Why are many countries full of prejudice against China? Politics and governments

For heaven′s sake! How many times have I said that China has never done anything to ethnic minorities. In fact, one of my classmates belongs to ethnic minorities.Is that how you trust your media? I can't trust the media in our country completely. We were educated since childhood: seeing is believing, but listening to the ear is false. Therefore, I often look for some facts rather than through the media.China is the most populous country in the world. Do you think any government can deceive the eyes of 1.4 billion people?Think about it! ! I don't think people here are worse than three-year-olds.I always think that western governments are absurd.For example, after the nuclear accident in the Soviet Union, although they sacrificed a lot of people to prevent the disaster and almost saved half of Europe, they were real heroes, but what did they get? Decades of abuse and discredit!Now that Japan says it wants to pour nuclear waste water directly into the Pacific Ocean, why don't several countries accuse Japan? !Why is there such a difference?Because the Soviet Union is a socialist country, it is their opponent and enemy; And what about Japan? The Japanese government is just a dog in Europe and America!In the face of human problems, they only think about their own interest.Isn't it the same in China? Like the Soviet Union, China is now the strongest socialist country.Those capitalists are just using the same dirty business.

They can deceive the eyes of 1.4 billion people because they control what you see. Your government controls the media. You do not have free press. You have government controlled media. The Soviet Union hid the nuclear disaster for months until others leaked the secret and scientists confirmed the rippling effects.

Japan has a whole slew of problems. Least of which is their nuclear issues. They have incredible discrimination against women. They kill whales and dolphins, and have never atoned for the comfort women.

China’s war crimes and inhumane treatment of people in Tibet are well documented. But your government doesn’t allow you to see that documentation. You already admitted you are prevented from opening the links to studies and articles provided in this thread by your government controlled internet. So how can you say your government hasn’t done it when they won’t allow you to see any type of news or investigation that they themselves have conducted? If you’re only allowed to see the information your government provides how can you argue that you have a clear perspective? In order to make an unbiased decision you have to study both sides of the argument. But as you have already admitted your government won’t allow you to do that.

Think about it.Will your country let you see the news that insults and slanders them?And who said that the facts I saw came from the Internet?Can't I use my eyes?Let's make a hypothesis. If our government really wants to control our thoughts, I can't appear on this website, because I completely use our network and our browser to enter it.Besides, how can you prove that my country cheated me, and how can you prove that your country didn't cheat you?

The news in my country is constantly running stories that slanders our government. Every single day and every single hour. That’s what free press is about. Being able to speak out against your government and the wrong it does. Not only do we have our own news constantly showcasing the corruption in our government, but we can watch news from around the world that is protesting against American corruption. Something your own government will not allow because they do not want you knowing the truth of what it does.

For heaven′s sake! How many times have I said that China has never done anything to ethnic minorities. In fact, one of my classmates belongs to ethnic minorities.Is that how you trust your media? I can't trust the media in our country completely. We were educated since childhood: seeing is believing, but listening to the ear is false. Therefore, I often look for some facts rather than through the media.China is the most populous country in the world. Do you think any government can deceive the eyes of 1.4 billion people?Think about it! ! I don't think people here are worse than three-year-olds.I always think that western governments are absurd.For example, after the nuclear accident in the Soviet Union, although they sacrificed a lot of people to prevent the disaster and almost saved half of Europe, they were real heroes, but what did they get? Decades of abuse and discredit!Now that Japan says it wants to pour nuclear waste water directly into the Pacific Ocean, why don't several countries accuse Japan? !Why is there such a difference?Because the Soviet Union is a socialist country, it is their opponent and enemy; And what about Japan? The Japanese government is just a dog in Europe and America!In the face of human problems, they only think about their own interest.Isn't it the same in China? Like the Soviet Union, China is now the strongest socialist country.Those capitalists are just using the same dirty business.

