What do you think of China ? Politics and governments

Yes, Dumi, that's right. It always was like that. But today is something different. The West tried to punish Russia, but actually it punished itself. All the cheap sources of energy will go to China, India and other Eastern countries. West already is suffering, but it's only beginning! China becoming a quick growing economic power. In some arias it already overcome Western technologies. That's why the West is scared to death because the balance is turning to the East.
I think Today no difference. Some countries working on making profit on others expense.Petrodollar scenario is the best example. There are complains for manufacturing countries for pollution, carbon emission, cheap labor ..... .. but actually who consumes the products and resources and waste them. I don't want to mention the name of the countries. They have less than 1 to 3 % of population and consumes more than 20 - 50 % of world resources. If you study the life styles of those countries you will understand.

I believe in One world, One love....
Yes, Porscheluvr, for me it's the same. Nobody wants to answer why? Why we are fighting? For what?
That's pretty naive. As long as you have 2 people or more in the same room, you've conflicts. The current room is filled with more than 7 billions "people".

Yes, Dumi, that's right. It always was like that. But today is something different. The West tried to punish Russia, but actually it punished itself. All the cheap sources of energy will go to China, India and other Eastern countries. West already is suffering, but it's only beginning! China becoming a quick growing economic power. In some arias it already overcome Western technologies. That's why the West is scared to death because the balance is turning to the East.
I think Today no difference. Some countries working on making profit on others expense.Petrodollar scenario is the best example. There are complains for manufacturing countries for pollution, carbon emission, cheap labor ..... .. but actually who consumes the products and resources and waste them. I don't want to mention the name of the countries. They have less than 1 to 3 % of population and consumes more than 20 - 50 % of world resources. If you study the life styles of those countries you will understand.
Well, you see the countries, I invite you to check on the individuals. I'll mention one, since you are unwilling to mention a country:
Bernard Arnault consumed 176t of CO2 in may, 215t in June, 133t in July, only by travelling using a plane. In order to fit in with the gloabl warming policies, a person should emit no more than 2t of CO2 per year.
I also would ask you who is producing that overcostly crap that has to be changed every once in a while whereas we could produce better quality stuff.

HEnce, more than studying the lifestyle of some countries, look at the lifestyle of some people.

Yes, Lianshen, I don't know what are you getting to, but you have the logic. China is a new superpower. It has a big population, it has technologies, it has industry. Guess if it in the interests of China to have the cheap Russian gas and oil? Who can deny it? More then that, China understands perfectly good, it's a chance! The West is made a stupid mistake. The West is tried to fight with both, with Russia and China. How stupid a person can be to fight with many enemies? And why? What is in the brain of the Western politicians? Are they crazy? What they are doing? The technologies, industry it's already not the West priority. China and Russia are not the undeveloped countries. These times are gone. It's another reality, but the West seems not getting it.

Yes, Dumi, that's right. It always was like that. But today is something different. The West tried to punish Russia, but actually it punished itself. All the cheap sources of energy will go to China, India and other Eastern countries. West already is suffering, but it's only beginning! China becoming a quick growing economic power. In some arias it already overcome Western technologies. That's why the West is scared to death because the balance is turning to the East.
China, Russia, and USA are the world's 3 super powers. They can all do damage. But they all have the power to help bring peace. China has always had better electric stuff and Russia has the oil.......

Yes, Porsheveluvr, some things are obvious, but some guys don't want to realize it! My question is again, what's wrong with these guys? What's wrong with their brain?

It's a different kind of logic. If I have some assets, for example like oil, will I think differently? Of course I will. I will think about my assets, not about humankind. It's my interest to sell something for more! And I will do it. Mine interests first! Will it be good or bad for humankind? I will think later, but first I have to hold to my own benefit. Humankind can wait. That's what it's all about.

It's a different kind of logic. If I have some assets, for example like oil, will I think differently? Of course I will. I will think about my assets, not about humankind. It's my interest to sell something for more! And I will do it. Mine interests first! Will it be good or bad for humankind? I will think later, but first I have to hold to my own benefit. Humankind can wait. That's what it's all about.
Yea, and that's why it's sad... The world needs more compassion

Problem is that these guys don't change their behavior, unless somebody will force them to do so. 50 years ago we had United Nations which kept the balance, now UN is very dependent organization. And it is sad. We don't have the higher authorities. Everybody is acting as it likes.

Yes, Porsheveluvr, some things are obvious, but some guys don't want to realize it! My question is again, what's wrong with these guys? What's wrong with their brain?
Потому, что эти особи есть зомби без мозгов.

Yes, Igor, for example, if I can destroy a small country which I don't like, who can stop me doing that? Only the USA. Everybody is still afraid of them. But who can stop the USA from destroying other small countries? Nobody! And that's exactly what the USA made several times. They could, and they did it. Anybody wants to discuss it? Why did they destroy Iraq, Livia, Syria, Yugoslavia? But I am sorry, the topic is China not Russia or the USA.

