πŸ‘ΆπŸ‘§πŸ» The best age? πŸ‘΅πŸ‘΄

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Here on penpal gate I have learned one thing: avoid arguing with those who love controversy. The theme of this forum was: the best age. Let's get back to this topic.

Thank you all for your comments and sharing your ideas!! πŸ™‚ I like to think about all the ideas and make an own opinion. But I am curious what people think about the three questions!! They are in the beginning of this forum (the first post), BUTTT you can also make new questions about age!! For example:

4️⃣ At what age should you be able to buy alcohol and cigarettes?

5️⃣ At what age should you be allowed to work?

6️⃣ At what age should you be allowed to retire?

And the earlier questions were what is the best age to:

1️⃣ To get a baby? πŸ‘Ά

2️⃣ To be allowed to get your driving licence for a car? πŸš—

3️⃣ To vote? πŸ“

1 / 30 2/ never lol 25 3/ 55

For me about the new questions my answers are:

4️⃣ At what age should you be able to buy alcohol and cigarettes?

I think 18. But I hope that one time nobody buys cigarettes anymore. In my country is like slogan that the government wants smoke free generation if that is the correct way to describe it. But that will be very difficult i think.

5️⃣ At what age should you be allowed to work?

We can work in for example a shop when you are 15. And when you are younger you can for example do babysitting or bringing around leaflets from shops. I think it is ok like that but it takes VERY LONG before you can save from babysitting but i understand why you cant work more than that now.

6️⃣ At what age should you be allowed to retire?

In my country it is 67, but you can retire when you want. But it is for the pension i think?? But some parties want a lower age for retirement, but others want a higher age.

Thank you all for your comments and sharing your ideas!! πŸ™‚ I like to think about all the ideas and make an own opinion. But I am curious what people think about the three questions!! They are in the beginning of this forum (the first post), BUTTT you can also make new questions about age!! For example:

4️⃣ At what age should you be able to buy alcohol and cigarettes?

5️⃣ At what age should you be allowed to work?

6️⃣ At what age should you be allowed to retire?

And the earlier questions were what is the best age to:

1️⃣ To get a baby? πŸ‘Ά

2️⃣ To be allowed to get your driving licence for a car? πŸš—

3️⃣ To vote? πŸ“

For 4, i think around 20, for 5, i think a part time job, maybe 16 and a normal job 18-19, and for 6 iβ€˜d say maybe like 55-70? I don’t know, or whenever the person who wants to retire feels like they’re old enough to πŸ€·β€β™€οΈ

4️⃣ At what age should you be able to buy alcohol and cigarettes? None

5️⃣ At what age should you be allowed to work? 14, if a person wants to

6️⃣ At what age should you be allowed to retire? 50

1️⃣ To get a baby? From 25 to 35

2️⃣ To be allowed to get your driving licence for a car? 20

3️⃣ To vote? 20

Hello everybody! πŸ™‹β€β™€οΈ

This is a new forum about age!! And i have three questions to start it, but everybody can also post questions of course!!

What is the best age:

⏺️ To get a baby? πŸ‘Ά

⏺️ To be allowed to get your driving licence for a car? πŸš—

⏺️ To vote? πŸ“

Now of course I understand that some things may be different for everybody! For example if you want a baby you maybe first want a job for a couple of years. Or some want a baby earlier or not at all!! So for those questions: what is the best age FOR YOU?

And for some questions (for example the voting) you can say in general what you think is best!! πŸ˜›

1. it's depends on which aspect that more matter for each individual, like in medic, they said that the ideal range to have baby between 20-35, because, at this age, fertility rates are higher, physical condition is better, and the risk of pregnancy complications is lower.

But if the doctor states that the individual has a stronger physique and condition than the average person, then I would suggest having children in the age range of 29-33. because in terms of career, ideally this age range has a higher position, a more stable financial condition with better self-maturity.

But, again, it all goes back to the condition of each individual, if it turns out that mentally, thinking, etc., he is more mature, his financial condition is more stable from an older age, then that's not a problem. (but I think this person is like 1:1,000,000. yep rare)
The purpose of this range is for individuals to consider decisions more deeply

2. in my country law, it starting 17 y.o. even then you have to undergo a series of driving tests

3. to vote? 18 y.o

Thank you all for your comments and sharing your ideas!! πŸ™‚ I like to think about all the ideas and make an own opinion. But I am curious what people think about the three questions!! They are in the beginning of this forum (the first post), BUTTT you can also make new questions about age!! For example:

4️⃣ At what age should you be able to buy alcohol and cigarettes?

5️⃣ At what age should you be allowed to work?

6️⃣ At what age should you be allowed to retire?

