🔥🪵 The PPG Camp Fire 🪵🔥

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well, i think this forum will be very nice an a lot of fun, even interesting @Yue_ 🙂

Camp fire story of Mare (normally i dont call my own name):

i was born in the Cantal, Auvergne, France (wich is why i speak French fluently), but both my parents are dutch (wich is the same reason that my passport is dutch and my native mother language is dutch). We were living on a farm, and we were doing homeschool, but lately they made it impossible for us to do home school, so we moved to a small village in the centre of Portugal because they said that in Portugal you are allowed to do homeschool. Though at the other side of our house there was a belgian woman (not @Fleurke😉) living, and she was very much thinking in the way of: children must go to school, so she called those people who are suppost to take care of children and they sended the police to our house. Those people even wanted my parents to sign that they were not feeding us well, my parents (luckily) avoided that paper. Then we dicided to go to France for a few months, and come back later to let everything callm down, meanwhile we would put a lawyer on it. When we were sitting in the vacation house (at that time it wasnt vacation) of dutch people we know, in a village called Le Luguet, the hole covid stuff came, lock down, vaccine etc. My parents first of all wanted to know what exactly we were dealing with if we were talking about covid, so they began to read everyhwhere, and suddenly they find out covid is just a normal grip, nothing to worry about, wich also means that the hole lockdown story was nonsense. We were only allowed to go to the nearest supermarket, with a paper of where we were living so the police (controlling on the road) could see how much distance you were from your home. We knew some people who were driving around with a hole package of such papers, so tey could go everywhere tey wanted 😛.

One day actually my mother blew up the motor of our well loved Renault Master (with a pink pyranja at one side, and a pink elephant at the other side 😆), the vehicle was towed to the garage, and from there (saidly, very saidly) to the junkyard. We knew we needed an other van, so we bought a double cap 7 places 3,5 tons 2005 Renault Mascott (old EDF vehicle, EDF: Electricité Du France). We made a camper out of it, and after a while serving for the house of a good friend of ours who was living nearby Pontaumur, we dicided to go to Romania, where we knew someone who we wanted to meet.

So we went on our way to Romania. Passing true Italy where we eat delicious icecream and we saw a very lot of Alfa Romeo's, Ferrari's and Lamborghini's (really amazing), we even once saw a Lamborghini Urus parked by a house. Then we went true Slovenia, and then i think true Kroatia, and finally we reached Romania. We met that guy in Bucharest, cuz his ex wife was living there (he had 1 son called Tudor), we slept 1 night in that house, and the next morning we drove to a small village in the region of Buzau (i was sitting next to that guy in his KIA Ceed)(that village was something like 1 hour drive from Bucharest). We stayd for 1 year in that small village called Rusavat. We worked for the guy, and we playd with the kids of the village (in and on the van, they knew exactly how to open van and trailer, but they never did). After that we dicided we also wanted to explore Harghita, the hungarian part of Romania. So we rented a car (at that time our van was standing in the garage) the car was a Dacia Lodgy, and with that car we drove to Harghita, where we went to see a wood cabin for rent in the forest. We dicided to rent a cabin and came back with our own van. The guy who rented the cabin to us introduced us to his brother, it was a rainy day and when we were trying to get our van uphill (a not asfalted muddy hill) we couldnt get the van up, it was the hole time slipping. So the brother of the renter happed in our van (my mother sitting right at the side of him) and he let the van role backwards for a while, till we couldnt see it anymore. Then he came back with a lot of speed an in its second gear, he came up, slipping and taking the hole road with the vehicle-body, but it came up. So we learned something new: does your van not come up? then put it in its second gear and drive up with a lot of speed. We rented the cabin for i think a few months, meanwhile we met someone with horses who spoke perfectly French, and he became a good friend of ours. After a few months the renter guy asked us his cabin back, but he showd us the house of his mother we could live in, so we moved to the old house of his mother (in the village Vacaresti). We also helped that french speaking guy with getting the hay from his fields (hanging his old trailer after our van cuz his own Suzuki Vitara was broken down). After a think quit a long time, the guy who let us live in the old house of his mother, told us that he sold it, so if it was possible that we could move away; it was possible, that french speaking guy talked with aguy who had a house much closer to Miercurea-Ciuc, from whom he was using the barn to storage the hay. Theguy said that we may live in that house for as long as we wanted(he was living somewhere else), but on 1 condition; we would keep everything clean. So we did that. Actually we wanted to buy a farm there, but land was far to expensive for us, we wanted to have atleast 10 hectare, but the price out there was even going up to 35€/square meter. So wecouldnt stay there. Me, my mother and my 3 brothers went to take a look in Bulgaria with our van, because we also had ducks (and i think even chickens) my father stayd at home. He wanted to rent a car by a company we knew, but an other friend of ours, who spoke dutch, got a bit mad about that and said that it would become much cheaper if he rented his car, so he rented his car, a Hyundai Accent.