Yes, Igor, for example, if I can destroy a small country which I don't like, who can stop me doing that? Only the USA. Everybody is still afraid of them. But who can stop the USA from destroying other small countries? Nobody! And that's exactly what the USA made several times. They could, and they did it. Anybody wants to discuss it? Why did they destroy Iraq, Livia, Syria, Yugoslavia? But I am sorry, the topic is China not Russia or the USA.
Опять вы бред несете ! Вы действительно тролль ! Что такое США ? Обычная страна с ядерным оружием. Опирается на бумажный доллар - как фантик. Воспользовалась итогами Второй мировой войны и установила негласную гегемонию. По этому поводу Сталин организовал ООН. Чтобы никто не гегемонил и все наглые действия можно было бы заблокировать. Что еще и делается. Но с Югославией и Ираком получился прокол, потому как, не только США якобы были за организацию войн. Якобы Европейская каолиция. В обеих войнах участвовали интернациональные войска НАТО. США вывернулись из этого юридического казуса с еврейской способностью. И в обеих войнах США участвовали частично в процентном отношении. Зачем вы несете чушь, хотя сами являетесь полным профаном в этом ? Это просто не солидно человеку в возрасте ( если ты не набрехал в анкете ! )

Igor643, what we are talking about? What had made Stalin? Why do you mean? Did he make something bad? UN was a criminal organization? Everybody in the world accepted this arrangements! Do you have something about UN? I have too. Why? Because they are not what they had to be. Now it's completely dependent organization! It has no authorities to say something. What it has to do with me? I didn't organized UN, I am nothing! Why your addressing all these questions to me? I am responsible for something? Why you accusing me?

And, yes, Dumi, I agree, the world governments are just using us. Nobody wants to have the same rules for everybody. Everybody is trying to set their own rules. If I like these rules, I will comply, but if I don't, I won't make a single move of my finger. That's what is all about.

И ещё Игорь, почему вы переключаетесь на русский? Я понимаю, вам легче так объсняться, но опять же, разве мы имеем какие-то проблемы друг с другом? У меня с вами никаких проблем нет. У меня нет никаких проблем с тем, какую политику ведёт современная Россия! О чём мы спорим? Другие люди нас могут не понимать! Вам это всё равно? Мне нет. Я хочу быть услышанным. Это не какой-то междусобойчик. Какие у вас претензии ко мне? Мы чем-то меряемся?

The fact is that under the guise of control and limiting freedoms for criminals, Western society (including China), totally controls ordinary people. And technology is an "instrument" of this control, but not the very factor of the absence of freedom. Freedom and democracy in Western society, is under strict totalitarian control, precisely with the use of "tools". The statements of the West and the U.S. are mere demagoguery in word and paper. And Western society is used to this situation, because visually the society does not see this control, it is convenient for Western Society, and it is in ignorance, under totalitarian propaganda about "Free and democratic Western society". If you do anything by your "free" beliefs, as Julian Assange did, who exposed the "black state actions" , criminal acts of society, he went to Prison for that. Did he do anything wrong for society, freedom and democracy? He revealed the secrets of the criminal actions of the government so that all the people of the world would know about it. He did what a true "free" man should do. How naive he was! No! He broke the rules of Western society, namely: - sit quietly, shut your mouth, there is no freedom and democracy, - do your LGBT, do your instincts like an animal - freedom and democracy in the true sense of those words does not and cannot exist !

The fact is that under the guise of control and limiting freedoms for criminals, Western society (including China), totally controls ordinary people. And technology is an "instrument" of this control, but not the very factor of the absence of freedom. Freedom and democracy in Western society, is under strict totalitarian control, precisely with the use of "tools". The statements of the West and the U.S. are mere demagoguery in word and paper. And Western society is used to this situation, because visually the society does not see this control, it is convenient for Western Society, and it is in ignorance, under totalitarian propaganda about "Free and democratic Western society". If you do anything by your "free" beliefs, as Julian Assange did, who exposed the "black state actions" , criminal acts of society, he went to Prison for that. Did he do anything wrong for society, freedom and democracy? He revealed the secrets of the criminal actions of the government so that all the people of the world would know about it. He did what a true "free" man should do. How naive he was! No! He broke the rules of Western society, namely: - sit quietly, shut your mouth, there is no freedom and democracy, - do your LGBT, do your instincts like an animal - freedom and democracy in the true sense of those words does not and cannot exist !

The guys on YouTube who stand on public streets to film with their cameras any public office of any other citizen are often targeted as troublemakers for exercising their right to record events but at the same time everyone argues it is a violation of their privacy to be on camera. This is violated by the government officials when they apprehend someone just because they do not like something they do with the law.

The Federal Bureau of Investigations arrest men for holding any cameras in front of their buildings. The Supreme Court has already ruled on the line between freedoms of the public and the government grounds and the government may not overstep their authority in these cases.

At one big oil refinery in my state of Texas, Exxon, security is high to keep threats away and they have overstepped their legal rights in enforcing this. They even hire off-duty police officers to serve as security guards to patrol the perimeter and one man was harrassed for holding his device to record. The police officer who was working for a non-governmental corperation shown more authority than was appropriate towards the man with the recording device on public land in the public road and if an American make videos they get arrested even as tresspassers. This stinks highly of the influence capitalizm can have in their country and can creat a police state of pseudo-laws that are un-constitutional and the government encroching on what is public and private matters.

Edited by DanielWeathers .

Democracy and freedom as demagogy, cannot be true in the United States and the West. Because it is exactly demagogy. In Russia, about which the West shouts that it is a police state, for 20 years Freedom and Democracy are also limited. But not to the same totalitarian extent as the West and the United States.
China to a greater extent. There is no country where there is complete democracy and freedom in relation to the average citizen.
But there is no total control in Russia because of the backwardness in technology. And this is important. And that is a great degree of freedom, against the West and the U.S. at the present stage. This can be seen in the military action in Ukraine. The U.S. gives the coordinates of the Russian troops' targets to the Ukrainians from Poland, using a system of military space satellites, including Ilon Musk. Russia cannot control the entire territory of Ukraine hourly using its military satellites - there are too few of them and the quality of ground control leaves much to be desired. That is why Russia bought strike drones with good cameras from Iran. This is what is called technological backwardness.