You say that some gay people even killed. Well, there are much more heterosexuals are killed every day. Do I want to know if they are killed by gay people?
There are such things called "hate crimes" and, as far as I understand, they mean that the victim was attacked by their perpetrator because they hated something about the victim (=e.g. religion, gender, sexuality, nationality, skin colour).
Hate crimes against LGBTQIA+ people exist. You can see that here for example.
That doesn't mean that everyone attacking LGBTQIA+ people, has to hate LGBTQIA+ and that's why they attacked the victim. Maybe they just hate the victim or were in a funny mood and felt like attacking some random person. There doesn't have to be a causal connection between the assault and the gender or sexuality of the victim, it might just he a gay victim by accident and the point of the assult was their hair colour.
But hate crimes against LGBTQIA+ (including gay) people because of LGBTQIA+ -phobia also exist. Don't pretend they don't or aren't a problem.
The difference to hate crimes against non-LGBTQIA+ people is that they usually get attacked for other reasons than their sexuality and gender identity. The article I linked includes this table which concludes that 84.7% of hate crimes against LGBTQIA+ people were because of their gender or sexuality.
For non-LGBTQIA+ people it was 25%, 23.6% of which were because of gender, which might just be people who are misogynistic or misandristicunrelated to the victims not being queer. This is my assumption though.
"Gay people attacking heterosexual people" doesn't equal "gay people attacking heterosexual people because they are heterosexual" and the "because they are heterosexual" is the whole entire point of what I meant when I said "while people are getting murdered for being gay".
For being gay means the reason for the crime was homophobia. They weren't attacked and also gay, they were attacked because they're gay. There's a causal connection.
Implying that LGBTQIA+ related hate crimes don't exist because non-LGBTQIA+ people also get attacked by gay people is simply ridiculous and makes no sense whatsoever.
The important part is why the crime was committed and not who committed it.
But obviously most people who commit LGBTQIA+ -phobic hate crimes wouldn't identify as LGBTQIA+ because otherwise they hopefully wouldn't hate these people and themselves.
Also, this will have been the last time at I'll argue with you about this. So please don't think you convinced me or rendered me speechless when I don't respond next time, I simply do not have the energy to keep explaining these things to you.