💁‍♀️ Serious life questions 🤓

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Hello everybody! 🙋‍♀️ This time i made a forum with a friend from school and it was nice to make it!! 😊😇 BUTTT it is a serious forum with questions that we think are important. 🙄🙄🤓🤓 Sorry if they are maybe SUPERRR nerdy!!!!! 😋 Some questions we made ourselves and others we saw online and thought were good to ask!! 😛 We hope that you like the questions!! 😃

So here are our questions:

1️⃣ Do you think that torture is allowed if you MAY get information to STOPPP a terrorist attack where A LOTTTT of people can die?

2️⃣ Are mega cities the best solution if there is overpopulation and when there are not enough homes?

3️⃣ Do you think demonstrations of Extinction Rebellion are allowed for a better environment (e.g. blocking roads and highways)?

4️⃣ Do you think school should teach practical skills or would there not be enough time for normal things in school (like math, history and languages)?

5️⃣ Is it ok to regift something? So you get a gift and you give that to somebody else as a present? And can you sell a gift on Marktplaats or Vinted or other sites?

6️⃣ Do you think that Barbie is a feminist? (We saw this question and it was funny!!! ANDDD we think it is BOTH true and not true!!!!!)

Thank you very much if you want to answer the questions!! 🙏🙏🥰🥰🥰🥰

PS: I only tag people who gave permission 🙏🙏: @Pennarossa2024, @Fleurke, @NILU1234, @Etienne, @Simone724, @mayuuram, @Sarahsalah27, @Esma-Nur, @Annika2007, @Emmiiii_17_11, @Miss_Penpal, @Sabri_KC, @allstarcheer, @martutuni, @Roseeeee, @-Kiki- ⬅️ ❤️💚🩵💙💜🤗🤗

HELLO @Yue_ this forum sounds AMAZING!!!! 😍

1️⃣ Hmm honestly this is a tough question!! Torture is brutal and inhumane, but if it’s a life or death situation??? Some might see it as justified, but there should still be limits because it could be misused!!

2️⃣ Mega cities could be a solution but at the same time they come with problems like overcrowding and pollution🤦‍♀️ Maybe the best solution is to plan new cities instead of cramming people into already crowded places!!

3️⃣ I totally get that they want to fight climate change but blocking roads and disrupting people’s lives??? Maybe there are other ways that are more effective and less annoying? 🤔

4️⃣ Schools definitely need to teach practical skills!!!! Life isn’t just about math and languages we need to learn things that actually help us in real life like: managing money and solving everyday problems!!!

5️⃣ Honestly i don’t see anything wrong with regifting if the gift doesn’t suit you why let it go to waste?? Just be polite about it and never give it back to the person who originally gifted it to you!!😂 for selling on Vinted or similar sites it depends… if it’s brand new and unused maybe it’s okay!!

6️⃣ Omg the Barbie question is sooo good!! 😆 i think she wasn’t a feminist in the past because she only represented unrealistic beauty standards.

But now they’ve made Barbie more diverse and inspiring for girls with different dreams so maybe she is feminist now?? Kind of both i guess!!!

1️⃣ Do you think that torture is allowed if you MAY get information to STOPPP a terrorist attack where A LOTTTT of people can die?

Of course, it would be much faster to get information if torture was legal. And mental torture, psychological torture, and emotional torture are already being used for interrogations. I honestly think mental torture is much worse than physical torture on the long term, because in some cases it never stops hurting.

Also, you're allowed to slap your child to teach them that what they did is wrong, but you can't punch a terrorist to make them talk? That's ridiculous. Of course, if you mean torture as in cutting off limbs, I think that's a bit excessive. There are many ways to inflict pain that will not do permanent damage, and it's only those that I am for.

2️⃣ Are mega cities the best solution if there is overpopulation and when there are not enough homes?

Absolutely not. When a group of animals becomes too big, they split into two to not start fights within their own group, and I think humans should do the same. Instead of everyone having a tiny house/apartment, I believe houses should be big and house the whole family (parents, grandparents, children, ect.). Like they did before! When you married, you moved into the house of your husband, and even if the population was big, there was place for everyone because you were welcome in your family's home. And if there was really too much people, well some moved to another town, and the problem was solved!

