🥰😊 Talk about feelings 😫😵‍💫

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Hello everybody! 🙋‍♀️ I got these questions from a website and maybe it is nice to talk about feelings and emotions. It is super personal but also a nice way to know and maybe help each other? 🤗🤗🌈🌈🌞🌞

I dont expect you to answer ALL the questions. Maybe JUST the ones you like to answer and feel comfortable to talk about. 😊😇😇


1️⃣ Are you a sensitive person? Are you more emotional or less emotional than other people? What makes you think so?

2️⃣ Can you control your emotions well? How? Or do people know how you feel by looking at your face?

3️⃣ Are you sometimes overwhelmed or numbed by emotions and feelings?

4️⃣ Can you understand why feelings could cause someone to commit a crime?

5️⃣ Are you generally a positive person or a negative person?

6️⃣ Do you find it easy to explain your feelings to another person? If not, why is it difficult?

7️⃣ What makes you feel very good or sad?

8️⃣ Can you read another person's emotions? Can you easily tell how other people are feeling? How useful is this ability?

9️⃣ Which is more powerful between feelings of love and feelings of hate?

🔟 Are women more emotional than men? Or is that just a stereotype?

PS: I only tag people who gave permission to let them know about new forums 🙏🙏: @Pennarossa2024, @Fleurke, @NILU1234, @Etienne, @Simone724, @mayuuram, @Sarahsalah27, @Esma-Nur, @Annika2007, @Emmiiii_17_11, @Miss_Penpal, @Sabri_KC, @allstarcheer, @martutuni, @Roseeeee, @-Kiki-, @Txya, @Lianshen, @LandRoverDiscovery2 ⬅️ ❤️💚🩵💙💜🤗🤗

1️⃣ Are you a sensitive person? Are you more emotional or less emotional than other people? What makes you think so?

Yes, i am. I think i'm more emotional than other people, because often i feel sad or upset even for silly things, while mosto of other people don't.

2️⃣ Can you control your emotions well? How? Or do people know how you feel by looking at your face?

No. I'm a slave to my emotions, and they control me, instead. My mood and emotions strongly affect the quality of my days. And yes, people perfectly understand how i'm feeling just looking at my face or talking. Online, people may understand it too, depending on how i write.

3️⃣ Are you sometimes overwhelmed or numbed by emotions and feelings?

Yes, it often happens to me.

4️⃣ Can you understand why feelings could cause someone to commit a crime?

Yes. I don't justify it of course, but i understand why some strong feeling can cause that.

5️⃣ Are you generally a positive person or a negative person?

A negative person. At least, with myself.

6️⃣ Do you find it easy to explain your feelings to another person? If not, why is it difficult?

Yeah i find it very east to explain my feelings to other, because i'm not ashamed of that; not always the other people understand them, though.

7️⃣ What makes you feel very good or sad?

Depends. Sometimes even a simple talk, message or a greeting makes me feeling happy while, in general, when other peopledon't feel good i'm sad.

8️⃣ Can you read another person's emotions? Can you easily tell how other people are feeling? How useful is this ability?

Sometimes i can, but not very often. If people are good in hiding their feelings, unlike me, i can't. But i think it's an important thing, because undertand other people's feelings is the first step to know how to behave with them.

9️⃣ Which is more powerful between feelings of love and feelings of hate?

Feelings of hate are definitely more powerful than feelings of love. If you love somebody, you may be willing to do many things, even stupid ones, but nothing drastic, except for rare cases maybe. But when certain people hate somebody, they may be willing to do almost everything, even dangerous or severe deeds.

🔟 Are women more emotional than men? Or is that just a stereotype?

It's just a stereotype.

1️⃣ Are you a sensitive person? Are you more emotional or less emotional than other people? What makes you think so?

Yes, but I don't let it show. I am very good at making poker faces because I don't really want people to know how I feel (I actually look bored or tired most of the time, but I don't show other emotions usually). It takes something very funny to make me smile, but it doesn't mean smaller things don't make me happy.

2️⃣ Can you control your emotions well? How? Or do people know how you feel by looking at your face?

I'd say I control my emotions pretty well. I can keep myself from crying for as long as I want in any situation (I can also cry on command, but I don't really use that). I can't be beaten in 'Try Not To Laugh's (:

3️⃣ Are you sometimes overwhelmed or numbed by emotions and feelings?