In bulgaria we found nearby Veliko Tarnovo a plot of land we wanted to buy. So we payd first some money, so the plot couldnt get sold to someone else. Meanwhile we drove some more round Bulgaria, and we even helped an old guy getting his old GAZ Volga started again, cuz he was creating a file with it, and we werethe only one stopping forhim.

Then after a while we went back to Romania. We bought a second van (Ford Transit from 2001), to transport our stuff, and to make sure there wouldbe more room for 6 people (the Transit turned out to be the worst van weve ever bought).

But just before we wanted to move to bulgaria, we got a message that the owner of the land sold it to someone else without telling the real estate agent, gggggrrrrrrr!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! so we went back to bulgaria, to get our allready paidmoney back. Then we travlet furhter, true Serbia where we made a stop to change the front window of our Renault Mascott, and then further true Bosnia and Herzegovina where westayd a few months to change the motor of our Ford Transit. Thenwe went true Kroatia to find a garage who could do something about the Transit gearbox. We left him by a HAK garage and went further with our renault to Italy to meet a dutch familly of 6 people my motherwas in contact with. We stayd by that familly till we got a message that our van was ready. We went back to kroatia and got our transit back, we drove less then a kilometer with it, and then we found out there still was a problem with. We back to the garage, it seemed that they didnt repair what we asked them to do (idk anymore what they "repaird"), we went to be very angry about it, but when they refused to do something about it, we put something on the sencor of there gate so it wouldnt close yet, and we drove with both vans true the kroatian mountains. Lately we couldnt get the vehicle further then its first gear, so we parked it at fron of a house, told the house woner we were going to search for a garage, and went on our way to find an other garage. In a village not far from there we found a garage wit Pat&Mat (Buurman&Buurman) on the door, so we were allready trusted that it was a good garage. The guy came with us to pick up the transit, but his vehicle couldnt get the van up. So we asked him to guess what the weight of our transit was, he said: well, mine can easely tow up 3,5 ton, so this vehicle must weight 4/4,5 ton. Ooooppppssssss!!!!!!!!!!!! atleast a ton overloaded!!!!!!! so we had to bring the vehicle to the garage ourselfs. Meanwhile we stayd on a very small tiny camping (with maybe 5 stand places) till our van was ready. We went back, and yes this time heactually was repaird, the garage guy changed the gearbox (what we asked him to do) and he told us what the next problem wouldbe, but he dint do anything about it cuz we didnt ask for it. So we went further true Italy, where we found a plot of land we might wanted to buy, but first we wanted to take a look in spain, just to be sure we didnt want to live in spain. So we left the transit on a parking place nearby the border with france, and went to spain with our french van. Actually we liked it better in spain then in italy, so we stayd much longer then planned, and when we got back to italy, we luckily found our transit van exactly like we left it.

And then we bought this farm in Galicia, the north of Spain. Im gonna end this story here, cuz even if its missing some things, its getting allready veeeerrrryyyyyy long.

Why did you guys try to do homeschooling in france even if its illegal there? What do you expect?

your welcome andthankyou 🙂<3

but you must know there are some small things missing, i only didnt writem cuz the story allready went tobe very long.

