The truth and lies of Ukraine 정치 및 정부

We are killing the animals just for fun!
This has led to the current conservation of animals.. Without people wanting to get some games, trophies and so on, probably that things like the Bern Convention wouldn't really exist that that the bear, the lynx wouldn't be reintroduced in some parts of Europe, or that the wolf, roe deer , moose... would have gone extinct. Thus, this example is pretty bad to support your point.

anil, what is going on on the serface is only distorted reality. I agree that by the comman point of view it's Russia started the war. Nobody wants to know why? Nobody wants to know that in Ukraine hundreds and maybe thousends of people were killed during the last eight years. What was happening there, why? Anybody cares? No, not many people are even know where exactly Ukraine is? And we have to go back to beginning in order to understand what is going on now. Anyway, anybody cares that NATO is practically everywhare around Russia? Exept China Russia is surrounded by NATO. What they say to Russian objections? None of your busness! So, I repeat - all of these nonsense will be going on until NATO will make a deal with Russia. They always did. Why not make a deal again? What is their problem? The problem is that NATO thoght that Russia will give up anyway, why make any deals with Russia if you can have averything?

Lianshen, you might be right, but I said it in general. The humankind has to grow up and be wise.

Lianshen, you might be right, but I said it in general. The humankind has to grow up and be wise.
That's a general perspective on killing animal nowadays. It goes with necessary conservation and, ironically, that's why hunters are everything but bad at the moment. Hence, the desire to kill something doesn't always have bad sides, even though it's often fucked up.

Sergey you already know the real reasons of this attempted invasion of Ukraine by Putin. Such a dictator could not tolerate a democracy in a neighboring country which he considered his property. It’s Putin himself who maintained the civil war by giving means to extremist groups often came from the local underworld. Of course there is surely people in Ukraine who feel themselves more Russian than Ukrainians but it’s surely not a reason to kill your neighbors. You surely know the sad reality of history in this part of the world. During centuries people were displaced or installed by force. Even in Crimea the original people were the Tatars, not the Russians. They were exterminated or deported in Siberia by Stalin.
The argument of the NATO‘s threat is an invention of Putin. Do you think that Sweden and Finland were obliged under constraint to join NATO? No they are afraid of the Putin madness. The determination of the Ukrainian people to resist at the invader surely proves that Ukraine is a real country. They have far too many bad memories with Russia or the USSR to be slave at new.
Yes we have to go back to understand what’s happened, Don’t you see since more than twenty years how many deaths made the Putin system? Even in his own country.

"Such a dictator could not tolerate a democracy in a neighboring country which he considered his property. It’s Putin himself who maintained the civil war by giving means to extremist groups often came from the local underworld."

Amen to that! Putin had his hand in our social media to influence our US elections in 2016! The garbage they put out by so many fake people.

I don't know many about this .Has anyone tell me?I want to know which is more likely to win, Russia or Ukraine.(My English is not very well, so there are some mistakes.I'm so sorry.)

Such a dictator could not tolerate a democracy in a neighboring country which he considered his property.
Ukraine, a democracy..? Do we talk about the most corrupted country of Europe with Russia? The one with a leader's wife who apparently spent for 40k€ in shopping while begging for money in Paris?
Plus, please, evenif Russia did so, we should look at ourselves first before barking so much. Who couldn't stand democratic movements winning in latin america? who couldn't stand the most secualr and developped countries in middle east/north africa?

Reasons behind this war are muchh more complex than a so called idiot and psychopathh leader going mad and from what I see, only Germany as a country and with few people there seem to understand what is being done to the people in Western Europe.

Even in Crimea the original people were the Tatars, not the Russians.
And before it was Scythians and Greeks... and ottomans.

The argument of the NATO‘s threat is an invention of Putin.
There were agreements and they haven't been respected. NATO expanded in the East, and,, yes, that can be considered as a threat to Russia's sovereignity, especially givent he geography of the region.

Do you think that Sweden and Finland were obliged under constraint to join NATO? No they are afraid of the Putin madness.
You are also afraid of Russia despite Russia is nowhere to be a threat for France and never has been even during the Soviet Era. Funilly, peopel like you are the first to say that welcoming potential terrorists in France is not a problem and that the fear we have of being assaulted is made up, yet when a fear is really exagerrated, you also are the first to shit your pants and act in a stupid way that cost us litteraly thousands euros per people as well as our basic freedom.

The determination of the Ukrainian people to resist at the invader surely proves that Ukraine is a real country. They have far too many bad memories with Russia or the USSR to be slave at new.
This prove absolutely nothing. Ukraine is a country because it's recognized at such, period. France is a country and its determination to resist an invader would surely be near 0 at the moment, yet it's a country.

Yes we have to go back to understand what’s happened, Don’t you see since more than twenty years how many deaths made the Putin system? Even in his own country.
Come on Anil, you are older than me and you should remmeber this better: 20 years ago, Putin was trying to get closer to the West, and seen as a "ok guy" before gettign spit on the face and described as the devil himself, once stupid, once evil genius; but never with any coherence in discourse.
How many deaths provoked by France outside and inside by the way? Special mention to BHL and Sarkozy for the outside, Macron and Attali for what's happenign within the borders.