3️⃣ Do you think demonstrations of Extinction Rebellion are allowed for a better environment (e.g. blocking roads and highways)?

It doesn't change anything, it only makes people who need to go through angry at the people blocking it. Here in Quebec there are cones everywhere, blocking the streets or just standing there, and I really just want to get a snow truck to push them all away. I can understand sometimes a road needs to be blocked because the new asphalt needs to dry, or you need to replace a pipe, but blocking the street as a way to 'punish' people for existing is kind of dumb.

4️⃣ Do you think school should teach practical skills or would there not be enough time for normal things in school (like math, history and languages)?

Of course they should. They should remove history and teach practical skills, because the reason why we're supposed to learn history is to not repeat the mistakes that were made before, but just look at politicians, they definitely didn't get the memo. So if we're going to make the same mistakes anyway, don't bore kids with history and teach them actually useful stuff.

5️⃣ Is it ok to regift something? So you get a gift and you give that to somebody else as a present? And can you sell a gift on Marktplaats or Vinted or other sites?

If it's not homemade, I think yes. And I'm not saying this because homemade things are not good enough to be sold, even if the gift was an industrial level coffee machine, if it's homemade you KEEP IT. I mean that homemade gifts are usually more thought through, because people don't want to go through the trouble of making something you won't even like. But if it's just a gift bought at the last minute at Walmart, it doesn't really matter if you sell it or gift it to someone else in my opinion.

6️⃣ Do you think that Barbie is a feminist? (We saw this question and it was funny!!! ANDDD we think it is BOTH true and not true!!!!!)

I haven't watched the movie, and if you're talking about the toys then it's no.

Thank you very much for answering @Sarahsalah27 and @Miss_Penpal!! 🙏🙏🤗🥰🤗 It is really nice that you both took time to give a super good explanation because the most are serious questions except maybe the last!! 😛 😛

These are my answers:

1️⃣ Do you think that torture is allowed if you MAY get information to STOPPP a terrorist attack where A LOTTTT of people can die?

The most difficult thing is that we wrote MAY!!! So you dont even know maybe if you have the right or maybe an innocent person ANDDD even if you have the right person you dont know if the information is good that you can stop the terrorist attack. That makes it super difficult i think. I am against torture and if it is possible to keep a country safe without it that is the best. Now of course everybody can say that is easy if you dont need it!!! BUTTTT if you allow torture than maybe people also start to use it just if it is easier or quicker and you dont need it.

If it is super simple that you can save MANYY people for example of a super big attack and you are CERTAIN that it can ONLY be stopped with torture the person you KNOW 100% is the person that will give you the information to stop it, maybe yes if it is the only way. BUTTTT i think it maybe is never like that. So in almost all other cases i think that torture would be bad.

2️⃣ Are mega cities the best solution if there is overpopulation and when there are not enough homes?

In our country The Netherlands a LOTTT of people cant buy a home because there are not enough or they are too expensive. But I dont think mega cities are a good idea. There will be a lot of pollution and maybe crime and other problems. Now the government thinks the biggest problem is refugees from safe countries but the problem of the houses is also because of stikstof (i dont know the English word). But there are European rules and a lot of it comes already from farms and cars and airoplanes. So that is also a problem for building more houses.

3️⃣ Do you think demonstrations of Extinction Rebellion are allowed for a better environment (e.g. blocking roads and highways)?

I think a better environment is important but i think Extinction Rebellion does not help at all. People are angry about them and there are a lot of dangerous moments if they block for example a road and somebody has to go to the hospital and they dont care. So people will often only stop supporting things because of Extinction Rebellion instead of helping.

4️⃣ Do you think school should teach practical skills or would there not be enough time for normal things in school (like math, history and languages)?

I think all the normal subjects are important and that is also for history. Because a LOTTT of the world you can only understand with history like for example now certain wars and politics and many things of the world you can only understand with history. BUTTTT some practical things are important too. We have for example society class (in Dutch maatschappijleer) and we discuss A LOTTTT about society. But you could also have maybe a practical skill class and you can learn for example some things that you also need. BUTTT some things you can also learn from your parents or friends maybe.

5️⃣ Is it ok to regift something? So you get a gift and you give that to somebody else as a present? And can you sell a gift on Marktplaats or Vinted or other sites?