They can deceive the eyes of 1.4 billion people because they control what you see. Your government controls the media. You do not have free press. You have government controlled media. The Soviet Union hid the nuclear disaster for months until others leaked the secret and scientists confirmed the rippling effects.

Japan has a whole slew of problems. Least of which is their nuclear issues. They have incredible discrimination against women. They kill whales and dolphins, and have never atoned for the comfort women.

China’s war crimes and inhumane treatment of people in Tibet are well documented. But your government doesn’t allow you to see that documentation. You already admitted you are prevented from opening the links to studies and articles provided in this thread by your government controlled internet. So how can you say your government hasn’t done it when they won’t allow you to see any type of news or investigation that they themselves have conducted? If you’re only allowed to see the information your government provides how can you argue that you have a clear perspective? In order to make an unbiased decision you have to study both sides of the argument. But as you have already admitted your government won’t allow you to do that.

Think about it.Will your country let you see the news that insults and slanders them?And who said that the facts I saw came from the Internet?Can't I use my eyes?Let's make a hypothesis. If our government really wants to control our thoughts, I can't appear on this website, because I completely use our network and our browser to enter it.Besides, how can you prove that my country cheated me, and how can you prove that your country didn't cheat you?

We provided links to studies and investigations against your government and you told us you were unable to open them. Why? Because your government censors what you are allowed to see and read. You just prove our point.

May everyone see the clear facts of the world and find critical thinking a habit in the world past the lies passed down and allowed to grow in the hands of the ignorant.

So do you think what your media reports about China is 100% true?
When it comes to minorities, I don't think our government treats them badly. Why is that? In fact, our government has given them a lot of benefits. Sometimes our government gives them rights that we Han Chinese do not. For example, in the Chinese college entrance examination, they can get extra points just for belonging to ethnic minorities. The higher score we get in this exam, the better university we can go. Another example is some in Yunnan Province (this province has a particularly large number of ethnic minorities, such as Dulong, Wa, Lisu, etc.) some ethnic minorities live in the mountains. Our government built some houses for them at the foot of the mountain and advised them to move to those houses. Because living on a mountain, especially near a cliff, is very dangerous. So they agreed to the proposal. This is what is happening in Yunnan Province. Just last month, I saw those ethnic groups and those houses in Yunnan Province.

The news in my country is constantly running stories that slanders our government. Every single day and every single hour. That’s what free press is about. Being able to speak out against your government and the wrong it does. Not only do we have our own news constantly showcasing the corruption in our government, but we can watch news from around the world that is protesting against American corruption. Something your own government will not allow because they do not want you knowing the truth of what it does.

The news in my country is constantly running stories that slanders our government. Every single day and every single hour. That’s what free press is about. Being able to speak out against your government and the wrong it does. Not only do we have our own news constantly showcasing the corruption in our government, but we can watch news from around the world that is protesting against American corruption. Something your own government will not allow because they do not want you knowing the truth of what it does.
I suggest you to pay more attention to your medias then... Not only because they are more likely owned, like in other Western coutnries, by few people with their very own interests, but also because US medias are very much anti chineses as said by chineses people here.

This is the case in France, this is the case in England, and this is the case in US as well from what I've seen. The worst being that US medias are well known for twisting reality or just ignoring many many things, including the location of countries and their capital, about foreign countries.

Chineses people are sure biased and could get easily butthurt if someone say something bad about China as they love their country -something that we forgot here-, and Chinese medias are often either describing the western countries as fuckers that lie and know nothing about them (which is not totally wrong) while they do the same when talking about our countries.

As for the minorities in China, what is so funny is that 5-10 years about, some people where complaining about China eventually mistreating them. Those were always hidden because nobody cared about China. It became a thing, a big thing, only very recently. How can someone believe anything the news say knowing this very little piece of information..?

Finally, the US is mostly very well depicted anywhere int he west despite how imperialist this country is. It has nothing to envy to China, far from it, yet, it's always described as the good guy, even when it spies its own "allies".