I don't feel things often, it's mostly being numb or having negative emotions like stress and sadness. Sometimes I'm happy, but less often.

4️⃣ Can you understand why feelings could cause someone to commit a crime?

Definitely. I would commit so many crimes if it wasn't against the law and my religion to be honest...

5️⃣ Are you generally a positive person or a negative person?

Negative, but I'm trying to see the positive side of things too, even if it's difficult.

6️⃣ Do you find it easy to explain your feelings to another person? If not, why is it difficult?

No, it's impossible to do that!!!! I keep telling my family that everything would be so much better if humans communicated with antennas like ants.

7️⃣ What makes you feel very good or sad?

I get all fuzzy inside when my cats lay down on my lap and purr. They purr so loud that you can feel them vibrate and hear them without even looking for the sound. Sometimes my male cat enters a room and we know he's there because he purrs so loud.

Pretty much everything remotely negative makes me sad. The most common thing is when I feel insulted or judged by someone I like, though.

8️⃣ Can you read another person's emotions? Can you easily tell how other people are feeling? How useful is this ability?

I can read easily neurodivergent people, but neurotypical people are a mystery to me. I never know if they're being fake or if they're just like that

9️⃣ Which is more powerful between feelings of love and feelings of hate?

Hate. I'm sorry to say it, but love is fragile and fleeting, while hate can stay for generations if you don't treat it properly.

🔟 Are women more emotional than men? Or is that just a stereotype?

It depends on which women you're talking about... In general I think yes, though.

I will replay tomorrow @Yue_ 😴😴😴😴😴😴

Hello everybody! 🙋‍♀️ I got these questions from a website and maybe it is nice to talk about feelings and emotions. It is super personal but also a nice way to know and maybe help each other? 🤗🤗🌈🌈🌞🌞

I dont expect you to answer ALL the questions. Maybe JUST the ones you like to answer and feel comfortable to talk about. 😊😇😇


1️⃣ Are you a sensitive person? Are you more emotional or less emotional than other people? What makes you think so?

2️⃣ Can you control your emotions well? How? Or do people know how you feel by looking at your face?

3️⃣ Are you sometimes overwhelmed or numbed by emotions and feelings?

4️⃣ Can you understand why feelings could cause someone to commit a crime?

5️⃣ Are you generally a positive person or a negative person?

6️⃣ Do you find it easy to explain your feelings to another person? If not, why is it difficult?

7️⃣ What makes you feel very good or sad?

8️⃣ Can you read another person's emotions? Can you easily tell how other people are feeling? How useful is this ability?

9️⃣ Which is more powerful between feelings of love and feelings of hate?

🔟 Are women more emotional than men? Or is that just a stereotype?

PS: I only tag people who gave permission to let them know about new forums 🙏🙏: @Pennarossa2024, @Fleurke, @NILU1234, @Etienne, @Simone724, @mayuuram, @Sarahsalah27, @Esma-Nur, @Annika2007, @Emmiiii_17_11, @Miss_Penpal, @Sabri_KC, @allstarcheer, @martutuni, @Roseeeee, @-Kiki-, @Txya, @Lianshen, @LandRoverDiscovery2 ⬅️ ❤️💚🩵💙💜🤗🤗

1) yes i am kind of sensitive but i don’t show it and recently i am becoming a lot less. I am emotional

2) I usually hide most of my emotions,i am good at it

3) yes but i don’t show it and try to not freak out,but i have anger issues that I struggle to control

4) yes i can. I’s commit a crime for feelings

5) i am honestly very negative

6) yes because i am always afraid that they won’t believe me

7) being free makes me feel good,animals makes me feel good,school and stupid people makes me feel sad

8 )yes i think i have this ability

9) hate is more powerful in my opinion

10) it’s a stereotype and i am sure that men feel like they cannot show their emotions unfortunately

Hello! This is a really cool forum!!! I'll answer all the questions!

1️⃣yes, I'm sensitive. I think so, because I'm worried about everything...

2️⃣ I can, but people can understand if they know me well 😝

3️⃣ well... no 🙂‍↔️

4️⃣ yes, of course

5️⃣ positive!!!

