Everyday life and customs

Forum moderator
🌙Eid Ul Adha ☪︎
Do you know any words in your language that has dissappeard ?
Worst Cuisine
🎓🎓PPG University >> NEWS-Report
Martial Arts
Dover Castle
Arrows turn in flowers 🌸🌺
Senior high school examination
What do you call your grandparents?
Favourite countries
Wagyu Beef😋
How do you make your Coffee
Hi I want to make new friends
Fahrenheit or Celsius
Measuring system in your country??
What stereotypes about your country or nation do you LIKE?
Men's and women's clothing
Happy Mother Day
South Africa
How do you spend your day?
Home-Schooler Club!!
Combinations of bread.
If you die one day ...
International penpals meeting