Dont worry if it is long @LandRoverDiscovery2!! I liked it, but you already knew that!! 🙂 And you can post a camp fire story as often as you want!! 🏆🥇 Others can always choose how much they read of Camp Fire stories, but i will read everything of course when i have time!!! 😛 😛

📸️ 📸️ 📸️ I have to post the screenshots on my notes cause i can’t copy and paste idk why

It was actually super smart to post the screenshots bc that also worked well!! 🙂 I ❤️❤️ reading what you wrote and this is exactly what i hoped with this forum!! There was not really one forum yet for more deep personal stuff or just other personal stories like this. I hope that people will keep sharing nice memories or other things that are important for them. It is a very nice way to get to know each other more and understand other members. That is what i hoped with this forum!! 🌸🌼🌻

And i also like Anne Frank A LOTTTT!!! The next time we walk next to her house in Amsterdam i will make a photo for you!! 😊😇

"Oxiu throws some wood into the fire"

Thank you very much @Oxiu!! 😊😊 You keep everybody warm and nice and the Camp Fire!!! 🔥🔥🪵 And i hope that maybe one time you also want to share a nice story or memory!! 🥰🌞🌞

Why did you guys try to do homeschooling in france even if its illegal there? What do you expect?

for as far as i know, it wasnt illigal in france, but just as in portugal (where it was legal) they made it us impossible.

Okay, I have some short story that happened not so long ago. I was in norway airport, tired, with all my stuff attached around my backpack. And I was... A bit scared. Like... In Poland, they refused me from gate, because I had backpack straps too loose. But there was point, where I was able to pay and use stretch foil and squeze my stuff really tight. Yes, Im kind of person that such worries like: "WHAT IF THEY WILL TELL ME THAT SOMETHING WITH MY LUGGAGE IS WRONG OR THEY WILL CALL ME AND ASK ABOUT MY KNIFE" are 50% of my anxiety.

In Norway, before I arrived to airport, I visitsd few shops (with tools) and warehouse, and nobody knew what I wanted from them. Like, as if stretch foil was forbidden in Norway or something. Dear Lord.

Okay, I was hoping that maybe, like in Poland, they have proper service of this kind in airport. So... At the Oslo airport, I go to service point, to some guy in elegant jacket with darker skin colour (I was'nt thinking about it, it just happened to be a thing a moment later), and I ask him, where could I find some stretch to wrap my stuff. He said: "Oh, You could look for a construction store".

- Do You have one here in airport?

- No, sir. I like Your scarf. Where do You have it from? It's palestinian?

- Umm... Well, I bought it in Poland

Well, now I should mention, I wear white shenmagh almost every day (of course Im washing it), and this time in airport, I also had it.

Okay, I ask him again:

- So I can't find stretch anywhere in airport?

- No sir, I don't think so. But You know what? I will give You.

- What, You have a stretch?!

- I have a stretch. I will borrow it to You, because I like your scarf. But remember to give me it back.

- Of course I will, thank You!

He went to some steel cabinet and gave me the stretch foil.

I was saved, and I was calm because I didn't have any reasons to worry about my things.

White scarft, shenmagh, "arafata" we call it in polish, is sign of solidarity with Palestinian people, Ive read it later.

Since then, I call that scarf: "My lucky scarf".

Sorry for eventual mistakes in english.

