As this is still a very hotly debated topic, I wanted to ask what you think about it.
I personally think that every woman should have the right to abort a pregnancy. Therefore, I consider laws in countries like Poland to be alarming.
However, I know that many people have a different opinion than I do. I also think that it is very important to talk with people who have a contrary opinion.

I totally agree with you. Women should have the right to abort, especially those who was raped and get pregnant.

In Poland, when pregnancy is caused by rape, or when woman life is in danger, then woman can abort pregnancy.
I don't know what is alarming in this. Im pro-life, and I don't perceive protecting life as taking any rights from women.


I think I have a different opinion about abortion in general. Being pro-choice, I think it is very important that women have the right to decide whether or not to give birth to a child. Besides rape or health threats, there are other reasons why someone would come to this decision. For example, when especially young women become pregnant, it may be because they are not able to provide a good life for their child (financially, mentally, ...) and/or are overwhelmed with the situation. For many women, lack of options or fear lead them to decide, for example, to self-abortion or something similar, which carries many dangers. As outsiders, it is impossible to put ourselfs in such a situation. Of course, this is not an easy decision, but every woman should be allowed to decide in her individual situation what is the right way for her.

I agree with you,but I can't understand why is it a taboo.. I can't find the flaw of the system

I'm from Poland and I don't agree with Oxiu. I think that every women should have choice (also after becoming pregnant not only before having sex - this is so tipical opinion in Poland for pro-birth people to say "don't you know that if you have sex you may become pregnant? You should think about it before you did it, now don't cry, give birth and take care about child..." Obviosly those people usually don't see that this is not only women's fault but also men's).
I specially wrote pro-birth (also anti-choise) not pro-life because most of those people usually don't really care about children after they're born. Why don't you care about that Poland takes the leading places in statistics suicide among children and teenagers? Why don't you care about children with severe disabilities? Why don't you care about children in orphanages? Why don't you help children who have been already born?
Probably some people will say that I'm to young to express my opinion about abortion (but, surprise, surprise, even some 10 years old girls might become pregnant. I'm turning 16 in a month so this topic also concerns me) This is so ridiculous that men have the most to say about abortion. They will never be pregnant and even if their partner will become pregnant they may just break up or divorce with her and it's socially accepted. If women decide to give up her parential rights she probably will be judged by family, friends, neigbors...
That we banned abortion doesn't mean that women won't do it. Women will go abroad or will take madicaments on their own to do abortion. Those who won't have money will use more dangerous way to cause miscarriage.
In my opinion abortion should be legal in each reason. But I understand that people have different opinions and obviosly they can share it.

I'm from Poland and I don't agree with Oxiu. I think that every women should have choice (also after becoming pregnant not only before having sex - this is so tipical opinion in Poland for pro-birth people to say "don't you know that if you have sex you may become pregnant? You should think about it before you did it, now don't cry, give birth and take care about child..." Obviosly those people usually don't see that this is not only women's fault but also men's).
I specially wrote pro-birth (also anti-choise) not pro-life because most of those people usually don't really care about children after they're born. Why don't you care about that Poland takes the leading places in statistics suicide among children and teenagers? Why don't you care about children with severe disabilities? Why don't you care about children in orphanages? Why don't you help children who have been already born?
Probably some people will say that I'm to young to express my opinion about abortion (but, surprise, surprise, even some 10 years old girls might become pregnant. I'm turning 16 in a month so this topic also concerns me) This is so ridiculous that men have the most to say about abortion. They will never be pregnant and even if their partner will become pregnant they may just break up or divorce with her and it's socially accepted. If women decide to give up her parential rights she probably will be judged by family, friends, neigbors...
That we banned abortion doesn't mean that women won't do it. Women will go abroad or will take madicaments on their own to do abortion. Those who won't have money will use more dangerous way to cause miscarriage.
In my opinion abortion should be legal in each reason. But I understand that people have different opinions and obviosly they can share it.

I totally agree with what you said about abortion. I guess you also really understand the importance of this topic. That's why I really wanted to know what other people think about it.

