Films, music, TV

Disney song
Can you share your song list:)
Help for a song's text
What’s Your Most Played Album
Avril Lavigne
Pretty Little Liars
Acting in movies
Favorite Netflix serie ;)
Where are my Sleeping With Sirens Fans?
Music Genre and Singers
Who´s your favourite character in "the-Magicians"-serie
Christmas meal
Musical or Broadway show?
Eurovision 2020 ONLY FANS !
musicians and singers
Lookin' 4 an A.R.M.Y. pen pal!!!
Name the songs and movies you know that have absolutely and nothing to do with love...
who is your favorite actor/actress?
Who is your favourite singer?
Who is your favorite carater of Harry Potter
TV series Disney
Hand on heart during the national anthem
Whos Your favorite character in Lord of the Rings?
SuperVillain or SuperHero
Period books and movies - anyone?
Alice in borderland