Günlerden bir gün ben evde yalnızdım. Annem ve ablam Türkiye’deler (ablam bacakini yaralamıştı o yüzden fazladan kalmislardi) ve Babam’da işe gitmişti ve evde yoktu. Nedenini bilmiyorum ama ben camları ve kapıları açık bırakmaktan nefret ediyorum, evde yalnız olayım olmayayım. Neyse o günde evin kapılarının hepsini kapattım. Ama evdeki camların bazıları acıktı, ve balkon kapısı (Solon/Oturma odasında) acıktı. Son olarak dış kapı/apartmanın salonuna giden kapı kapalıydı ve bir şey olmasın diye kilitliydi. Kendi odama gelince kapım kapalı ve camım kapalı ve panjurları inikti. Saat öğleden sonra/akşam 19:30’du. Evde yalnız olduğum icin çok sevincliydim. Çok sık evde yalnız başıma kalamıyorum. Neyse, o gün odamda ablamla kendi yatağımın arasındaki boşluğa kendime küçük bir “çadır“ yaptım ve orada filim bakacaktım. Oraya saat neredeyse gece yarisi olunca uzanmıştım ve filim açacaktım ama bir anda internetimiz ve elektriklerimiz kesilmişti. Bu Almanya’da vede benim yaşadığım şehirde ilk gibi bir şeydi. Ebeveynlerimi yada ailemden başka üyeleri arayıp haber veremiyordum çünkü kontürüm bitmiş ve dış-internetim evimizin icinde sinyal alamıyordu. Paniklemedim, kitap okumak icin kullandığım minik bir elfenerini arayıp buldum ve onu açtım. Düsündüm ve Kitap okuyup, biraz Tabletimde çizim yapıp yatmaya karar verdim. Kitap okurken bir anda sanki evimizin icinde biri yürüyordu. Bir şey oldugunu düşünmedim. Kitap okumayı bitirince Tabletimi elime almiştim ve acmaya çalışırken şarjı %0 gösterdi. Sasırmıştım. Masama koymadan önce %100 dü. Bilgisayarımda biraz kitabimi yazmaya devam etmek istedim ve acmaya çalıştım ama ondada %0 gösterdi. Oysaki emindim ki olacaktı ve en az 1 saatlik şarjı vardi. Saate bakıp uyumak istedim, bu olay beni korkutmuştu. Ama telefonumu acmaya çalıştığımda onunda şarjı bomboştu… Bunu görünce sanki mos mor olmuştum… Altima yapabilirdim. O anda bir daha ayak sesleri duydum. Sakin kalmaya çalıştım. Abim gelmiştir (Abim evli ama evimize anahtarı var) ve bana bir essek şakası yapıyor diye düşünmüştüm ve korkumu geciktirmiştim. Ama halen elektronik cihazlarımın neden şarjlarinin bittiğini çözemiyordum. Bir anda büyük bir ses duydum. Sanki salon/oturma odasının kapisini biri açıp çok sesli bir sekilde çarpılmış gibiydi. Ben korkudan ölüyordum ve aklima gelen ilk şey cami açıp hava almak. Cama yaklaşınca ayak sesleri sanki çoğalıyormuş gibiydi. Etrafta olan bir çakım vardi onu elime aldım ve ve cami açtım, hava alıyordum. Ayni zamanda Dua ediyordum ve gözlerim kapalı bir şekilde çakıyla oynuyordum. O anda boynumda bir nefes hissettim. İçten ice panikledim ama dışa belli etmemeye çalıştım. Bir anda Allah(/Tanrı) bana bir kuvvet verdi ve çakıyı hızla açıp arkamda ne varsa üstüne sapladım. Saniyeler sonra elektrik ve internet geri geldi. O anda odamın ışığını acıldı ve yerde ve tüm üstümde simsiyah bir renk vardi. Yere oturup ağlamaya başladım. Odamın camına baktığımda sanki önceki gibi cam kapalıydı ve hersey normale dönüşmüştü sadece üstümdeki ve yerdeki siyah boya kalmıştı. O anda camın altına düşmüş bir not gördüm. Üstünde o siyah maddeyle sunlar yazıyordu: Seni unutmayacağım, bir daha gelicem… Saate baktığımda elektrikler kesilmeden önceki saatle ayniydi ve tüm elektronik aletlerim çalışıyordu. Kimse bu elektrik ve internet kesintisi olmadı diyorlar… Kimseye bir şey söylemedim ama o pijamamı ve notu yaktım ve küllerine dualar okuyup bir dereye uçurdum. Şimdiye kadar bir daha o “canavarı“ görmedim ve böyle bir olay olmadı…

