🤭🤭 Guilty pleasure 😇😇

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its not a guilty pleasure, but i falled in love on a creepy way, since 2 years ago.

back in 2023 i found on the list of teens in spain, on top of the list i found the profile of a (at that time) 16 yeaar old girl livng in spain. (this was on penpalworld). Saidly i falled in love with her when i saw her profile picture. Penpalworld is a site where you may not search for a dating/mariage partner, and i was so stupid to write her that she was the most beautyfull person ive ever seen. Later i didnt have access to her profile anymore, so i contacted the admin cuz i thought he blocked her, but he didnt knew anything about it. Very late in 2024 i found out that i had a list of persons who blocked me on my profile....... she was atleast 1 of the persons who blocked me. The only way for me to get back in contact with her again was creating a second account. So i did that, and then i found out she hasnt been online for more then 170 days. I contacted her anyway, but this time with a mss that i wanted to be her friend. I didnt show up any love this time. A few days later i found out her profile was gone, couldntfindit anywhere aymore. I guess she deactivatedheraccount, and she was the only reason i staydthere, so i deactivated my account too and never came back.....

I get your point of view, but imagine being a teenage girl who gets such a message from a stranger, it could be considered creepy even tho you didn't mean to.

I get your point of view, but imagine being a teenage girl who gets such a message from a stranger, it could be considered creepy even tho you didn't mean to.

yes, i know that. As i allready sad: stupidity from my side. But for the rest im not sure if i could have done anything about it. She lives in spain, thats all i know, probably she lives in barcelona like all the others.

its not a guilty pleasure, but i falled in love on a creepy way, since 2 years ago.

back in 2023 i found on the list of teens in spain, on top of the list i found the profile of a (at that time) 16 yeaar old girl livng in spain. (this was on penpalworld). Saidly i falled in love with her when i saw her profile picture. Penpalworld is a site where you may not search for a dating/mariage partner, and i was so stupid to write her that she was the most beautyfull person ive ever seen. Later i didnt have access to her profile anymore, so i contacted the admin cuz i thought he blocked her, but he didnt knew anything about it. Very late in 2024 i found out that i had a list of persons who blocked me on my profile....... she was atleast 1 of the persons who blocked me. The only way for me to get back in contact with her again was creating a second account. So i did that, and then i found out she hasnt been online for more then 170 days. I contacted her anyway, but this time with a mss that i wanted to be her friend. I didnt show up any love this time. A few days later i found out her profile was gone, couldntfindit anywhere aymore. I guess she deactivatedheraccount, and she was the only reason i staydthere, so i deactivated my account too and never came back.....

I think it’s normal that she blocked you,i would have done the same. Imagine someone totally random writes you that…next time try to get to know the girl first…

I think it’s normal that she blocked you,i would have done the same. Imagine someone totally random writes you that…next time try to get to know the girl first…

yeah yeah, i allready know that. Thats what i realised too when she blocked me; i was far to fast and i wasnt using my brain. I know it and i regret it. Its the same reason why im feeling like am having cement in my stomach.

yeah yeah, i allready know that. Thats what i realised too when she blocked me; i was far to fast and i wasnt using my brain. I know it and i regret it. Its the same reason why im feeling like am having cement in my stomach.

Aww, I'm sorry to hear it still affects you so much. Maybe you could see it as a learning experience, so next time you'll better know how to approach a girl you like 😊


Aww, I'm sorry to hear it still affects you so much. Maybe you could see it as a learning experience, so next time you'll better know how to approach a girl you like 😊

because of how paranoid im, am afraid finding an other girl of the same type, wouldnt work........

because of how paranoid im, am afraid finding an other girl of the same type, wouldnt work........

Maybe, but you'll only know if you encounter a similar situation in the future. And then at least you have a better understanding of what you can do than you had last time.

Maybe, but you'll only know if you encounter a similar situation in the future. And then at least you have a better understanding of what you can do than you had last time.

that is true. Yesterday i chatted with @TierM38 first about that girl and slowly on about life. He really has a different look on life then i (interesting topic anyway). I think i should, altough i dont see how, think more specific about what i want to do in the future.For example off roading with a 4x4 Land RoverDiscovery 2. And even im not sure i want wife and kidswhen im older. I do want to travel more and more, and i do want to live in a nice old traditional country house in Romania.

That girl took a piece of me, but i know that should also think about other things. Altough its very hard.

(the bad thing is that i dont know anything sarcastic to say about this:/)

First complete school in a good well way, thats the foundation for everything else.

First complete school in a good well way, thats the foundation for everything else.

im notanymore going to aschool (i never did) even if i would have the chance for it. We both know that very well. Herein spain you have todoschool until your 16, so im free; i was 14/15 when we started her, and never went to school.

and actually: if i ever get a wife and kids, i wont send my kids to school neither, i know its bad for them and i want to give them a happy and free life.

I don't know what it's like in Spain, but in Germany schooling is compulsory. This means that if you simply don't send your children to school, the school will eventually arrange for the police to take them to school. And the youth welfare office could cause stress...

I don't know what it's like in Spain, but in Germany schooling is compulsory. This means that if you simply don't send your children to school, the school will eventually arrange for the police to take them to school. And the youth welfare office could cause stress...

yes, well i dont want to live in germany anyway cuz i dont like the country. Its as simple as that.

neighbours here who moved from mallorca to galicia, are sending there kids to school, but in the first place they werent clean when they went to school. The teacher said to there parents that if they wouldnt take a shower, they would end the police for it. They simply said that if the police would come, they would shoot there heads off. So the police never came 😆

yes, well i dont want to live in germany anyway cuz i dont like the country. Its as simple as that.

neighbours here who moved from mallorca to galicia, are sending there kids to school, but in the first place they werent clean when they went to school. The teacher said to there parents that if they wouldnt take a shower, they would end the police for it. They simply said that if the police would come, they would shoot there heads off. So the police never came 😆

Without any judgement: what’s the problem with having a good hygiene? You know that if you smell bad the people around you will be forced to smell it and it’s not respectful for you and the others. Also: is not taking a shower “what makes you different” like you always say? Seriously,having bad hygiene makes you special?Don’t you think that what makes you different and special are your ideas,your experiences and your brain? And what’s wrong with making your kids take a shower?

...works as long until you get a much more conservative government as seen in many countries in Europe right now.

But another question: Do you make fun about your own stupidity?

yes, i make fun about my own stupidity. if i dont keep a little bit of happyness in the hole story, then i will totally fall apart.

and rose: at that time they didnt even have a shower. The house they bought was a bulding that needed to be repaird, it didnt even have a toiet ore something. Now they allways look like they have taken a shower, allways in de hygiene. Us allmost never.

yes, i make fun about my own stupidity. if i dont keep a little bit of happyness in the hole story, then i will totally fall apart.

and rose: at that time they didnt even have a shower. The house they bought was a bulding that needed to be repaird, it didnt even have a toiet ore something. Now they allways look like they have taken a shower, allways in de hygiene. Us allmost never.

Why don’t you guys wash yourself?

Why don’t you guys wash yourself?

unless theres a bath i hate to get washed.