Opinion: Homophobia. Politics and governments

Fish sticks with mayonnaise or ketchup basically

basically, or both, or neither, so many options

aint no way ppl are bringing pedophiles with gayness, if you're a pedo you're a pedo, if you're gay you're gay. one is a problem the other not really.

Fish sticks taste better plain, and it costs less


Chat purified

But my two cents on the pedo thing is:
There’s straight pedos too, and someone being a gay pedo doesn’t change how creepy it is, both are just as bad. Someone being gay doesn’t make them a pedo XD ….

Except for that one time

Fucking Gerard

Also… soybeans cost too much

inflation 😔

inflation 😔

As a society we've been discussing the morality of being gay all throughout our history.

Can any of you raise your hand and say "Yes, I'm a proud homophobe"?

Yes I'm a proud homophobe. I guess you should ask your question in a place where homosexuality is punished with death penalty, and not to people inwhich homophobia is more or less illegal and punished.

I think homophobia is disgusting, like why would someone else’s sexuality bother you? ( I don’t mean you, I meant you as in a general term)
Aren't pedophiles bothering you?
Man! All facts...

I believe that no one should be ostracised because of their gender orientation, race or faith. Everyone has the right to shape their own life and find the partner of their choice to be happy. I am not bothered by homosexuals or lesbians. They are all human beings.

Chaos, I didn't see here a single person who would say - gay people do not have the right go to school! Or something like that. What we are talking here about? What rights gay people are missing in Europe? Somebody suppress them? Are we talking about Iran, Iraq or what country we are talking about?
I'm gonna start this off again by saying that I'm not informed about the rights of gay people anywhere. I know that in Germany homosexual people are only allowed to get married since 2017. Which might give you insight on how accepted they are in society and politics.

What I do know is that they face discrimination and hate, and are victims of hate crimes.
They should be able to live their life in public without being verbally or physically assaulted for it.

Also the LGBTQIA+ (including homosexuality) movement isn't just about rights but also about bringing the existence of these people to the public eye, showing that it's okay to be this way.
It's not just about rights but about being who you are without getting murdered for it.

I don't even know what we're arguing about since you seem to agree with me on most points.

You're right, society should show everyone that being yourself can't be a bad thing in any way and that you can love whoever you want because it's only YOUR choice!! There are A LOT of SUPER HARMFUL stereotypes here in Italy, a lot of mean comments and jokes are considered normal, and you're a complete loser if you're gay. Or even worse, if you're traaaans. Oh my god, what a scary word! Uuh! You're a loser even if you only support LGBTQ+! Like, can we just stop?? This is sooo toxic! People are AFRAID of being who they are or with whom they want to be! This oppressive and judgemental society is not what we want. We need a profund cultural change here. 😞

Leider hat es die AfD nicht geschafft die "Ehe für alle" rückgängig zu machen. Die CDU/CSU ist ja ein Totalausfall hier. Eigentlich wäre es die Aufgabe der CDU/CSU gewesen sich gegen die "Homo-Ehe" einzusetzen. Die Abstimmung ist zustandegekommen als die SPD in einer Großen Koalition als Juniorpartner die Union demütigte und unter Koalitionsbruch die Abstimmung erzwungen hat.