Only for girls! 🤭🩸

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Hello everyone (again)! 😀❤️🥺

If anyone wants, we can talk about other teenage topics 🤭

If you want, suggest your topics!

Hello everyone (again)! 😀❤️🥺

If anyone wants, we can talk about other teenage topics 🤭

If you want, suggest your topics!



Cool! They knocked something out of it 😅

Cool! They knocked something out of it 😅




I AM ON M YPERIOD.... since yesterday....

I AM ON M YPERIOD.... since yesterday....

What is this?

Wow! Thank you very much! Everything is so detailed! Haha, well, I definitely won't have thoughts of suicide 😅. And so thank you very much! When they start, I'll definitely try it! 😝🥺🩷❤️

What is this?

haha,I 'd advise you to drink hot water .It is helpful

haha,I 'd advise you to drink hot water .It is helpful

Thank you 😇

Hello girls! 🤗

Everyone here is 12 or more, so I don't think it's scary that I'm writing this in a public place 😝

There's nothing to embarrass in my period (which I propose to talk about). It's a natural process 😚🤭

How do you feel about them? Personally, they haven't started for me yet... I think it's very interesting 😝

And what do you think about this, and what do you advise me when they start?

We can also talk about other teenage topics. 🩸🌸😚Write, who is interested 💖

This forum is only for girls who are 12-16 years old 😆

I am older then 16 but some advice is that very painful , long and heavy periods can be caused by a lack of iron or low levels , can also cause fatigue so please get some blood work if you are suffering from any of the above 🐱😑

Ps . I had very bad pain but after taking iron pills regularly it is not as bad or heavy 🖤

I am older then 16 but some advice is that very painful , long and heavy periods can be caused by a lack of iron or low levels , can also cause fatigue so please get some blood work if you are suffering from any of the above 🐱😑

Ps . I had very bad pain but after taking iron pills regularly it is not as bad or heavy 🖤

Yes, thank you! ❤️😙🪴 but, I always have perfect blood on tests 😗 thank you!

Another thing: I didn’t have pain too for the first 2 years. You will have it one day. Some people have it stronger than others for example me. Pain is part of periods so yeah,your pain time will arrive I wouldn’t brag that yall don’t have pain yet lol. Pain is also one of the points of periods

Another thing: I didn’t have pain too for the first 2 years. You will have it one day. Some people have it stronger than others for example me. Pain is part of periods so yeah,your pain time will arrive I wouldn’t brag that yall don’t have pain yet lol. Pain is also one of the points of periods

Yes, of course)

Hello everyone (again)! 😀❤️🥺

If anyone wants, we can talk about other teenage topics 🤭

If you want, suggest your topics!

My advice is to always carry hygiene products (tampons, pads, etc.) with you when going out because sometimes the cycle can be irregular

My advice is to always carry hygiene products (tampons, pads, etc.) with you when going out because sometimes the cycle can be irregular

Yeah, thank you very much! 😊 very valuable advice 🤍

Hello again to everyone! 💘

How does anyone have a transitional age??? 😝

Don't think I have nothing to do and I want to know more intimate things about you! It's just that first, I need advice, and secondly, it might be useful to talk about it... in short, understand me correctly...

Well, in short, who wants to, write. We can open a discussion on these topics:

1️⃣ leucorrhoea

2️⃣ What do you think about sex 🤭

3️⃣ First love 💕

4️⃣ Self-appraisal

5️⃣ Transitional age

And of course, you can offer your ideas. Also say, if something doesn't suit you in this forum...

Please do not write if you are over 16...