Melde ein technisches Problem


Today I was going to edit a post I sent and ran into this issue now is fine。thanks!!!!


i texted two people and it said after with the third i cant text more people because of avoiding abuse. why? i am new


Sometimes I speak in a forum, Penpal Gate always automatically subscribes to, hoping to improve


Next, I will list some Chinese tranlation questions/problems in help page. 📸️ NOTE:What I said next was written by myself, without use translation app,So the...


As the title says, I click on someone’s profile, try to chat with them, and I get an error


I apologize for dividing this type of issue into two themed posts, Because when I posted my last message yesterday, it was already midnight in China. Next, I...


For most of the day you were prevented from creating new topics everywhere but in the Trivia forum. This was a bug, and should've been the other way around :...


Hello, Etienne. There are some bugs about downloading conversations. Let me tell you the details. When we download a conversation, we will get a .zip, and th...


Is Chinese translation machine translation? for example: Why hasn't the “home” been directly translated?You can translate it into “主页” I found that the butto...


Hi, I am using penpal gate on my iphone, and until this week it worked very good, but now when I wanna open the website I get the notification that penpal ga...


I noticed I something cannot view a received message, although I do receive an email notification warning me that person has just answered me, but when I ope...


I want to delete one of my Visited Places since I made a typo and it put it somewhere else. How?


Dear Penpal-Gate, I think that the recent inflow of US-American and possibly also Uruguayan accounts is only to create fake accounts and invite people to str...


When I discuss in the forum, someone else writes something new, I can't see it directly, only when I'm on another page there will be a prompt to tell me: the...


Good morning. I'd like to ask - is there any way to know if person to whom I wrote message has received it? And how can I see to whom I've wrote e-mails? For...


Hey.. I can't join to chat.. :ban: Oh.. No. Please HELP :CC I have message : You have been temporarily banned from the chatroom. You will be able to sign bac...


I am not able to upload my pictures on this.Kindly tell me how do I do this otherwise I shall stop using penpal gate as other sites provide better options . ...


What could be the problem? When I klick on the button for pictures, nothing happens.


Bonjour! Quelqu'un pourrait me fournir les mesures (en pixels) recommandées pour l'image de fond de l'espace personnel (profil) dans Penpal-Gate? Un grand me...


Hello, Microsoft has mistakenly blacklisted us 2 days ago and we have been unable to send emails to Hotmail/Live/Outlook addresses. We have reached out to th...


Impossible de se connecter au chat.... Est ce que cela arrive souvent ? Avez vous le même problème que moi ?


For some reason, all of my posts about the EU keep getting removed. I don't think I wrote anything incendiary, I was just asking what the views were on GDPR ...