I think that is allowed but only if the other person is not hurt by it. But if you will not use it and maybe somebody else would really like it i think it is not bad.

6️⃣ Do you think that Barbie is a feminist? (We saw this question and it was funny!!! ANDDD we think it is BOTH true and not true!!!!!)

Ok so we expected most people will say NOOO because of the beauty things. BUTTTT if you look at ANYTHING from Barbie like the movie or on Netflix or other things you see that she is super strong and independent and takes care of herself ANDDD others. So maybe she is also a feminist and shows super girl power that helps others too. So i think YESSS and NOOO but the most YESSS! 😛

Hello everybody! 🙋‍♀️ This time i made a forum with a friend from school and it was nice to make it!! 😊😇 BUTTT it is a serious forum with questions that we think are important. 🙄🙄🤓🤓 Sorry if they are maybe SUPERRR nerdy!!!!! 😋 Some questions we made ourselves and others we saw online and thought were good to ask!! 😛 We hope that you like the questions!! 😃

So here are our questions:

1️⃣ Do you think that torture is allowed if you MAY get information to STOPPP a terrorist attack where A LOTTTT of people can die?

2️⃣ Are mega cities the best solution if there is overpopulation and when there are not enough homes?

3️⃣ Do you think demonstrations of Extinction Rebellion are allowed for a better environment (e.g. blocking roads and highways)?

4️⃣ Do you think school should teach practical skills or would there not be enough time for normal things in school (like math, history and languages)?

5️⃣ Is it ok to regift something? So you get a gift and you give that to somebody else as a present? And can you sell a gift on Marktplaats or Vinted or other sites?

6️⃣ Do you think that Barbie is a feminist? (We saw this question and it was funny!!! ANDDD we think it is BOTH true and not true!!!!!)

Thank you very much if you want to answer the questions!! 🙏🙏🥰🥰🥰🥰

PS: I only tag people who gave permission 🙏🙏: @Pennarossa2024, @Fleurke, @NILU1234, @Etienne, @Simone724, @mayuuram, @Sarahsalah27, @Esma-Nur, @Annika2007, @Emmiiii_17_11, @Miss_Penpal, @Sabri_KC, @allstarcheer, @martutuni, @Roseeeee, @-Kiki- ⬅️ ❤️💚🩵💙💜🤗🤗

permission to write this forum?! i allready gave once permission, you never asked me permission for this one!

1 idk (i dont understand the question)

2 no, i dont think big citys are good in that case. I would even first say: first farmers and normal homes, then perhaps citys, but not too big.

3 (i wish i could understand the question)

4i do think schools must teach practical survival skills, more then anything else.

5 yes, i think its okay to do that.

6 a feminist?! what does that word stand for?!

permission to write this forum?! i allready gave once permission, you never asked me permission for this one!

hiii mare @LandRoverDiscovery2!! 😊😊 i am not really sure what you mean!! BUTTT i only tag people in the first post who gave permission to do that in forums i write so they get a message that there is a new forum that i made.

so this is different when for example you want to ask smb a question or if you tag in a forum about maybe smt that a person may like. this is about letting people know that there is a new forum that i wrote and they gave permission for it. 🙂

hiii mare @LandRoverDiscovery2!! 😊😊 i am not really sure what you mean!! BUTTT i only tag people in the first post who gave permission to do that in forums i write so they get a message that there is a new forum that i made.

so this is different when for example you want to ask smb a question or if you tag in a forum about maybe smt that a person may like. this is about letting people know that there is a new forum that i wrote and they gave permission for it. 🙂

well, still not sure i understand how it works; i from now of on give you permission too 😉

well, still not sure i understand how it works; i from now of on give you permission too 😉

Thanks a lottt Mare @LandRoverDiscovery2!! 😊😊🥰🥰🥰

Thanks a lottt Mare @LandRoverDiscovery2!! 😊😊🥰🥰🥰

your very welcome 🙂😃 <3

1️⃣ Do you think that torture is allowed if you MAY get information to STOPPP a terrorist attack where A LOTTTT of people can die? DIFFICULT QUESTION BUT FOR THIS QUESTION YES BUT NOT FOR PEOPLE WHO DONT DO SOMETHING WRONG

2️⃣ Are mega cities the best solution if there is overpopulation and when there are not enough homes? NO