6️⃣ no. I'm afraid they'll misunderstand me. And I'm really shy 🙈

7️⃣ 🤷🏻‍♀️

8️⃣ yes, I'm a very good impathic (I hope I'll translate it correctly). It's a very useful ability that I'm proud of 😁

9️⃣ LOVE ❤️

🔟 yes. But this is because it is considered normal for women to cry (this is normal) and men and boys are told "don't cry", "be like a man". It's not very good

1️⃣ Are you a sensitive person? Are you more emotional or less emotional than other people? What makes you think so? Im very sensitive and also highly sensitive

2️⃣ Can you control your emotions well? How? Or do people know how you feel by looking at your face? you will always see if I feel happy, sad, angry or uncomfortable

3️⃣ Are you sometimes overwhelmed or numbed by emotions and feelings? yes

4️⃣ Can you understand why feelings could cause someone to commit a crime? Yes

5️⃣ Are you generally a positive person or a negative person? very positive

6️⃣ Do you find it easy to explain your feelings to another person? If not, why is it difficult? yes

7️⃣ What makes you feel very good or sad? im very good with almost everything im feeling sad of seeing poor people

8️⃣ Can you read another person's emotions? Can you easily tell how other people are feeling? How useful is this ability? yes i feel their energy

9️⃣ Which is more powerful between feelings of love and feelings of hate? both

🔟 Are women more emotional than men? Or is that just a stereotype? Yes they are

Thank you VERY much for everybody who answered because the questions are super personal. 🙏🙏❤️❤️❤️

These are my answers for each question:

1️⃣ Are you a sensitive person? Are you more emotional or less emotional than other people? What makes you think so?

Yes. This question is a little bit difficult because I have HSP. That is NOTTT a disease but it means that some things can do a LOTTT with your emotions and feelings even if they are only small things. I wrote a forum about HSP and I hope that people understand it and don’t think it is very weird.

2️⃣ Can you control your emotions well? How? Or do people know how you feel by looking at your face?

Most of the times yes. With emotions normally it is not a problem. Only sometimes I have too many or they are super strong and I cant control them very well. And I try to be alone so others don’t see you panicky and when you are calmer you can be with others again. Only with a best friend it is ok if she is with me or my mom but not others bc I would feel ashamed that others see it.

3️⃣ Are you sometimes overwhelmed or numbed by emotions and feelings?

Yes. Not numbed but overwhelmed yes but not often.

4️⃣ Can you understand why feelings could cause someone to commit a crime?


5️⃣ Are you generally a positive person or a negative person?

Positive. When I have too many emotions they are not negative, but more that you cant control your head because it feels like soup. And there are too many emotions or something is super sensitive and you cant stop thinking. A lot of the emotions are anxiety but NOT negative like hate or anger.

6️⃣ Do you find it easy to explain your feelings to another person? If not, why is it difficult?

Sometimes no. My parents, aunt and grandmom understand me the MOST and also my best friend. But a lot of people don’t know HSP and if I tell them maybe they would not understand it.

7️⃣ What makes you feel very good or sad?

If there are not any anxieties and everything is nice or maybe when funny things happen. Or just nice things. And I am not good if somebody is super angry or yells or you are in very big groups and I feel sometimes like you have 82318731 things in your head.

8️⃣ Can you read another person's emotions? Can you easily tell how other people are feeling? How useful is this ability?

Sometimes I think that somebody is maybe also HSP but I don’t ask bc I don’t want that they feel insulted maybe. But I can see sometimes how people feel in a way even if I don’t understand the feelings super good why they have them and what they exactly feel. But I can feel also if something is wrong with them and I will just try stay close to them and if they want I can be there for them if they are my friends. But I don’t know always what to give as advice, but I think but I can listen very good if they want to say something and tell about their problems.

9️⃣ Which is more powerful between feelings of love and feelings of hate?

For me love. ❤️ If you feel hate than you must not listen. That is what my grandmom said because you have in your head A LOTTTT of things that are said. So you can choose what you listen to because you cant listen to all of it. And if you hear hate or anger than just don’t listen. Because it will NEVERRR make you feel better but it can really be harmful. And I believe her if she says it.

🔟 Are women more emotional than men? Or is that just a stereotype?

Maybe men are often more that they don’t want to show emotions. But sometimes I feel something is wrong even if they act like they are SUPERR strong and cool. But still I see it is not right at least something. And I know some men who are more emotional and that is good bc if you block things it blocks inside you. That is at least what i believe. And it becomes bigger and bigger. So it is better if you feel emotional that you listen to it or talk about it so you don’t block anything.

