🤭🤭 Guilty pleasure 😇😇

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unless theres a bath i hate to get washed.



i hate showers: too hard streams, its mostly hard to get a mix of hot and cold water, and you have to move if you want your hole body to get water, at the moment this is all, but surely there is more reason to hate showers!

i hate showers: too hard streams, its mostly hard to get a mix of hot and cold water, and you have to move if you want your hole body to get water, at the moment this is all, but surely there is more reason to hate showers!

I hate baths because they make you marinate in dirty water. I don't want to make human soup, I want to be clean.

I hate baths because they make you marinate in dirty water. I don't want to make human soup, I want to be clean.

i like baths because you can totally fill them up with nice not hot not cold water, its allways quit instead of those noisy showers, and most baths are long iough that you can lay in them. I love baths 😆

Its not food but i also love dutch kids songs (kinderliedjes) so freaking much,hope to find a real life sing buddy someday


Its not food but i also love dutch kids songs (kinderliedjes) so freaking much,hope to find a real life sing buddy someday

guilty pleasures is for as far as i know not only food. Good luck 🙂


why do you want a topic?

Its not food but i also love dutch kids songs (kinderliedjes) so freaking much,hope to find a real life sing buddy someday

Haha nice, I hope you'll get a nice singing bud! 😇

@LandRoverDiscovery2 No, guilty pleasures are defenitely not only about food. Just things you enjoy while feeling a bit guilty about it because you know you "shouldn't do that".

My guilty pleasure is smoke

Haha nice, I hope you'll get a nice singing bud! 😇

@LandRoverDiscovery2 No, guilty pleasures are defenitely not only about food. Just things you enjoy while feeling a bit guilty about it because you know you "shouldn't do that".

well, not much ive got for that.

well, not much ive got for that.

Not taking showers maybe

Its not food but i also love dutch kids songs (kinderliedjes) so freaking much,hope to find a real life sing buddy someday

I like also kinderliedjes but not so much like you @Ilexforest

Not taking showers maybe

no, its not something i enjoy, and neither its something i know i should not do.

so no its not a guilty pleasure