🤭🤭 Guilty pleasure 😇😇

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@Miss_Penpal I'm not sure if you still enjoy sleeping while in a coma... guess we'll never know 🤔 sweets are good as well, what's your fave?

A coma is kind of like deep sleep, but no amount of stimuli can make you wake up. Some scientist believe people in coma can dream, and that sometimes sounds from the real world can be mixed into those dreams or become a new dream (for example if a person is talking to you, you'll dream that that person is talking to you). I think that sounds nice, even if I won't throw myself under a car for it.

Google even says (I know it's not the best source of information but I don't want to research too much about comas because my computer will think I have a family member in a coma and play weird adds) 'While a person in a coma appears unconscious and doesn't respond to stimuli, many people who have woken up from a coma report experiencing dreams, suggesting that some level of dreaming can occur during a coma, though the exact nature and frequency of these dreams can vary depending on the cause and severity of the coma; however, due to the lack of conscious awareness, they may not remember these dreams upon waking up.'

As for sweets, I really like Skittles, Jolly Ranchers and small chocolates, but as long as it's sweet and doesn't taste like plastic I'll like it.

I think that @Miss_Penpal and @Roseeeee must come back in the next life as cats and they can sleep AS MUCHHH as they want!! 🤭🤭🥰🥰🥰

Coffee is like the sun illuminating your day. It is like the hand to grab when you are drowning in the water. It is the missing piece on the elementary chart. There can even be no global peace in the absence of coffee.

But there is no such thing as a coffee addiction…

No ofc not, there's no coffee addiction 😜

@mayuuram you know a lot, it's interesting to read 🙂

@Miss_Penpal I didn't really know that, but I still wouldn't want to be in a coma myself. I do get your reasoning.

Mine are milk chocolate and scrolling on yt 😇😇

@Yue_ @mayuuram @Fleurke @Sarahsalah27 @LandRoverDiscovery2

Eat all day and browse the phone all day 😅😛

Eat all day and browse the phone all day 😅😛

Haha that's a good one 😇😛

Spending much to much on the internet.


Sweets and snacks.

Spending much to much on the internet.


Sweets and snacks.

Yeah, I can totally relate to that! 😇😛

I recently found another one: chocobutter

I recently found another one: chocobutter

chocobutter: delicious 😛

I recently found another one: chocobutter

Do you mean chocopasta?

take a spoon of cacaopowder, put it in a casserole ore something like that, put a tiny bit of milk in it, mix it together, put some more milk in it + some sugar to make it taste sweet, and go on like this until its cacaopasta 🙂


📸️ chocobutter

Ik ken da niet bedankt om te delen @Ilexforest

its not a guilty pleasure, but i falled in love on a creepy way, since 2 years ago.

back in 2023 i found on the list of teens in spain, on top of the list i found the profile of a (at that time) 16 yeaar old girl livng in spain. (this was on penpalworld). Saidly i falled in love with her when i saw her profile picture. Penpalworld is a site where you may not search for a dating/mariage partner, and i was so stupid to write her that she was the most beautyfull person ive ever seen. Later i didnt have access to her profile anymore, so i contacted the admin cuz i thought he blocked her, but he didnt knew anything about it. Very late in 2024 i found out that i had a list of persons who blocked me on my profile....... she was atleast 1 of the persons who blocked me. The only way for me to get back in contact with her again was creating a second account. So i did that, and then i found out she hasnt been online for more then 170 days. I contacted her anyway, but this time with a mss that i wanted to be her friend. I didnt show up any love this time. A few days later i found out her profile was gone, couldntfindit anywhere aymore. I guess she deactivatedheraccount, and she was the only reason i staydthere, so i deactivated my account too and never came back.....

LandRoverDiscovery2님이 수정했습니다. .

its not a guilty pleasure, but i falled in love on a creepy way, since 2 years ago.

back in 2023 i found on the list of teens in spain, on top of the list i found the profile of a (at that time) 16 yeaar old girl livng in spain. (this was on penpalworld). Saidly i falled in love with her when i saw her profile picture. Penpalworld is a site where you may not search for a dating/mariage partner, and i was so stupid to write her that she was the most beautyfull person ive ever seen. Later i didnt have access to her profile anymore, so i contacted the admin cuz i thought he blocked her, but he didnt knew anything about it. Very late in 2024 i found out that i had a list of persons who blocked me on my profile....... she was atleast 1 of the persons who blocked me. The only way for me to get back in contact with her again was creating a second account. So i did that, and then i found out she hasnt been online for more then 170 days. I contacted her anyway, but this time with a mss that i wanted to be her friend. I didnt show up any love this time. A few days later i found out her profile was gone, couldntfindit anywhere aymore. I guess she deactivatedheraccount, and she was the only reason i staydthere, so i deactivated my account too and never came back.....

So sad story... i almost cry

So sad story... i almost cry

its a heart braking fact, my stomach doesnt want to eat it.

its a heart braking fact, my stomach doesnt want to eat it.

And do you know her real name

And do you know her real name

Nini, shes from spain.

just updated, sorry.