Essentially, someone who is not openly homophobic will not disagree with someone making homophobic remarks, they may contribute to a general air of intolerance or simply ignore/trivialise the struggles faced by gay people.
If you don't ignore, then you're a bad guy, but if you ignore, then you're a bad guy? Isn't there any way else than supporting openly people for a sexual orientation (hence highlighting them...) to be from the "good guys"? Aren't people thinking that by highlighting a thing or a person, you could eventually trigger a behaviour from individual who would just not give a damn otherwise?
Also, if gays struggles with a part of their life, aren't other "communities" as well ? One could be tempted to say that focusing so much on minorities' rights and issues is just a way not to ignore problems faced by a majority and increasing social issues. After all, in France, feminist movements, gay movements, minorities movements, and May 68 globally speaking are all
part of -or at list strongly correlated- the americanization of the society in France and the degradfation of the middle class, of the welfare, the healthcare, the education system and environment of the country.
So I, too, could just show how virtuous I am by saying that I care about people and just say that if you support gays more than others, thenyou are unvirtuous and making :millions people struggling with a problem supported by bored and decadent bourgeois. Would it be of any use or make anyone supporting my ideas though..?
- Suicide is the 2nd leading cause of death among young people ages 10 to 24.
- LGB youth are almost five times as likely to have attempted suicide compared to heterosexual youth
-LGB youth who come from highly rejecting families are 8.4 times as likely to have attempted suicide as LGB peers who reported no or low levels of family rejection.
- Each episode of LGBT victimization, such as physical or verbal harassment or abuse, increases the likelihood of self-harming behavior by 2.5 times on average
What's good with statistics is that you canmake them say whatever you want if you don't really care about it.
1 - Z generation commit suicide, no reason why they do that, just eat it. No place of reference either, it must be globally then..? Well, then you need to check the source to make sure, but the link doesn't work and if you have little to no time to check, then at best, you'll find out that it's in the US. Isn't there anything to explain why suicide is so important?
2 - If it's bigger, it's because of discrimination, no other reason could exist.
3 - What about heterrosexuals being rejected? No data on them... Must eb the same either they are rejected or not, and they won't be rejected for sure because LGB have the monopoly of being rejected by their family.
4 - What about others? Aren't fat, poor, short, skinny, different people more likely to hurt themselves or does it only concern homo again? What numbers for the others? and once again, it seems to be in the US.
Moreover, some studies don't seem to say that, but rather that some behaviour or things could improve quality life of the "LGB" by lowering negative effects such as family rejection (but once again, it's a 10years+ study, maybe it has been updated since then, especially with such a trendy topic)
So you can make arguments equating homosexuality to pedophilia
There was none. Only thing that has been said is that both are sexual orientation. A pedo loves children, a gay man loves men, a straight man loves women, a gerontophile loves elderies and a mechanophile loves objects.
and act like your posing a profound moral question
When you talk about a book instead of the last trend on tiktok, you're not being an intellectual the same way that there was no profound moral question here when asking why a sexual orientation is ok but not another one if no one should care about people's privacy.
but the fact is you are defending a "right to be homophobic"
No, but once again you are free to read others the way you wish, the same way that I'm free to think that you're increasing homophobia because you disagree with me and I want to believe so. That makes no sense because you claim to fight homophobia? Still my right the same as yours is to call other homophobic.
the right to be homophobic is the right to contribute to a harmful societal attitude. An attitude of discrimination that causes high rates of self harm and suicide, espicially in teenagers, because of something inate and uncotrollable.
If it's only teenagers, then it's fine because less people = less environmental problems. Let's harass and push more people to suicide to save the planet. Plus if there is no people, there is no discrimination anymore, hence solving another problem. What a wonderful way to do things.
Once again, you can tell others that they are contributing to harmful societal attitude, the same way as I could accuse you to do the exact same thing on a wider scale (focusing on issues that contributes to increase problem faced by the middle classe by driving the attention away from a ton of shitty policies in the West, hence increasing issues on minorities as well in the end unless they are from another class) and contributing to cultural hegemony (since it's typically an anglosaxon model that has been widespread within few decades).
If you think that is okay, please reassess your morals.
Yes, reassess your morals, don't do slave morality, or do it? Dunno.