One day, I was alone at home. My mother and sister are in Turkey (my sister injured her leg, so they stayed extra) and my father also went to work and was not at home. I don't know why, but I hate leaving windows and doors open, whether I'm alone at home or not. Anyway, I closed all the doors of the house that day. But some of the windows in the house were hungry, and the balcony door (Solon/in the living room) was hungry. Finally, the door leading to the outer door/living room of the apartment was closed and locked so that nothing would happen. When I came to my own room, my door was closed and my window was closed and the shutters were lowered. It was 19:30 in the afternoon/evening. I was very happy to be alone at home. I can't stay alone at home very often. Anyway, that day I made myself a small "tent" in the space between my sister and my own bed in my room and I was going to look at the movie there. I was lying there when it was almost midnight and I was going to open the movie, but suddenly our internet and electricity were cut off. This was the first thing in Germany and the city I lived in. I could not call and inform my parents or other members from my family because my contour was over and my external-internet could not receive a signal inside our house. I didn't panic, I searched for a tiny elfener that I used to read books, I found it and opened it. I thought and decided to read a book, draw some on my tablet and go to bed. While reading a book, it was as if someone was walking in our house. I didn't think something was happening. When I finished reading a book, I picked up my tablet and the charge showed 0% while trying to hurt. I was surprised. It was 100% before putting it on my desk. I wanted to continue writing some of my book on my computer and I tried to hurt it, but it showed 0%. However, I was sure it would be and it had at least 1 hour of charge. I wanted to look at the clock and sleep, this incident scared me. But when I tried to open my phone, its charge was empty... When I saw this, it was as if I was moss purple... I could do Altima. At that moment, I heard footsteps again. I tried to stay calm. My brother came (my brother is married but he has a key to our house) and I thought he was making an essek joke on me and I delayed my fear. But I still couldn't figure out why my electronic devices ran out of charge. Suddenly I heard a big voice. It was as if someone opened the door of the living room/living room and was hit very loudly. I was dying of fear and the first thing that comes to my mind is to open a mosque and get air. When he approached the window, the footsteps seemed to multiply. I had a knife around, I picked it up and opened a mosque, I was getting some air. At the same time, I was praying and playing with the knife with my eyes closed. At that moment, I felt a breath in my neck. I panicked from the inside, but I tried not to show it to the outside. Suddenly, Allah (/God) gave me a strength and I quickly opened the knife and put whatever was behind me. Seconds later, electricity and internet came back. At that moment, the light of my room turned on and there was a pitch black color on the floor and all over me. I started sitting on the floor and crying. When I looked at the window of my room, it was as if the window was closed as before and everything had turned normal, only the black paint on me and on the floor was left. At that moment, I saw a note falling under the window. Suns with that black material were written on it: I won't forget you, I'll come back... Looking at the clock, it was the same as the clock before the electricity was cut off, and all my electronic devices were running. No one says there was no electricity and internet outage... I didn't say anything to anyone, but I burned my pajamas and note and prayed to the ashes and flew it to a stream. I've never seen that "monster" again and nothing like this has happened...

(WARNING: This story is made up!)

I want to ask @Miss_Penpal for a story. I think she has good ones!


Once, many time ago, i wanted to take distance from the society the modern world, and to take some time for myself. So, i decided to take a boat and travel across the sea; it didn't matter the destination, all i wanted i to find some peace, stay in the nature and explore the sea. But the sea is not only a place of blessing, but also a dangerous place. After few days of navigation, a storm surprised me. There were very big waves and many lightnings in the sky and, eventually, a strong typhoon destroyed my boat. I luckily survived just because the storm finished soon, and i found some woods to use as raft. But i was drifting, completely lost in the middle of the sea, without food nor water and at the mercy of the waves. As if all of this wasn't enough, i started to see many shark fins swimming around me, and i understood i was done. But, suddenly, i noticed something else swimming in the sea. They have a familiar human shapes and it didn't require much to figure out they were three beautiful mermaids. The mermaids chased the sharks away and dragged my raft towards a specific direction. After some time, i realized the were leading me to a island. When we reached it, the mermaids disappeared in the sea, after saving my life. Then, i was ready to explore the island and find a way to survive but suddenly... my alarm clock rang, and i woke up!

Thank you very much @Oxiu for telling your story!!! In my school i have a lot of friends and when they talk they call each other brother and sister a LOTTT. And next time he helps you than you can say that too to thank him. 🙂 It is very friendly that he helped. Did you like your vacation in Norway? I hope that it was super nice!!! 🌈🌞

And sukran a lottttt mulany @Esma-Nur for your story!!! 🙏🙏 i liked it that you wrote in Turkish too bc i try to think how it sounds and i read some lines even when i have NO IDEAAA what it said!! But after that i read the english story and that was super tense!!!!!!!!! and you are RIGHTTT about @Miss_Penpal and she is a master story writer so she and everybody is SUPER WELCOME at the camp fire.

For the Camp Fire i hope everybody gets SPACE for their personal story or memory and anything that they want to write and that is important for them. And that everybody can write nice things about it and be respectful about it.

