

  • 15
  • Something to tell the world!

    Hi, I'm Thomas, a French guy. I'm looking for penpals from all over the world. I travelled in Scotland (Glasgow, Forth William, Inverness and Edinburgh), during forstnight in 2019 during the summer hollidays.
    I like different kind of music : Rap, metal, punk, reggae... and also fictionnal stories, actually I'm writing a a fantasy novel.
    I also do stand-up comedy not for so long.
    If you want to talk with me, I can use Telegram, Whatsapp, Instagram and Email, but we are not in a hurry, let's know each other before on MP. Don't ask me all of my social networks right at the begining please. Besides, my Instagram is principally for stand-up comedy.
    I speak English, a little bit of spanish and I have a few notions of Japanese ( only in rômaji) and of course french. I started to learn Japanese again this year by the way.

  • Favourite books/authors/films

    I like Tolkien, Lovecraft and other fantasy writers. I appreciate animes, mangas and super heroe stories too, and a few years ago, I discovered audio dramatized series. Recently, I started to read Dune series by Frank Harbert.