I'm from Poland and I don't agree with Oxiu. I think that every women should have choice (also after becoming pregnant not only before having sex - this is so tipical opinion in Poland for pro-birth people to say "don't you know that if you have sex you may become pregnant? You should think about it before you did it, now don't cry, give birth and take care about child..." Obviosly those people usually don't see that this is not only women's fault but also men's).
I specially wrote pro-birth (also anti-choise) not pro-life because most of those people usually don't really care about children after they're born. Why don't you care about that Poland takes the leading places in statistics suicide among children and teenagers? Why don't you care about children with severe disabilities? Why don't you care about children in orphanages? Why don't you help children who have been already born?
Probably some people will say that I'm to young to express my opinion about abortion (but, surprise, surprise, even some 10 years old girls might become pregnant. I'm turning 16 in a month so this topic also concerns me) This is so ridiculous that men have the most to say about abortion. They will never be pregnant and even if their partner will become pregnant they may just break up or divorce with her and it's socially accepted. If women decide to give up her parential rights she probably will be judged by family, friends, neigbors...
That we banned abortion doesn't mean that women won't do it. Women will go abroad or will take madicaments on their own to do abortion. Those who won't have money will use more dangerous way to cause miscarriage.
In my opinion abortion should be legal in each reason. But I understand that people have different opinions and obviosly they can share it.

Sorry, but I don't want to looking for excuses for abortion because someone dealt with bad guy, or is scarried because of judgement from other people. There is a lot of space for choice, before sex. If You can't accept risk, that You might be pregnant, then don't to that. Or use anticonception. You really can minimalize the possibility of pregnancy almost to 0. If You are not responsible enough, then You cant say: "Ok... well, but i dont know a baby right know. I will abort it".
If I am afraid that I will kill someone, because im not good in driving, then I dont get in the car.

If You are afraid that someone leave You with Your baby, then maybe change Your potential boyfriend? For someone more responsible.

It is the life inside woman, and nobody have right to forbid the tiny man to come into this world.

We have much higher amount of suicides in males, than females. Ok, maybe in last 8-9 years it changed so much, but I don't believe. And I dont have other statistics. Anyway, there are not premises that it is because of unexpected pregnants.

If 10 old girls if pregnant... Uh, I just don't know how to comment that. Really. And still, I don't see any reason why her baby should be killed. If of course it don't threaten to her life or health.

If You don't feel that You can care about baby(or You just dont want), there are child care homes. Ok, sure, there is still many kids, who cant find parents, but is this the reason to take someone his rights to live? I know few people from child care homes, and they are happy. They have their own families, kids, life...

Abortion for demand seems to be next kind of service for people, who want more comfort. No, life doesn't look that way.

PS. Oh, and don't take personally when Im using "You" word. Its just for narration and examples. It is not directed to You.

I'm from Poland and I don't agree with Oxiu. I think that every women should have choice (also after becoming pregnant not only before having sex - this is so tipical opinion in Poland for pro-birth people to say "don't you know that if you have sex you may become pregnant? You should think about it before you did it, now don't cry, give birth and take care about child..." Obviosly those people usually don't see that this is not only women's fault but also men's).
I specially wrote pro-birth (also anti-choise) not pro-life because most of those people usually don't really care about children after they're born. Why don't you care about that Poland takes the leading places in statistics suicide among children and teenagers? Why don't you care about children with severe disabilities? Why don't you care about children in orphanages? Why don't you help children who have been already born?
Probably some people will say that I'm to young to express my opinion about abortion (but, surprise, surprise, even some 10 years old girls might become pregnant. I'm turning 16 in a month so this topic also concerns me) This is so ridiculous that men have the most to say about abortion. They will never be pregnant and even if their partner will become pregnant they may just break up or divorce with her and it's socially accepted. If women decide to give up her parential rights she probably will be judged by family, friends, neigbors...
That we banned abortion doesn't mean that women won't do it. Women will go abroad or will take madicaments on their own to do abortion. Those who won't have money will use more dangerous way to cause miscarriage.
In my opinion abortion should be legal in each reason. But I understand that people have different opinions and obviosly they can share it.