3️⃣ Do you think demonstrations of Extinction Rebellion are allowed for a better environment (e.g. blocking roads and highways)? NO BECAUSE THOSE DEMONSTRATIONS HELPED NOBODY

4️⃣ Do you think school should teach practical skills or would there not be enough time for normal things in school (like math, history and languages)? YES

5️⃣ Is it ok to regift something? So you get a gift and you give that to somebody else as a present? And can you sell a gift on Marktplaats or Vinted or other sites? YES HHHH I DIDT IT 2 TIMES WITH A PRESENT I DONT LIKE

6️⃣ Do you think that Barbie is a feminist? (We saw this question and it was funny!!! ANDDD we think it is BOTH true and not true!!!!!) YEEEEEES

1️⃣ Do you think that torture is allowed if you MAY get information to STOPPP a terrorist attack where A LOTTTT of people can die?
The fact that's an IF, MAY means it's not sure that the person knows the information, so I would say no.

2️⃣ Are mega cities the best solution if there is overpopulation and when there are not enough homes?

3️⃣ Do you think demonstrations of Extinction Rebellion are allowed for a better environment (e.g. blocking roads and highways)?
nope, makes it worse as cars can't move

4️⃣ Do you think school should teach practical skills or would there not be enough time for normal things in school (like math, history and languages)?

for sure, and be more focussed on the future.
5️⃣ Is it ok to regift something? So you get a gift and you give that to somebody else as a present? And can you sell a gift on Marktplaats or Vinted or other sites?
wouldn't do it myself

6️⃣ Do you think that Barbie is a feminist? (We saw this question and it was funny!!! ANDDD we think it is BOTH true and not true!!!!!)

1️⃣ Do you think that torture is allowed if you MAY get information to STOPPP a terrorist attack where A LOTTTT of people can die?
The fact that's an IF, MAY means it's not sure that the person knows the information, so I would say no.

2️⃣ Are mega cities the best solution if there is overpopulation and when there are not enough homes?

3️⃣ Do you think demonstrations of Extinction Rebellion are allowed for a better environment (e.g. blocking roads and highways)?
nope, makes it worse as cars can't move

4️⃣ Do you think school should teach practical skills or would there not be enough time for normal things in school (like math, history and languages)?

for sure, and be more focussed on the future.
5️⃣ Is it ok to regift something? So you get a gift and you give that to somebody else as a present? And can you sell a gift on Marktplaats or Vinted or other sites?
wouldn't do it myself

6️⃣ Do you think that Barbie is a feminist? (We saw this question and it was funny!!! ANDDD we think it is BOTH true and not true!!!!!)

1) torture is something unimaginable. Tortures brings out something inhumane and unbelievable from a human. I think it’s one of the worst things ever in the whole universe. But so is the pain of innocent parents,young couples,friends,relatives,kids etc…dying for no reason because of terrorist attacks. I think that it’s the only thing that could control monsters like that. And not all of them i should add. So yes. I think also who hurts and tortures animals deserves it,rapists deserves it,crazy serial killers deserves it…and other kind of bad people.

3) sometimes they are necessary. But only if they don’t damage innocent people.

4) yes why not. Here in sweden,in EVERY school,there are some subjects that are OBLIGATORY and you get grades obviously they are totally normal subjects. Those classes are sewing class and woodworking class. Personally i am so bad at both of them and i hate them,cause I arrived here only 2 yrs ago. But i see other students doing crazy beautiful things and they have a lot of fun,seriously,you need to see the beautiful plushies,clothes,pillows and many other things they make all by themselves and the furnitures,objects and so on that they make by themselves at woodworking class.

5) to be honest i did it and i don’t regret it cause i needed money and i got those money from gifts i never used (for example a pair of dr martens,a ysl bag,a dior concealer…I mostly sell expensive things to make it worth it)

1️⃣ Do you think that torture is allowed if you MAY get information to STOPPP a terrorist attack where A LOTTTT of people can die?

You can make someone admit anything under torture, so I don't think it should be allowed more than that unless proven efficient. If I take myself as an example though, I would probably admit that I am a flying giraffe that galops on rainbows and only feed on cough syrup if you started to torture me.

2️⃣ Are mega cities the best solution if there is overpopulation and when there are not enough homes?

