Thanksss @Kotyaka2023 and @Miss_Penpal!! 🙂 For me the answers are:
➡️ Is there a lot of gossip in your school?
Not a LOTTTT but there is gossip at our school. I dont like gossip AT ALL and i think that people gossip more with other people who like gossip so maybe there are more gossips or perhaps not. I am not sure but i dont want to be in it. 🙄🙄 Sometimes if other people say gossips i try to listen respectfully and not talk bad about the person they gossip about. Because i also dont want to hurt the person that talks but sometimes it is super difficult if you dont want to hurt both and i just dont know always what to say. 😬
➡️ Do your friends gossip a lot about each other?
My friend group at school does not really gossip often and also not about each other. In ballet more BUTTT most are in other schools and they talk about others in their schools so i dont even know who they talk about. But we also talk about nice things that are NOTTT gossips.
➡️ If you say positive things, is that also gossip?
I dont know. But saying positive things is allowed i think.
➡️ Have you been hurt by gossips?
Sometimes but not often bc it doesnt happen a lot.