For heaven′s sake! How many times have I said that China has never done anything to ethnic minorities. In fact, one of my classmates belongs to ethnic minorities.Is that how you trust your media? I can't trust the media in our country completely. We were educated since childhood: seeing is believing, but listening to the ear is false. Therefore, I often look for some facts rather than through the media.China is the most populous country in the world. Do you think any government can deceive the eyes of 1.4 billion people?Think about it! ! I don't think people here are worse than three-year-olds.I always think that western governments are absurd.For example, after the nuclear accident in the Soviet Union, although they sacrificed a lot of people to prevent the disaster and almost saved half of Europe, they were real heroes, but what did they get? Decades of abuse and discredit!Now that Japan says it wants to pour nuclear waste water directly into the Pacific Ocean, why don't several countries accuse Japan? !Why is there such a difference?Because the Soviet Union is a socialist country, it is their opponent and enemy; And what about Japan? The Japanese government is just a dog in Europe and America!In the face of human problems, they only think about their own interest.Isn't it the same in China? Like the Soviet Union, China is now the strongest socialist country.Those capitalists are just using the same dirty business.

They can deceive the eyes of 1.4 billion people because they control what you see. Your government controls the media. You do not have free press. You have government controlled media. The Soviet Union hid the nuclear disaster for months until others leaked the secret and scientists confirmed the rippling effects.

Japan has a whole slew of problems. Least of which is their nuclear issues. They have incredible discrimination against women. They kill whales and dolphins, and have never atoned for the comfort women.

China’s war crimes and inhumane treatment of people in Tibet are well documented. But your government doesn’t allow you to see that documentation. You already admitted you are prevented from opening the links to studies and articles provided in this thread by your government controlled internet. So how can you say your government hasn’t done it when they won’t allow you to see any type of news or investigation that they themselves have conducted? If you’re only allowed to see the information your government provides how can you argue that you have a clear perspective? In order to make an unbiased decision you have to study both sides of the argument. But as you have already admitted your government won’t allow you to do that.

Think about it.Will your country let you see the news that insults and slanders them?And who said that the facts I saw came from the Internet?Can't I use my eyes?Let's make a hypothesis. If our government really wants to control our thoughts, I can't appear on this website, because I completely use our network and our browser to enter it.Besides, how can you prove that my country cheated me, and how can you prove that your country didn't cheat you?

We provided links to studies and investigations against your government and you told us you were unable to open them. Why? Because your government censors what you are allowed to see and read. You just prove our point.

The wikipedia links by the spanish guy..? Honestly, there is nothign to say in EU where some website also are blocked (no access to scihub because it's "bad" to get an access to scientific articles you paid for with your taxes for instance. No access to some infos, some other being hidden by websites like Google...).
Minorities are also treated poorly and the irony being that in Spain, Cataloña just should shut its mouth. As for the US, it's already done and even French communities in Louisiana are kinda dead (ethnocide), same in France with the various ethnic groups that are either not recognized or have simply disappeared.
Credit system being very much of a thing in EU too through increasing mass surveillance and mass propaganda (even Arte, a channel supposed to be dedicated to culture and knowledge is full of crap, more and more, with biased content about China, Russia, US, EU, nuclear energy, green energy et caertera).
Environmental issues being, agian, a thing in the US and EU as well, and Chinese one being partly thanks to our industrial that migrated to third world countries at the time.

I won't say that Wikipedia is also a biased source and, hence, not very reliable, especially when it concern ideology.

America described as the good guys? Not from the news I see. I rarely watch mainstream media in the US because it has devolved to the conservatives and the liberals. Both sides pushing their own agenda. I primarily watch overseas media or independent media outlets. Because it’s how I get a clearer picture of what is going on.

I don’t really see my country as the good guy or being represented as the good guy. More like the biggest mofo on the block. The biggest threat. Which is kind of a good thing, but also shows how little we are respected. Just feared. Which is not admirable in my opinion.

