you lying bastard from the skyes and say hello.

Ha, Ukraine is on the stage now. How do you explain shelling Donbass 2014-2022? Kids, grownup civilians dying? 7,5 thousand? Your own citizens, you know? West doesn't publish it in the press, but you, divchina, know what I talk about. You stopped paying pensions and payments to invalides in Donbass, and Russia began to pay them, just not to leave people starving. And why do you use Russian language that is prohibited now in Ukraine? And ha, she is writing from France. Why are you not fighting for your motherland, the Ukraine? Why did you invite NATO bases to Sebastopol and Odessa, why did you allow biolabs that were not even reporting to the Ukrainian government? Why in 2013 in Lviv you had a slogan of youth festival "Ukraine free from drugs, alcohol and muscovites?" Why did you finance Nazi batallions that don't even hide they wear fascist signs on their uniform? Why did you destroy the memorials to Soviet soldiers who fought fascism together? Why did you burn alive 48 people in Odessa back in May 2014, and "never found" who was in charge of this, although it was all filmed? Why your Poroshenko president said that "Donbass children will live in basements and our children will go to schools"? Betrayal is in your nature, and you are punished for that Big Time. Your only way to live through this is to surrender.
You say things that have never been in Ukraine, I don’t know where you got it and where you got this lie from. I don’t want to explain something to you, because you think that I and my children stand up against bombs and tanks that kill, which means you don’t hear me anymore. I hope that someday you will understand that you are wrong and you will live up to this moment.
So shelling Donbass civilians is ok, you think? Your Nazi batallions Aydar and Pravy sector killed Donbass mothers and their kuds, from 2014 to 2022. And now same thing goes towards you. Revenge, my dear. 48 burned alive people in Odessa including one pregnant girl look at you lying bastard from the skyes and say hello.
Ukraine did not start a war in Donbas, an uprising began in Luhansk and Donetsk regions, Russia introduced troops without identification marks (she always does this), and there were several mercenary armies in that territory. This was done in order to stop economic development, the same scenario Russia has already lost in Molodove (with the unrecognized country of Transnistria). The same happened later with Crimea. They wanted to check this in Odessa as well. You hang corpses on me that are on your conscience. Get your shit together and enjoy yourself. Everyone will get what they deserve! I see that you only look back and do not want to hide the truth, your mentality has a limited understanding, I sympathize

So you admit that that your nazi batlions killed civilians in Donbass? Very well. That is the video about Odessa nassacre.

No, you didn't understand me. I said that you, in your seemingly free France, will not be able to say anything you want. Look at Charlie Hebdo's drawings - they laugh at the death of a refugee child who drowned in the sea, they mock at the plane crash with Russian encemble, but do they mock at all at gay parades? But why, the naked manicured men in bras look pretty funny, honestly. Don't you think that? So why Charlie Hebdo never mocks the LGBT community? Tell me, in what normal country - like Russia, China, India, in countries of Latin America, in African countries you could find such a silly disgusting crap published as you do in France? Do you know how many Russians donated to rebuild Notre Dam after fire?

To all other crap I will respond later.

I read a very homophobic message full of hate. Do you know that there is gays in all the countries of the world even in Russia, China or South America? A lot of them hide their conditions and made their misfortune or the misfortune of their partner if they try to have a heterosexual life. I don’t read Charlie hebdo and just discover this caricature. Yes a child and surely a lot of others died to join Europe. Even if this caricature is perhaps not of very good taste, that has the advantage to make open the eyes on horrible facts that happened. Refugees from Syria try to escape at a bloody dictator helped by Putin. The refugees rarely try to go to Russia. Nobody is obliged to watch a gay parade or to reed Charlie hebdo. A free press is essential in a democracy. Sometime stirring shit can be helpful.
Is it your arguments to give a reason to invade a country, killing people and destroy cities?
I’m waiting the end of your comments for "all other crap". I hope they will be less aggrieved.

Ordinary Crimean people speak about fascist government of Ukraine.