1️⃣ Do you think that torture is allowed if you MAY get information to STOPPP a terrorist attack where A LOTTTT of people can die?
Of course, it would be much faster to get information if torture was legal. And mental torture, psychological torture, and emotional torture are already being used for interrogations. I honestly think mental torture is much worse than physical torture on the long term, because in some cases it never stops hurting.
Also, you're allowed to slap your child to teach them that what they did is wrong, but you can't punch a terrorist to make them talk? That's ridiculous. Of course, if you mean torture as in cutting off limbs, I think that's a bit excessive. There are many ways to inflict pain that will not do permanent damage, and it's only those that I am for.
2️⃣ Are mega cities the best solution if there is overpopulation and when there are not enough homes?
Absolutely not. When a group of animals becomes too big, they split into two to not start fights within their own group, and I think humans should do the same. Instead of everyone having a tiny house/apartment, I believe houses should be big and house the whole family (parents, grandparents, children, ect.). Like they did before! When you married, you moved into the house of your husband, and even if the population was big, there was place for everyone because you were welcome in your family's home. And if there was really too much people, well some moved to another town, and the problem was solved!
3️⃣ Do you think demonstrations of Extinction Rebellion are allowed for a better environment (e.g. blocking roads and highways)?
It doesn't change anything, it only makes people who need to go through angry at the people blocking it. Here in Quebec there are cones everywhere, blocking the streets or just standing there, and I really just want to get a snow truck to push them all away. I can understand sometimes a road needs to be blocked because the new asphalt needs to dry, or you need to replace a pipe, but blocking the street as a way to 'punish' people for existing is kind of dumb.
4️⃣ Do you think school should teach practical skills or would there not be enough time for normal things in school (like math, history and languages)?
Of course they should. They should remove history and teach practical skills, because the reason why we're supposed to learn history is to not repeat the mistakes that were made before, but just look at politicians, they definitely didn't get the memo. So if we're going to make the same mistakes anyway, don't bore kids with history and teach them actually useful stuff.
5️⃣ Is it ok to regift something? So you get a gift and you give that to somebody else as a present? And can you sell a gift on Marktplaats or Vinted or other sites?
If it's not homemade, I think yes. And I'm not saying this because homemade things are not good enough to be sold, even if the gift was an industrial level coffee machine, if it's homemade you KEEP IT. I mean that homemade gifts are usually more thought through, because people don't want to go through the trouble of making something you won't even like. But if it's just a gift bought at the last minute at Walmart, it doesn't really matter if you sell it or gift it to someone else in my opinion.
6️⃣ Do you think that Barbie is a feminist? (We saw this question and it was funny!!! ANDDD we think it is BOTH true and not true!!!!!)
I haven't watched the movie, and if you're talking about the toys then it's no.