And the earlier questions were what is the best age to:

1️⃣ To get a baby? πŸ‘Ά

2️⃣ To be allowed to get your driving licence for a car? πŸš—

3️⃣ To vote? πŸ“

4. 21-25 somewhere there!
5. 10 (small work like newspaper) and real work 21 (for me children should be legal to be adults at age 21 and not 18)
6. retire it depends on the work and how hardand ur own health but probably 60-70

Thank you very much everybody that posted!!! I think for a lot of things people think very similar about good ages for some things but of course it depends on many things so it is often also what you think yourself what you want.

And i learned a lot what @mayuuram just wrote!! My mom always said if you want to have a baby it is good to have the first baby between 25-30 because of many reasons and i think in my case those reasons are good, but maybe for others not. BUTTT you also must have a partner that also wants that and that he loves you and wants to have a family. But if you find a very nice relationship it is i think for me the preference 25-30.

For voting i see a lot of different responses!! Some say very early like our age or much later or not at all!! And i like what @Simone724 said about not buying alcohol and cigarettes! πŸ˜› But i dont think that will happen in most countries.

If you want to test a question about age you can just write it here in the forum!! And i think many people will react what they think like now!! πŸ™‚

Have a nice evening everybody and a nice weekend!!! πŸ™‹β€β™€οΈπŸ™‹β€β™€οΈ

Here on penpal gate I have learned one thing: avoid arguing with those who love controversy. The theme of this forum was: the best age. Let's get back to this topic.
Pennarossa, you make an instant ad hitlerum because I said I don't like democracy. There is no arguing when you come with your beliefs and attempt to put them on other before answering, we call that a strawman fallacy.
You could have stopped with my last comment, after I tried cleared a little my point and where I just invited you to read me again to make sure that I did not mention dictatorship as an alternative before agreeing with you to leave it at that, but you prefered to overbid that comment of yours.

Please, refrain feeding the "controversy".

4️⃣ At what age should you be able to buy alcohol and cigarettes?
This is tough. 18 sounds nice, but it's also pretty ineffective. I got drank at 13-14 and tried smoking around that age as well. Furthermore, for ciarette, I can't recall of anyone +18 who became addicted to it. All of the people I remember about where smoking before.

5️⃣ At what age should you be allowed to work?
I think it depends the kind of work? I'd say 14 if only small works/small amount of time and not too demanding. 16 is probably way better than 18 or more to start learning/working as a cook or pastry chef as being younger when starting those jobs often offer better opportunities in my opinion: you don't waste time after mandatory school and you just rush directly to the working world; you get something tangible directly, and eventually can retire early as well and/or develope practical/useful knowledge that you can use outside, but also have some opportunity to switch from worker to boss etc.

6️⃣ At what age should you be allowed to retire?
Depends on the job? Ideally, everyone being able to leave super early would be super nice, but in practice, probably not so much. I guess that physical jobs leaving around 50-55 years old would be great, with decent pension. I think it's already the case for jobs like policemen in France at least. It's only a feeling and not based on annything, but I think it would be nice if they could enjoy retirement at least. When I see my mother, it is obvious that her work put a weight on her physical condition.

For more chill work, which typically come with longer studies, then working untill 60-65 is not bad.

Again, it's really "I feel like", but I think that leaving earlier also mean that you can renew some spots and have jobs for newer generations.

Oh, and for politician, nothing above 65.

Edited by Lianshen .

1. 16 to 30

2. 18

3. 18 like it is now.

4. Cigarettes 15, alchohol when you are 100 years old. Alchohol is a legal drug that is the cause for many problems both in health and otherwise. Many things for many people would go differently if there was no alcohol.

5. 16 because thats when the basic education is done and I think you should have the choice to get a real job if you wanted to work and not be just unemployed or go to higher education.

6. I think maybe 60-65 would be the best age allowed to retire (if you dont have any kinds of physical or mental probablems from which you would retire earlier) and i think this is the age its already. But for some more physically straining jobs the age to be allowed retirment should vary, like i think it does already.

Also i think for retirment there should be no top age for when you have to retire as long as you are capable and willing. Like my grandma was basically retired when she was i think 63 but continued working but with less hours, when she turned 70 they told her she cant work there anymore. Then she started searching for another job and hobbies, not because she cant afford to live with retirment but because she got bored.

Well thank you @Yue_ for these interesting question ! Actually, it often came into my mind and I went through some "experiences" during my teenage years. Not the first one though, but the two last. πŸ™‚

What is the best age: ⏺️ To get a baby? πŸ‘Ά

Depending of how long your higher studies might be, I'd say between 26-30 years old. It seems quite late, but the reasons below justify my answer.