Sorry, but I don't want to looking for excuses for abortion because someone dealt with bad guy, or is scarried because of judgement from other people. There is a lot of space for choice, before sex. If You can't accept risk, that You might be pregnant, then don't to that. Or use anticonception. You really can minimalize the possibility of pregnancy almost to 0. If You are not responsible enough, then You cant say: "Ok... well, but i dont know a baby right know. I will abort it".
If I am afraid that I will kill someone, because im not good in driving, then I dont get in the car.

If You are afraid that someone leave You with Your baby, then maybe change Your potential boyfriend? For someone more responsible.

It is the life inside woman, and nobody have right to forbid the tiny man to come into this world.

We have much higher amount of suicides in males, than females. Ok, maybe in last 8-9 years it changed so much, but I don't believe. And I dont have other statistics. Anyway, there are not premises that it is because of unexpected pregnants.

If 10 old girls if pregnant... Uh, I just don't know how to comment that. Really. And still, I don't see any reason why her baby should be killed. If of course it don't threaten to her life or health.

If You don't feel that You can care about baby(or You just dont want), there are child care homes. Ok, sure, there is still many kids, who cant find parents, but is this the reason to take someone his rights to live? I know few people from child care homes, and they are happy. They have their own families, kids, life...

Abortion for demand seems to be next kind of service for people, who want more comfort. No, life doesn't look that way.

PS. Oh, and don't take personally when Im using "You" word. Its just for narration and examples. It is not directed to You.

Not only "bad guy" may leave woman. Men might have job, be caring, loving, etc. but he may break up with woman who is pregnant, especially if baby will have disabilities. Unless you mean something else by "bad guy". (Oh and if you know how to recognize such bad guy who hides under mask of loving, good person, let me know. It might be useful for me and many other girls/women). I didn't write that women may be afraid of judgement but I meant that men have social privilege of abandoning women and children. If women will decide to abandon children it will be much more condemned.
No one use abortion as a replacement of anticonception. This is obvios that this is first line to prevent pregnancy (after not having sex ) but sometimes it fails. I have to mark that in Poland is also a bit harder to get every type of anticonception. For example if you would like to take "the day after" pill you need prescription. And another men's privilage: in Poland men may do vasectomy but sterylization of women is illegal.

I haven't written anything about male/female suicides. I only wrote that a lot of CHILDREN and TEENAGERS become suicide in Poland, it doesn't matter if they're boys or girls.

You mind me bad (okey, I could write it another way, also my fault). I meant that some 10 years old girls have period so actually thay might get pregnant. That's why me as almost 16 years old girl should express my opinion about this topic. But pregnancy in such young age as 10 years old is always life threthening because anatomical she is not adapted to giving birth. But hipotetical even if her life wouldn't be in danger and in your opinion she should't abort her baby... well, I won't coment that... Do you really think that 10 years old girl is able to become mother?!

Ok, sure, You are right. Sometimes people pretent different person that they really are. Or... he may be good person, but still, for some reason there is break up, and mother is alone with kid - what is still terrible, because even after divorce or break up, father should care about mother and child.

I also agree that mostly, people look more unfriendly on women, who abandon her child, than when man do the same.

I disagree, when You say that nobody treat abortion as anticonception. Last time, when we had protests in Poland, there were women, who was talking about abortion, as if it would be something glorious. They were talking how awesome feeling it is, they were mentioning that its not their first abortion. It was just disgusting.
People use anticonception when they don't want to have a baby. Why some people want abortion on demand, and talk about it as if it would be something great and completely normal then?

Yes, sterilization should be legal for women. Maybe if our black protests would scream about it instead of talking about nonsense, using ugly words and demanding abortion for demand, they would get more public support. For now, it's forgotten just because our goverment don't care about anything. So I hope, someone finally change our law in this case, because it need just a small change of few words in paragraphs.

Im sure, if there is any danger for 10 year old girl, doctors would manage abortion. I think someone in this age should not be a parent yet. But, the point is, I don't agree that we have right to kill the human. And the left dont perceive the baby inside woman, as human. For them, its just fetus.
Im pro choice and prolife, but deciding about someone's life is not choice. Its slavery.

