The truth and lies of Ukraine Politics and governments

Oxiu, you know, I am also might be mistaken. It's only my judgment. As much as I can do. And you know what? How we can come to some agreement if we think the other side is lying? How we can get to get to some kind of compromise?

I don't need any agreement with someone like You. With someone who:
1. Excuse murdering civilians.
2. Keep saying that its not war, but a "special operation".

It's clear to me that You are propagandist. Maybe volunteerly, maybe its Your job. I don't care.

Putin is bandit. Russian soldiers are bandits. Russia had no right to attack the Ukraine.
Nato wasn't threat, and facts are behind it. What facts? Small maneouvers, not solidary countries in Nato. Nato members realizing their interests by cooperation with Russia. The distance between Russia and some Nato countries, making it obvious, that they would have no interest in war.

If You want agreement, start from saying that this war should'nt happen, and that this war don't brings any good. That this war is mistake and crime done by Putin.

Same to you, Proxu. I don't know how to talk to you? All the NAZI will be defeated. And there are no doubts. If you don't understand it, it's your problem. I don't want to talk to some kind of zombie.

I repeat, don't watch to much of the fake news.

Same to you, Proxu. I don't know how to talk to you? All the NAZI will be defeated. And there are no doubts. If you don't understand it, it's your problem. I don't want to talk to some kind of zombie.

Who is this "nazi"? Where they are? How many? What are they doing to Russia? Why You want to eliminate them?

Oxiu, you know who they are. If you don't remember who massively killed Polish people, I do remember! If you lost your memory, I stay with mine.

Oxiu, you know who they are. If you don't remember who massively killed Polish people, I do remember! If you lost your memory, I stay with mine.

Yes. Bandera and his criminals are dead. So about what nazis You talk now?

Do I have to remind to you how many Polish people were killed by Ukrainian NAZI? You don't remember this? I do! So, what we are talking about? How come that you now on the side of Ukrainians that killed so many of your people? What kind of other considerations do you have in mind now?

You can spit on you grandmothers and grandfathers graves. Who cares?

So You think that doing revenge on todays people, for the crimes of people that lived years ago... Is okay?

If you, Oxiu, don't know your history, I do. And I won't be a puppet to anyone.

You are evil creature. You are just bad person. I would call You trash, for what You keeps saying here.

You know only false shadow of history, propaganded by soviets.

Go away from here. Really. Go away with your bullshit, you devil

Oxiu, it's not revenge, not any kind! But somebody has to answer for what they are doing!

The Russians are always looking for someone else to blame, although they themselves have always been the greatest criminals in history. Put their own people in Gulag camps. Just as pathetic scum as in China. Before you point your finger at others, you should first sweep away the dirt on your own doorstep. And I'm sure: The new criminal forces from the Russian prisons will not help the Russian military much either. As the US military observer said: just new cannon fodder and signs of the Russian demise!!!

Putin, your fuck time is coming to an end!!!

You see, Oxiu, fuck all of your relatives, now it's other considerations! Other circumstances. Now we can forget about our grandmothers and fathers. Fuck them up?

What kind of bastards they are?

Who cares about Polish relatives? It's history, right? Now it's another tune, right? Some clever guys now better.