On this one, it's really complex. I feel like people, fairly, make children at a later age, because they are first focusing on their higher education (after high school). Indeed, even though it has never been mandatory to get higher education after high school, but it feels like it is mandatory. It is certainly not an issue of social pressure to me, because I'm fully aware of the challenges of a good education : Have a stable job, easier hiring, and then get a family life! Some people may not agree with me, but I think it's necessary to get a sufficient amount of money and resources in order to get a family wife, and raise children in a GOOD environment.

⏺️ To be allowed to get your driving licence for a car? πŸš—

I'd say 16 years old I had a quite annoying experience with this one...
In France, there are three main driving licences.
- Accompanied driving license (which requires to be at least 15 years old, but you need to drive with someone)
- Supervised driving license (similar to the first one, but it's more free and more flexible)
- Normal driving license (You need to be at least 17 years old)

I wanted to be more autonomous (because public transports are really bad), and drive, so I wanted to get my driving theory test early in order to drive early at 15. But it was impossible because of Covid, lockdowns and the months of state of emergency. So I waited for the normal driving test to not have restrictions while driving while some of my friends were already driving (with the accompanied driving license).
But the thing that annoyed me the most, was when I reached 18 years old... Ironically, the French government suddendly woke up and said "Hey, how about we annoy Sabri and push back the age to 17 years old so that he loses one year ?!! πŸ˜ƒ" And they actually did... (It wasn't the first time that kind of thing had happened to me)
This got me really frustrated because I felt wronged by the government.

Actually, I don't know whether it's because of the Covid crisis or if it's just me, but because of government restrictions, I quite badly felt my 16 years old. 16 years old is what I'd consider "the hole of teenage years". You are too old to be considered a kid, but too young to be considered an adult. Basically you have responsibilities but no rights. So that's why I feel like most responsibilities should start at 16 years old, in order to autonomise and empower this age that was so neglected by governments. 16 year old teenagers who are reading this, would you agree with my statement ?

⏺️ To vote? πŸ“
I think, 16 years old. (or 17)
When I was 16 years old, I felt that I was enough knowledgeable and conscient about the country politics to vote, the problem could be the people who were not like me, and who were less interested and handled much less their responsibilities. I personally felt I could vote, but unfortunately it wasn't possible. But I think that 17 years old is great too, people begin taking seriously adulthood, and think about political issues way more often. In this way, they may vote through a clear-sighted choice.

Thank you for these questions Yue, I hope I'll be able to have some enriching discussions with others. πŸ™‚

Sorry for the hijack but I think the discussion between @Lianshen and @Pennarossa2024 was interesting, I think you're both right:
- yes dictatorship and tyranny are 2 different things (kings were natural dictators but as far as I know most weren't tyrants), but dictatorships can naturally slip towards tyranny, especially in certain regions of the world or historical contexts
- Democracy is ideal on paper, but can definitely show its limits in the real world: imagine a population of 10 people where 4 generate value and 6 don't: the majority will forever alienate those who do to the benefits of the majority who doesn't, thus engaging in a slow decline of society which is detrimental to everyone in the long run. This isn't to argue that the dictatorship alternative is the solution, just pointing out the weaknesses of idealized systems. πŸ˜›

As for the questions:

1️⃣ To get a baby? πŸ‘Ά => probably between 25 and 35

2️⃣ To be allowed to get your driving licence for a car? πŸš— => I feel like it could be as early as 16 years old

3️⃣ To vote? πŸ“ => I already believe most adults shouldn't be able to vote πŸ˜‚οΈ

Sorry for the hijack but I think the discussion between @Lianshen and @Pennarossa2024 was interesting, I think you're both right:
- yes dictatorship and tyranny are 2 different things (kings were natural dictators but as far as I know most weren't tyrants), but dictatorships can naturally slip towards tyranny, especially in certain regions of the world or historical contexts
- Democracy is ideal on paper, but can definitely show its limits in the real world: imagine a population of 10 people where 4 generate value and 6 don't: the majority will forever alienate those who do to the benefits of the majority who doesn't, thus engaging in a slow decline of society which is detrimental to everyone in the long run. This isn't to argue that the dictatorship alternative is the solution, just pointing out the weaknesses of idealized systems. πŸ˜›

As for the questions:

1️⃣ To get a baby? πŸ‘Ά => probably between 25 and 35

2️⃣ To be allowed to get your driving licence for a car? πŸš— => I feel like it could be as early as 16 years old

3️⃣ To vote? πŸ“ => I already believe most adults shouldn't be able to vote πŸ˜‚οΈ

Ur right soem adults should NOT VOTE

Ur right soem adults should NOT VOTE
And let's not forget we're all somebody else's idiot πŸ˜‚οΈ

And let's not forget we're all somebody else's idiot πŸ˜‚οΈ
YEP i m saying it i feel like an idiot and for many ppl i am an Idot but hey EVERYONE IS AN IDOT (as Etienne says).