Which does your country use? Fahrenheit or Celsius?? South Africa uses Celsius (C)
Which measuring system do you use in your country?? South Africa uses Kilo grams, Grams, Metres, centimetres, millimeter and kilometres
Happy motherday to all mums out there 🥳
Whats your view on South Africa? Have you heard of South Africa before?
Heyyyy My fellow home-schoolers XD
Which do yall think is best? Imo, ketchup+bread is the BEST.
Where should we meet? I suggest Sydney in Australia.
Hello, I am from Guangzhou, Guangdong Province in P.R.China. I have many postcards about flowers such as plum blossom, magnolias. I will send some of them to...
So, Americans! (or people that have visited/stayed in USA) here we can confirm stereotypes about the USA or vice versa So tell me, are 40-50% of USA overweig...
In Arezzo (Tuscany) one tradizional recipe is: black crostini, that is, bread roasted and soaked in a broth of capers, chicken, spleen and anchovies!
If you could change your name what would you change it to? What are your favorite names? It could be in any language
Whats your favourit car brand?
Hello, On my language; takk, was norwegian and danke is german.
This is my e-mail. orenlimbrick484@gmail.com
How did you say "family" in your language?
Gotta get that badge. We can talk about anything here. :P
My mom named me Daisy when I was a child,but at present, I think it may be too old-fashioned. Do you guys have any good names?
In England, it is that children as young as 8 are using vapes and sometimes drugs which tends to distract them from learning.
Most rich people hold their wealth in the form of shares .They do so to avoid taxes.Do u believe it is right?
Mine is German!
Hi, I enjoy farmlife here in galicia, spain. What do others think about farming? My opinion is: no farmers, no food. And tell also how you live.
As an example, "Neko Health " has developed a scanner, which use 70 different sensors and collect around 50 million data points in the process of diagnosing....
In my country Sri Lanka, we use Brand name “ Bata “ for slippers Brand name " Jet Ski " for personal watercraft Jacuzzi Popsicle So many ………
What's your favourite word? :)
Hi there, What are you doing in your spare time? Like if you have many hours what are you doing? If you have just 2 or 3 hours what are you doing? What if yo...
I am currently practicing Chinese running script fonts, and for someone who has been writing regular script for a long time, a sudden change is very uncomfor...
I like tea or water! And Energy drinks... :)
Hi everyone! Can you tell an interesting/mystical/shocking/fascinatinf fact about the place you live? Anything special related to its history?