anil, actually, you are repeating the western propaganda about a dangerous Russia and China, and other beasts which are trying to make some harm to the western world. It was always like that. Sometimes it sounds rediculous. If you would read the newspapers of 1800-1900 s years, it would be the same. The Russian bears are wandering thrue Moscow and dirty Moscovits are drinking Vodka. What happened to Jugoslavia? Anybody remembers the dictator there? Who was it? Where is Jugoslavia? There is nor more such country. When you say, that all of it has nothing to do with NATO? You are either naive or you are just lying. It's exactly everything has to do with NATO. It has nothing to do with Tatars, Greeks and other population. By the way, right now Tatars a living happily in Crimia. Same thing with NAZI regiments in Ukraine. It became unpopular to show alliance with it, so they disappeared from media. But you dont have to be a rocket scientist to realise, that many of Ukranian soldiers are NAZI simpatisers. By the way, just resently several countries in UN are voted against resolution to condemn NAZI glorificasion. What is funny, Germany was in the list of these countries! I know, you will say that it was voting against Russian resolution. But, do you side with NAZI just to do something bad to Putin? Is that how you don't like him? Why not to side with Devil? More then that, I can be baned here for saying something nice about Putin. But not Devil! I can worship Devil, it's democracy!What kind of democracy is that? You baned Russian media channels in your " free world" and still saying that Putin is dictator? It's so many questions, but we are not allowed to talk about it! Since when? I can say goodbye to democracy. Where is Julien Assange? He is in prison. But who cares? We are talking about Ukraine. But to understand what's goin on in Ukraine we have to talk. But your governments don't want to talk. They are just doing what they have to do - they have own plans for Ukraine, for Russia and other things. But they don't want to talk.

Lianshen, my comment about killing animals a little bit more broad than only conservasion and things like that. Yes, I agree that sometimes these special parks, where people are killing animals, sometimes the only refuge for this animals. It's unfortunate. But what about green policy? Where it is now in Germany? Now Germany and Poland again are the most pollutionists in Europe! Anna Lenna Berbock, what's wrong with this policy? Isn't it crazy? The Greens are the most pollutionists in Europe. And these people are talking about comman sence?

Lianshen, my comment about killing animals a little bit more broad than only conservasion and things like that. Yes, I agree that sometimes these special parks, where people are killing animals, sometimes the only refuge for this animals. It's unfortunate. But what about green policy? Where it is now in Germany? Now Germany and Poland again are the most pollutionists in Europe! Anna Lenna Berbock, what's wrong with this policy? Isn't it crazy? The Greens are the most pollutionists in Europe. And these people are talking about comman sence?
Pollution isn't meant to kill animals and can't be considered as "we like to kill animals", but evenif it was the case, then my point stand still. I'm not talking about a park or a natural reserve, but about killing in general. Wildlife is managed in Europe and you can't kill an animal out of these management rules/basis unless you are a poacher... this includes quotas, kkilling pests, forest management and environmental protection, pollution norms etc.
Germany is one of the most concerned country with this, and Poland is also protecting its wildlife way more than destroying it.

What about Russia's Alexei Navalny?
Putin invaded Georgia and turned his fortunes on himself. Now many Georgians have a resentment toward Russia and take in the fleeing men who take asylum into their borders from Putin's war.

You see, Lianshen? It's impossible even to say something close to the truth. You'll get such objections that you won't be able ever to answer! I am talking about DWeathers. I told you, I partially agree with you about animals. But the policy! AnnaLenna Berbock is a member of a Green party! They suppose to protect environment. What they did? They created a mess again in the name of what? Like I said, Germany started to use coal and wood! Poland is also started to do so. It's not my imagination. If you don't believe me, I can find the facts on internet. But first my remark was about DWeathers. When people do not know what happened before the certain accident, then how I can answer? He said that it's Russia invaded Georgia! But it's not the truth! And western media was trying to hide it. There were several cases on American TV when people from Georgia said that it was Georgian forces who invaded South Osecia. And only then Russian troops had to push them away. But as soon as these people just said that it was Georgian troops, they were cut off immediately from the news program. And it's a common place. What kind of democracy is that? If I'll have control over the Internet, I will force everyone to agree with me! Isn't it funny? Elon Mask is now under attack! For what? Because he is dares to think differently!

Russia's Alexey Navalny is on US State Dept salary. He is a lying jerk that was planted specifically to make turmoil. Russians could only support a hero who has done something good for Russia and its people, who really deserves to be a leader. And not a salaried asshole. Big mistake, US just totally missed the point of understanding our psychology.

Russia's Alexey Navalny is on US State Dept salary. He is a lying jerk that was planted specifically to make turmoil. Russians could only support a hero who has done something good for Russia and its people, who really deserves to be a leader. And not a salaried asshole. Big mistake, US just totally missed the point of understanding our psychology.
Sounds like a Russian Propagandist to me.

Russia's Alexey Navalny is on US State Dept salary. He is a lying jerk that was planted specifically to make turmoil. Russians could only support a hero who has done something good for Russia and its people, who really deserves to be a leader. And not a salaried asshole. Big mistake, US just totally missed the point of understanding our psychology.
Sounds like a Russian Propagandist to me.
Really? Russian people can't peotect the integrity and sovereignity of their own country, because you are calling it a propaganda? Strange logic. I have plenty of information sources about Navalny, and you seem to read only WSJ and watch CNN. Many of you are just useful idiots that even in the era of internet can't get out of your american shell and listen to what native Russians say and think.

DWeathers, Navalny is uncatchable Joe. Why uncatcable? Because nobody is chasing him! You should know that somebody tryed to poison him, but who? Can you tell me? I know, you will say - it's "KGB". So, who tryed to poison Skripalies? So, what do you think, why "KGB" could not poison neither of them? Is it because there are not KGB anymore? Did they lost the skills? Did they use a bad poison? Why they can't kill anybody? Doesn't it sound ridiculous? But you believe in any nonsense!

Sergey want the truth? We can speak about the last Putin’s murder: recently a Russian real estate developer Dimitri Zelonov who dared criticize the war had a fatal “accident “in France. there is thousands example like that. Actually around two persons by month died victim by Putin's very zealous secret agents. It’s another truth among all his mischiefs. All the poisonings of opponents are not a legend but a real fact. You surely know that Sergey.