Un uomo che, come te, caro Lucasar, dice che il profilattico è scomodo non ha bisogno di commenti
Invece è lecito se una donna dice che il profilattico femminile è scomodo oppure che non vuole farsi mettere la spirale ?
Il rapporto si fa in due se va bene così ad entrambi non vedo il problema
Al giorno d'oggi solo un irresponsabile non usa il profilattico con una sconosciuta e viceversa. Tu hai una mentalità medievale e maschilista.
Gli irresponsabili sono quelli della tua generazione che negli anni 80 e 90 avete nutrito la pandemia di HIV. Ricordati che le generazioni di oggi sono il prodotto delle generazioni passate

Would you mind speaking in English or something? Before I start breaking spaghetti in half

Would you mind speaking in English or something? Before I start breaking spaghetti in half
you are right

Well I do think an unborn baby is already their own individual but I also think, mother wants an abortion for a reason so it is okay, bc what would happen to that baby if it survives? It would have to live with parents who don't have money, knowledge, the want to even have it so I think it's the best for the baby and it's parents for it to be killed.

Abtreibung ist ein Euphemismus für den Kleinstkindmord. Die Mutter ist das Gefäß ihres Volkes. Sie schenkt dem Kind das Leben, und lernt sich zurückzunehmen. Es ist ihre Aufgabe in der Weltordnung.

What women do with there bodies should only be up to them. Who are we to judge?

Abortion is a crime and infancide.

I think it’s a matter of respect for life and responsibility

Wenn man abtreibt dann treibt man ab von jeder Moral und jedem Anstand Ein Baby für den eigenen Vorteil zu töten ist eine verabscheuungswürdige Tat. Sie bringt auch keinen Seelenfrieden. Die Stimme des Gewissens wird sich unbarmherzig immer wieder melden und die Schuld wird sich wie eine wahre Hölle anfühlen. Nur Jesus Christus kann helfen und Befreiung von der Schuld schenken.

Women should be allowed to abort if they want to.

No one should be allowed to kill a child. That's disguisting what you say

Abortion is a crime and infancide.

No one should be allowed to kill a child. That's disguisting what you say
100% Even in Islam, we Muslims are not allowed to abort

When we know the atrocities committed in the name of religions. It’s very amazing to hear that in the name in these same religions abortion is an abominable crime. Of course it’s not question to kill a fetus too developed but at the beginning of the gestation it’s just a mass of cells without consciousness. I don’t see why to stop its evolution could be a crime. What could be the life of a mother if the baby is the consequence of a rape, if this birth is a danger for her health, if the baby is severely handicapped and will have a painful life or if after several birth the parents or often the mother alone will have not the way to give him the elementary basic care for a dignified life?

Of course it’s not question to kill a fetus too developed but at the beginning of the gestation it’s just a mass of cells without consciousness.
I think that it's a bad argument because you cannot put a fine border between a so called "mass of cells without consciousness" and an individual. In embryology, you can see how an embryo develops day after day and how the future spine, brain, digestive system is determined from the moment the egg is fetilized. Thus, you already have a future person at that very moment.

Now, you want to find a border between "future individual" to "individual". The problem is that this limit is highly arbitrary and that you could potentially have no limitation of that. Typically, it is a similar version of the paradox of the heap where 1000 grains of rice form a heap. If your remove 1 grain of rice, 9999 is still a heap. If you remove another grain, 9998 is still a heap. You can go on and on until you have 1 grain of rice left: is it still a heap?
To avoid the paradox, you set an arbitrary number to which x grains of rice are not just x grains of rice, but a heap of rice. Same applies with a future individual "without consciousness".

What could be the life of a mother if the baby is the consequence of a rape, if this birth is a danger for her health, if the baby is severely handicapped
Let's be honest, most abortions in the West occur not because of these cases, but because they think of abortion as a random contraceptive method when they oopsie daisy forgot to use a condom and don't want to take their responsibilities.

As for the painful life or dignified one. You cannot really know. I am not so convinced that children who almost got aborted in these conditions would say "I would rather not have lived", can you claim so?

Women should be allowed to abort if they want to.

Every woman should be alowed to have that right

A murder is a murder, it doesn't matter how you call it.