I really hope that this forum helps maybe if persons have difficulties too sometimes with emotions or feelings. You can read what others wrote and maybe that is useful for you.🌸🌼🌻

1️⃣ Are you a sensitive person? Are you more emotional or less emotional than other people? What makes you think so?

I wouldn’t sad I‘m very sensitive.

I‘m (in „public“) about as emotional as most people I know, I can be emotional about my opinions.

Apart from that I am sometimes emotional in private (almost crying because of a character death, very mad about some character in books/shows)

🔟 Are women more emotional than men? Or is that just a stereotype

Obviously I‘m just talking about the average, doesn’t apply to everyone.

Also, these are just my thoughts without further research.

Culturally (at least in Germany) and maybe physically women are more prone to show their emotions than men. So that is the origin of the stereotype. In my experience I know a few women who are fairly (openly) emotional and a few men who are less openly emotional, compared to most people I know.

1️⃣ Are you a sensitive person? Are you more emotional or less emotional than other people? What makes you think so?

Probably less emotional than others. I try to take a step back anytime I realize an emotion is taking over me, and often, this little step back is enough to have the controle of myself back.

2️⃣ Can you control your emotions well? How? Or do people know how you feel by looking at your face?

I''d say it depends on the emotions, and that it is very different from hiding them. I don't think that hiding emotions, hence wearing a mask, would do me any good on the long term, but just induce an uncessary stress; so I just try to let them free as much as possible, and as much as they don't have negative impact on my life, else, as I said, I try to take a step back and tame them/take back the lead. I still have room for improvement though.

However, I guess many people don't see through my emotions very well anyway. Some people think I am mad when I'm not, or happy when I'm not.

3️⃣ Are you sometimes overwhelmed or numbed by emotions and feelings?

Rarely, but yes, of course. However, I'd rather control them a bit tighter, for its exhausting to have strong emotions.

4️⃣ Can you understand why feelings could cause someone to commit a crime?

I can only imagine a little. Many times, there are crimes I find myself dumbfounded when I see about them and how stupid it looks to me. It''s really difficult to even imagine how someone comes to that situation. There are some though that I can imagine better, maybe because I could see myself in that context more; I guess.

5️⃣ Are you generally a positive person or a negative person?
I very much enjoy complaining all the time, if that answers the question 🙂
6️⃣ Do you find it easy to explain your feelings to another person? If not, why is it difficult?

It's very difficult. Most of people have different experiences and can barely relate to others' feeling. Many people also pretend to understand, but don't and cannot imagine even, or just nod the head and aren't very interested.
In my case, I find it near impossible to convey my emotions to others and, to this day, I only found 1 good mate who can imagine when I try to explain what is happening in my mind.

7️⃣ What makes you feel very good or sad?

Getting a French pastry or petting a dog sure will draw a smile on my face 😉

8️⃣ Can you read another person's emotions? Can you easily tell how other people are feeling? How useful is this ability?

No. I struggle as much with people's feelings as they struggle with mine it seems. I think it would be a fantastic ability to read others' feelings in so many ways, namely not to go too far and stop in time, just in conversations for examples, or knowing what they expects by talking, detect when they are happy, sad, and act accordingly etc.

9️⃣ Which is more powerful between feelings of love and feelings of hate?

We say that they are 2 sides of the same coin that I believe is passion. You can switch from one to another quite quickly, and for both, absence is the cure like "La Fontaine" would say.

🔟 Are women more emotional than men? Or is that just a stereotype?

No, There are too many stories of men letting their emotions get the better of them to go unnoticed. Havent you noticed the number of us who have obvious anger issues as well?

@Yue_ I like your answer very much. However, for clarity, when you want to use an abbreviation, could you mention the full terms the first time ? like "Highly Sensitive Person (HSP)"; this way, it's clear what you mean by "HSP" any time later in your text. It's just a suggestion, so no worries if you don't want to do so 🙂

Thank you very much @PeterPositiv and @Lianshen for also answering questions!! All the questions are super personal but it is also very nice to read what others write and think bc i think everybody can have problems with emotions and feelings so it is nice to know what other people do and how they are with it. 🙂

And merci beaucoup @Lianshen for the nice tip!! And you are super right because i read a LOTTT about it because it is important for me so i always say it like HSP but i forgot maybe others dont know the abbreviation!! If you have tips if i make mistakes you can always say it because it helps a lot too. 😊😊🌈🌈🌞🌞

do we neeed tzo answetr 10?