I am very aware of how biased my country is against China, but it doesn’t change the fact that the Chinese government is horrible and engages in mass mind control and brain washing of its populace. It controls what they can see and learn in order to maintain control. It doesn’t change the fact that they engage in blatant human rights violations, forced labor camps, unlawful imprisonment, and so much more.

At least in my country we are allowed to investigate our own government. I have no doubt my government engages in torture of enemies and has some secret prisons somewhere. I’d really like to know what goes on in Guantanamo Bay. I am extremely skeptical of my government, but it’s not just my government who has investigated China for all these offenses. It’s dozens. There have also been independent investigations by independent organizations into some of the atrocities committed by the Chinese government over the years.

I have nothing against the Chinese people. They’re actually pretty awesome and it’s why I’m trying to learn Mandarin, but their government? Is truly terrible. Far worse than my own and many others. And I feel sorry for the people in that country that are so brainwashed and tightly controlled they can’t even see it.

America described as the good guys? Not from the news I see. I rarely watch mainstream media in the US because it has devolved to the conservatives and the liberals. Both sides pushing their own agenda. I primarily watch overseas media or independent media outlets. Because it’s how I get a clearer picture of what is going on.

I don’t really see my country as the good guy or being represented as the good guy. More like the biggest mofo on the block. The biggest threat. Which is kind of a good thing, but also shows how little we are respected. Just feared. Which is not admirable in my opinion.

I am very aware of how biased my country is against China, but it doesn’t change the fact that the Chinese government is horrible and engages in mass mind control and brain washing of its populace. It controls what they can see and learn in order to maintain control. It doesn’t change the fact that they engage in blatant human rights violations, forced labor camps, unlawful imprisonment, and so much more.

At least in my country we are allowed to investigate our own government. I have no doubt my government engages in torture of enemies and has some secret prisons somewhere. I’d really like to know what goes on in Guantanamo Bay. I am extremely skeptical of my government, but it’s not just my government who has investigated China for all these offenses. It’s dozens. There have also been independent investigations by independent organizations into some of the atrocities committed by the Chinese government over the years.

I have nothing against the Chinese people. They’re actually pretty awesome and it’s why I’m trying to learn Mandarin, but their government? Is truly terrible. Far worse than my own and many others. And I feel sorry for the people in that country that are so brainwashed and tightly controlled they can’t even see it.

Sure it is, under US impulse obviously. US is directing what should be done for the "peace" and dictates what is "good" or "bad" in a very manichean way that, thus, can be "taught" to anyone without any problem (so are going the things in EU or at smaller scale though).
North Korea ? Aaah, so bad, evil dude, we must block them and starve them then pointing out how bad they are because their people are starving. China ? Aaah, bad, they aren't our arse licker, bad bad. Iran? Oh nooo, bad. Russia? Doesn't listen to us, baaaad too. Other agree and follow, out of fear or not, US is de facto described as the "good guy", the police of the world, and the peace keeper (by bombing).

Historically, mass propaganda, aka brainwashing, has been developped in the US at the begining of the 20th century (Edward Bernays, following the work of Gustave Le Bon and Freud). Seeing what clownry are the US elections being everytime (a turd sandwish vs a giant Douche...) it should give us a hint about how the US might be manipulating news in every ways. Same in EU countries regarding how EU and euro are described and how French, Germans, Spanish and other europeans are perceiving these things and reacting to any critics toward EU and €, or how difficult is it to gather real information and how blurry it is in general.
Now looking about the piece of news we got about China from here, it seems very obvious that they are not our "friends" at all, quite the contrary, and that a whole process to bash them is in place, regardless of reality. China is supposedly evil and engaged in blatant human rights violations and unlawful emprisonment? Big deal! it happen 10k km away, nobody gave a damn about them and suddenly, "omg china bad"? Maybe we should wonder why it suddenly become a thing? Maybe there is a story about speck and beam hidden there as well (spoiler: there are) and that it's easier for our places to blame some commies and slanted eyes on the rise rather than just having to deal with our own shit? After all "people are dying in the West? There are human rights violations more and more? Ahah, but look at them, they are so much worse, we told ya! Can you check? nah, you don't speak chinese, ahah, gtfo now and believe us, you are so lucky".