Once, many time ago, i wanted to take distance from the society the modern world, and to take some time for myself. So, i decided to take a boat and travel across the sea; it didn't matter the destination, all i wanted i to find some peace, stay in the nature and explore the sea. But the sea is not only a place of blessing, but also a dangerous place. After few days of navigation, a storm surprised me. There were very big waves and many lightnings in the sky and, eventually, a strong typhoon destroyed my boat. I luckily survived just because the storm finished soon, and i found some woods to use as raft. But i was drifting, completely lost in the middle of the sea, without food nor water and at the mercy of the waves. As if all of this wasn't enough, i started to see many shark fins swimming around me, and i understood i was done. But, suddenly, i noticed something else swimming in the sea. They have a familiar human shapes and it didn't require much to figure out they were three beautiful mermaids. The mermaids chased the sharks away and dragged my raft towards a specific direction. After some time, i realized the were leading me to a island. When we reached it, the mermaids disappeared in the sea, after saving my life. Then, i was ready to explore the island and find a way to survive but suddenly... my alarm clock rang, and i woke up!

Your story is both beautiful and super scary (sharks are my BIGGEST FEAR of everything) and also very sweet. BUTTTT i expected when you said beautiful mermaids that maybe after saving you that you would all be together on the island to live there. But they disappeared!!! And your alarm clock went off!!!!

Now i want to know how did you look immediately after that:

1️⃣ 😵‍💫

2️⃣ 🥰

3️⃣ 🥱

4️⃣ 🥳

5️⃣ 😧

Or different? 😛

Your story is both beautiful and super scary (sharks are my BIGGEST FEAR of everything) and also very sweet. BUTTTT i expected when you said beautiful mermaids that maybe after saving you that you would all be together on the island to live there. But they disappeared!!! And your alarm clock went off!!!!

Now i want to know how did you look immediately after that:

1️⃣ 😵‍💫

2️⃣ 🥰

3️⃣ 🥱

4️⃣ 🥳

5️⃣ 😧

Or different? 😛

Both 1 and 5 🦈 🦈 🦈

Both 1 and 5 🦈 🦈 🦈

I think if you are on the island WITH the 3 beautiful mermaids to live together you would be like 😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫 if they TALK all the time and DONT STOPPP!!!! 🥳🥳

And @Roseeeee can i ask you about the guy from when you were 8 and also your friend when the police found you: do you still know them and are you in contact? Are they same or not at all? If you lost contact, i think it would be very special if you suddenly meet each other again!!! That could be like k-drama story!!! 🥰🥰

I think if you are on the island WITH the 3 beautiful mermaids to live together you would be like 😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫 if they TALK all the time and DONT STOPPP!!!! 🥳🥳

And @Roseeeee can i ask you about the guy from when you were 8 and also your friend when the police found you: do you still know them and are you in contact? Are they same or not at all? If you lost contact, i think it would be very special if you suddenly meet each other again!!! That could be like k-drama story!!! 🥰🥰

That would be super cool but…i don’t remember his name

That would be super cool but…i don’t remember his name

In any case you have a super nice memory and NOBODYYY can take that away from you. And you have that together with him always even if you dont know his name or where he is. ❤️❤️👩‍❤️‍👨

Why did you guys try to do homeschooling in france even if its illegal there? What do you expect?

Haven't read yet, but I'm pretty sure that homeschooling is NOT illegal in France. I have seen a few people from there, and even a famous Youtuber who were homeschooled. The problem would pretty much lie in the content of the learning.

My camp fire story:

As a child, I was crazy. I was naive etc. (which every kid on this planet is.)

When this thing happened I was 3/4 years old and went to Kindergarden.

I had a Best friend there, Aleyna. She was 4/5 years (she was around a year older then me).

We played together etc. And then we had time to play outside. We both talked and somehow cane to the topic visiting eachother.

Then suddenly we came to the conclusion to going to my house (probably I asked her that and she said yes). After the conclusion we made a plan: In one of the next Children whos parents are there to get them we will just ran and hide behind the bushes till they go and then go ourselves. We did that wihiut anyone noticing. Then we talked again. Aleyna said she was afraid and I was like: Come on nothing will happen bal bla. But Aleyna didnt want to go.

Afer this I just said to her: Ok Aleyna then I go home and you stay here. And I just went outside.

(My home till my Kindergarden are 15 min away whih is around 1 km)

After this I was almost home and then Someone got me from the back. AND I STARTED SCREMING AND BIT THE PERSONS HAND. I fell on the ground snd stand up to run. Before I could run I saw the face of the person: the person was my favorite teacher from Kindergarden.