Ok, lets say, that I would like to kill someone, because this person don't have anyone to care about him, don't have money for life... And in my opinion, this person has terrible life. Can I do that? Just because I think that it will be better for this person?
Sure, Your body, Your choice. But new human in You, is new human. Its not You.
As man, as potential father, I feel responsible for my future child. I would never say to my wife or girlfried: "It is Your choice. I just gave You sperm, but it is Your body, Your pain, so do what You want. I would like to have this baby, but if You dont like, just abort it". And I believe i have right to talk about this topic. Because we all should be responsible for humanity, and especially for helpless existence.
Sure, from pragmatic point of view, its really great idea, to make abortion the normal thing. But I prefer morality. And killing children is not moral for me. This is the difference.

Well, I know about which women you talk about. And I agree that things they said were bad and it should't take place. Most people (even those who protested with them) don't approve their words. That shows that most people doesn't treat abortion as something good and something what should be glorified. Just don't go to extremes. In left such extreme will be showing abortion as amazing feeling and glorifing it. In right extreme will be absolute banning abortion (there are people whom think that even if women's life is in danger she should't abort baby, maybe you heard that some politics would like to ban it even if pregnancy is caused by rape. And even this situation when abortion were banned because of lethal defects, most of those babies will die few hours after being born or will be born dead. In my opinion this is glorification of suffering and pain. Have you heard about for example Patau and Edwards syndroms, I have heard about situations when doctors doesn't let mom to see her child because of those defects. And child have to get huge doses of morphine before died in few hours). I know that a lot of protesting people only would like to uphold the abortion compromise which allow abortion in 3 reasons.
For me every women should decide about abortion whatever the reason, I know that not every one agree with me and it's totally fine.
People on protests uses vulgar words because they are angry. When no one listen to them they are doing noise. Women show that they are not only good girls whom will live with everyone on peaceful way no matter what. (when 'patriots', miners, farmers or anyone else swear on protests it's OK. But when women say bad words a lot of people is indignant)

It’s the woman’s right; say she has a few complications prior to giving birth, should she not protect her life? Because surely if you are pro-life, you would understand that the pregnant woman also has a life that must be protected.
If the child is conceived through rape, then she has a right to abort since having that child isn’t of her own volition, and she would always be reminded of that pain.
All in all, it is up to the woman to decide for the body that the child will be in is hers, not anyone else’s.
If the woman’s life is in danger, and say she passes in childbirth, should that child have to grow up motherless? Be placed into an orphanage?
However, I do believe that if a woman who is in a good, healthy relationship wants to have an abortion, she should tell her partner.
And then, if it were to be looked at from a religious viewpoint, abortion should take place before the soul is put into the womb, and then if it were to be looked at from the Islamic POV, all the points I have made are valid.

Edited by lemondrop .

Abortion is murder.

I'm pro-choice but would love to live in a world where abortion wasn't needed that often due to excellent sex education, excellent relationship education, easy and free access to birth control, excellent health care for all and fewer instances of rape and incest.

If you yell 'I'm pro life', realize that in quite some cases the children are unwanted. You're more like 'pro-birth', and the life that the child has then? Not your problem, at least the child has been born.. Those children never asked for it to be born..
It should be every women's right to have an abortion, no matter what the case is. Her body, her decision!

Hi guys! IAM new here. Just peaked and look what I found! Wow! Such powerful band passionate opinions! And only youth. Don't older people participate in forums here? Wierd site. I must admit though Iam impressed with opinions here! Bravo! My hat is off to you all! I agree with all of you. I will only add one thing; abortion is supposed to be very private matter. Not a political matter. And a woman should decide. It's her body and belongs to her only.

Well, like everywhere. Nobody will change own opinion about it. For me, its's almost like murder. Why? Because I believe that this tiny guy inside is full person, with own character,soul and even with future writed in the stars.

If someone would put adult human in Your body, would You say that it is Your right to kill this person?

An egg cell and spermcell creating new cells that double and split theirselves isn't a human being for quite some weeks, so imo, it's no "murder".