In your country, you are no more allowed than Chineses to investigate, neither are Europeans. If you dig into something, you will, at best, be muted and described as a conspirationnist or a fascist. In England, you'd be jailed as well and reeducated for your racism if you say something against the doxa. It's time to stop thinking that our so called democracies are way better than so called totalitarian places, because they are often not. At best, they are slightly more subtle, vicious and less straight, but they are basically the same...
Another problem most of people in our western countries have is that they just get a piece of news and don't care about the context at all. So not only you care about a country far away from yours (which is basically like caring about the family at the end of your street...), but you, in addition, don't have any context about it, neither the history of the country, neither the environment and culture they're living in, neither the whole picture of the very event you're told about (typically, the pictures from the lockdown in China we were shown were no more than jokes and life in China was very different).

I honestly feel sorry for US citizen more than for Chineses ones, because from discussions I had, Chineses people seems less brainwashed by far. I guess it's matter of perspective.

Cause we are kinda stupide, all of us in this world.

It's fact that China has breached the internationally signed contract of assuming Hong Kong's population under China's care by removing Hong Kong's electorial system. (The Sino-British Joint Declaration) This shows impulsive policy to elimiminate multi-lateral co-operation when it comes to the affairs of other nations under China's behalf.

If you say that the Uighurs and Tibetans are doing well, can you explain the labor camps that they have opened in some places in Xinjiang? I don't think some countries want to smear China's image on purpose, but I'm puzzled ...
I don't know where you know this. There has never been such a thing as a labor camp. If you know it from the BBC, I can tell you very clearly that their so-called labor camp is actually just a dormitory of a sanitation company,People who work there are voluntary.The interview was also maliciously edited by them. China is full of surveillance. Do you really think that if China wants to hide something, these reporters will have a chance to go in and interview? They can't do it secretly either.That's why I say there are always people there who make absurd lies to deceive the world.

I might change the subject, but I want to come back to the plight of minorities in China.
Here is the testimony of an Uighur who succeeded from a detention camp. These detention camps that the Chinese government claims to be cleaning camps, or vocational training centers...
I hope that despite the language barrier you will find a way to understand this testimony.

Because China is "red country"。And many people can’t go to visit in China .If you will go to China ,you can find China is a really beautiful country.

If you say that the Uighurs and Tibetans are doing well, can you explain the labor camps that they have opened in some places in Xinjiang? I don't think some countries want to smear China's image on purpose, but I'm puzzled ...
I don't know where you know this. There has never been such a thing as a labor camp. If you know it from the BBC, I can tell you very clearly that their so-called labor camp is actually just a dormitory of a sanitation company,People who work there are voluntary.The interview was also maliciously edited by them. China is full of surveillance. Do you really think that if China wants to hide something, these reporters will have a chance to go in and interview? They can't do it secretly either.That's why I say there are always people there who make absurd lies to deceive the world.

I might change the subject, but I want to come back to the plight of minorities in China.
Here is the testimony of an Uighur who succeeded from a detention camp. These detention camps that the Chinese government claims to be cleaning camps, or vocational training centers...
I hope that despite the language barrier you will find a way to understand this testimony.

Oh please, using TPMP with an over emotional discourse as a source... When will this propaganda about the Uyghurs cease? Western countries suddenly got interested in this topic few months ago while some people were whining about chinese minorities for years in total indifference, and for what? To extrapolate things in a place that is 6000km away and that most of people can't put properly on a map while the EU is doing more or less the same thing, but more sneakily, to our people.
It seems like we're really looking att he speck in our (very distant) neighbour's eye, but not the beam in our own eye in the "West"...

