ESTP-A, leo sun Libra Rising Cancer Moon
if i could explain myself, i would say that im such a simple person. i'll be twice nicer if you're nice to me, and will confront you if you hurt me first or even cut you off immediately if you act so toxic.
cause personally, I didn't come to bring bad vibes, so please be nice and respect to each other! (despite of their skin color, race, appearance, religion etc. everyone deserve a nice & respectful gesture!)
anw if i slow respond, it's probably im sleeping, hangout or doing my thesis! don't worryy.
my personal insta: @mhrdkrnny
my art insta: @cutie.lilac___
Simply be human. We are social creatures meant to help, support, and care for one another. Many forget that kindness not only uplifts others but also helps create a better world.