I was OK at the end but my mom was angry and as a Excuse I said that I wanted to brush my hair and saved Aleynas Butt too and My mom didnt gave me sweets for 2 months or one i dont remember well. But yeah thats it =)

My camp fire story:

As a child, I was crazy. I was naive etc. (which every kid on this planet is.)

When this thing happened I was 3/4 years old and went to Kindergarden.

I had a Best friend there, Aleyna. She was 4/5 years (she was around a year older then me).

We played together etc. And then we had time to play outside. We both talked and somehow cane to the topic visiting eachother.

Then suddenly we came to the conclusion to going to my house (probably I asked her that and she said yes). After the conclusion we made a plan: In one of the next Children whos parents are there to get them we will just ran and hide behind the bushes till they go and then go ourselves. We did that wihiut anyone noticing. Then we talked again. Aleyna said she was afraid and I was like: Come on nothing will happen bal bla. But Aleyna didnt want to go.

Afer this I just said to her: Ok Aleyna then I go home and you stay here. And I just went outside.

(My home till my Kindergarden are 15 min away whih is around 1 km)

After this I was almost home and then Someone got me from the back. AND I STARTED SCREMING AND BIT THE PERSONS HAND. I fell on the ground snd stand up to run. Before I could run I saw the face of the person: the person was my favorite teacher from Kindergarden.

I was OK at the end but my mom was angry and as a Excuse I said that I wanted to brush my hair and saved Aleynas Butt too and My mom didnt gave me sweets for 2 months or one i dont remember well. But yeah thats it =)

Wowww thank you very much Mulanyyy @Esma-Nur!!! The time that the person came from the back that must be SUPER SCARRY because you dont expect it at all!!! 😬😬🙄🙄🙄

In our country it is normal that you can go to school with the bike soon like for example when you are 7 it is ok to go on your bike with friends from school but also with your parents. But NOTTTT when you are 3 or 4!!!! I think that if you are that age and you walk alone that older people will ask where your parents are bc it is too dangerous!!!

Do you still have contact with your friend Aleyna? 🙂

Wowww thank you very much Mulanyyy @Esma-Nur!!! The time that the person came from the back that must be SUPER SCARRY because you dont expect it at all!!! 😬😬🙄🙄🙄

In our country it is normal that you can go to school with the bike soon like for example when you are 7 it is ok to go on your bike with friends from school but also with your parents. But NOTTTT when you are 3 or 4!!!! I think that if you are that age and you walk alone that older people will ask where your parents are bc it is too dangerous!!!

Do you still have contact with your friend Aleyna? 🙂

Sadly no .... I MISS ALEYNA ... =( but i dont remember but i passed c.a. 0,75 of the one km and till there i dont remember really well how i came there

Camp Fire story of Yue

This is only a small camp fire story. But for me it is important even if people think maybe that some things are weird. In Nanjing is where my grandma lives and she is still alive. BUTTTT she has dementia and it gets more worse and worse. I thought that dementia was only that you forget things. But people who suffer from it can also have a lot of physical problems like walking or other things like feeling dizzy or being super confused.

When she did not yet have dementia we went some summer vacations to China. Not every year because that is too expensive for us. But when we went we stayed always with family and took care and talked with my grandparents. That was really nice and they are super kind.

My granddad is good in telling stories about family, Chinese stories or adventures. My grandma TALKSSS a lot about many things and she always listens if i talk with her and ask questions. A lot of things that she said to me I remember still very good and i will never forget.

One of the things she taught me is about the nature of every person. She believes that every person is like a nature element. And it is important to know what nature element you are because it is best to act like your nature or maybe things can be super unnatural and not in balance. For example she said that I am like her: water. It means that you are more soft in nature and you always try to give to people. But you can also be hurt ease for example by somebody who is like fire and that you cant deal very well if somebody is fiercely like a fire. Because you shut down and block. So you have strength but are maybe weaker with some other things. I have a special necklace that i keep to myself. I lost it once but found it again and i keep it super to myself and protect it. It is not expensive but it is special and important for me. It is a necklace with a hanger of a water drop that my grandma gave to me. And she told me that if you are uncertain what to do than you can think what would be the best like your nature. And do that.

I know that maybe most people dont believe in a nature of every person like that but i do. It has helped me a lot and even when it is now super difficult to talk with my grandma i will never forget it.