Because China is "red country"。And many people can’t go to visit in China .If you will go to China ,you can find China is a really beautiful country.
Allow me to doubt. Shanghai might be "beautiful" (at least for people liking big cities and air pollution), but outside, the third world atmosphere doesn't suit everyone... Still China is probably far from being as bad as described, same as countries that CCP is bitching about.

They put this covid 19 virus to spread all over the world. They have been spying on the USA. They were burning papers here in Houston at the Embassy and Trump closed that Embassy. If you want to know more just ask.
No one has ever accused the United States of spreading H1N1 flu to the world, causing millions of deaths, but now it is ridiculous to blame China for spreading Covid-19 to the world.

I don't understand why some people still think there are labor camps in China, man, for God's sake, it was in the 1960s and 1970s! Now when you come to China to talk about China's labor camps, younger people will look puzzled because they never knew it existed, while older people will look at you with caring eyes for mental retardation, because they will think that you didn't learn history well and move out a thing that has been abolished for 50 years.
I don't understand why it took so many years for the Western media to discover: "My God, Chinese Uighurs are so miserable!" What are you doing when the United States bombed Yugoslavia? America is holding on to the Panama Canal. What are you doing? Human rights are above all else. You are so full that you don't know how hungry you are!
What government can deceive 1.4 billion people? Are there few people in Xinjiang? Xinjiang is as big as dozens of Britain! Why did the people there never resist the Communist government? Yes, yes, the western media really care for mankind, and you can manage the internal affairs of other countries!
There is also the question of Hong Kong. Is this a democratic movement? So Trump supporters are a few hundred percent of the so-called democracy movement. Their impact on Congress is just a democratic parade. Why should they be called riots?
Why did the Chinese never want to overthrow the Communist government? You call it mind control? That this kind of mind control is really severe, and the anger of 140 million people can be quelled.
Let me tell you the truth!
Because we wanted national independence, the Communist Party gave it to us. We want to stand tall and not give in to a big country, and the Communist Party has given it to us. We wanted industrialization, and the Communist Party gave it to us. Eventually we were dissatisfied with some policies of the Communist Party, such as the Cultural Revolution, and they stopped!
They gave me almost everything I wanted. Why do you want to overthrow this regime for the sake of the people?
Western media, regardless of their own bad things, shoot today and shoot tomorrow, kill people with knives and attack Congress tomorrow, and I feel surprised when people don't die. Yes, that's right. Therefore, western media no longer care about their own problems, and their eyes turn to China, which has been stable and flourishing for half a century.
But they miscalculated that China would not be the Soviet Union and there would be no Gorbachev! No one will question China's development because of the words of outsiders.
This is the view of questioning the above international friends. Finally, add one sentence.
If you don't come to China to see and go to Xinjiang for a walk, how dare you make subjective assumptions and rely on a few smelly newspapers?
For those dead ducks whose mouth is shut, they are masters who have been grinding swords for ten years, and they have long been invincible. I'm curious. Maybe they are too full to eat and have nothing to do. They just want to meddle with dogs and mice. After hundreds of years, they will all be socialist countries sooner or later. I'm waiting for the next financial crisis

Do you know WHAT IS EMBASSY????
"They have been spying on the USA. They were burning papers here in Houston at the Embassy and Trump closed that Embassy." That's ridiculous.
Chinese embassy belongs to china, not America. Americans have NO RIGHT to stop Chinese doing things they want in Chinese embassy.

They put this covid 19 virus to spread all over the world. They have been spying on the USA. They were burning papers here in Houston at the Embassy and Trump closed that Embassy. If you want to know more just ask.

i guess that could be because of the changing power balance in the world. Western countries, usa above all, are losing their economic and politic primate due to china continue expansion and so they find different ideologic ways to contrast its power.

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