The best solution is basically to lower the human population, but I'm afraid that it is done through very unethical processes 😉
I haven't heard of megacities as a solution for overpopulation actually. I heard it more in ecology with the opposition of land sparing (having big cities and corwded places, but natural areas where there is no humans elsewhere, like in the US) vs land sharing (small cities/village in which nature is shared with humans).

3️⃣ Do you think demonstrations of Extinction Rebellion are allowed for a better environment (e.g. blocking roads and highways)?

I can't help but facepalming when I see these organizations with almost only city people talking wrongly about a subject and often twisting terms to give a very bad advertisement to a science. I have rarely seen anything productive from Extinction Rebellion and alikes when I heard of them; on the contrary, I see an antagonization of society and often a good pinch of hypocrisy and ignorance of their topic.

4️⃣ Do you think school should teach practical skills or would there not be enough time for normal things in school (like math, history and languages)?

Students already don't speak or write French anymore and can't do basic maths in France. Maybe they should first focus in reducing the hours spent at school and make it more efficient before eventually thinking about teaching them to cook or do administrative tasks (which would probably be very useful)

5️⃣ Is it ok to regift something? So you get a gift and you give that to somebody else as a present? And can you sell a gift on Marktplaats or Vinted or other sites?

Depends on the people I guess. For me, it displeases me when I offer something to someone, and see that it has no value in his eyes. I can accept it, because it's given to them and they do whatever they want, but I value gifts from other and keep them with me, so I'd prefer it to be equal.

Thanks very much everybody who took time to answer the questions!!!!! I was not surprised that most agreed with some questions like for example about torture and ER. But for example the question about Barbie was super different and also some different answers about regifting presents!!!

Now one more question for @Lianshen WITHOUT TORTURE!!!! 🙂 Did you explain a SECRET??? So maybe you are a flying giraffe that galops on rainbows and only feed on cough syrup!!! You can say that of course without us giving you only water and bread for a WEEK!!!! 😛 😛

1️⃣ Do you think that torture is allowed if you MAY get information to STOPPP a terrorist attack where A LOTTTT of people can die

It’s questionable how effective torture actually is (people will say anything, not necessarily something actually true), so all other methods would have to be tested and you‘d need to have evidence the person actually has information.

It depends heavily on the situation (who are you interrogating (terrorist, just someone associated with a terrorist, some suspect)how much time(to try out other methods and gather additional info)etc.) whether torture is an actual option and how high the chance of success is. But I doubt torture would be a viable option in most cases.

2️⃣ Are mega cities the best solution if there is overpopulation and when there are not enough homes?

I mean, people have to go somewhere. At some point naturally growing cities always reach some limit of their infrastructure and the with bigger cities and more important infrastructure it becomes more difficult to adjust the infrastructure. So building „designer cities“ or arcologies seem like a good idea. So cities designed to house a certain amount of people, relatively self sufficient

So if well executed arcologies would be a great solution.

3️⃣ Do you think demonstrations of Extinction Rebellion are allowed for a better environment (e.g. blocking roads and highways)?

Such actions certainly gain attention to your cause, but they don’t directly cause people/the government to rethink.

So per se not useful actions

4️⃣ Do you think school should teach practical skills or would there not be enough time for normal things in school (like math, history and languages)?


School teaches a lot if stuff most people will never need in their lives. Stuff like managing money, getting insurances, taxes etc. are perfectly fit to be taught in school and universally useful.

5️⃣ Is it ok to regift something? So you get a gift and you give that to somebody else as a present? And can you sell a gift on Marktplaats or Vinted or other sites?

Most gifts are either something you actually wished for (some specific interest, something useful), some personal and emotional gift or something more or less random. Gifts of the first two categories are things you don’t want to regift/sell and are maybe unfit to regift/sell. People usually have no emotional attachment to random stuff they gift, so regifting/selling is no problem.

6️⃣ Do you think that Barbie is a feminist? (We saw this question and it was funny!!! ANDDD we think it is BOTH true and not true!!!!!)

I mean, it’s a toy produced to make money. I doubt moral messages are the main concern of the design and marketing teams behind Barbie.

These are just my conclusion, without a lot of the thoughts to arrive there and I didn’t do any research on these topics, just based on my knowledge and experience and some thinking.

So feel free to comment, ask and deliver actual facts/research.