Every war ends with somebody being better that the other.... There is never peace with war
Every war ends with somebody being better that the other.... There is never peace with war
I agree with you, Porcheluvr, and that's why old guys always insist on the military ending solution. It's easy, kill the enemies, and have all! It's a sick mind. Somebody tried to make things peacefully? No! They all want to fight! More than that, young people have to die for the welfare of rich people!
That's very true! It's either fight within ourselves (civil wars) or have war with other countries...... Buts it's always violence!!!
And it's always stupid. People are very strange creations.
Gosh can we do natural selection to eradicate all the dummies?
I guess not, it's nature! Mine is mine, whoever is trying to get hands on mine, is mine enemy. That's how it works. We are still animals.
Rawr!!!!! Haha i have bombs, don't make me mad lol
I agree with you, Porcheluvr, and that's why old guys always insist on the military ending solution. It's easy, kill the enemies, and have all! It's a sick mind. Somebody tried to make things peacefully? No! They all want to fight! More than that, young people have to die for the welfare of rich people!Ты что несешь бред ? "старики всегда настаивают на военном решении.". Ты с ума сошел. Кто из нашего поколения может настаивать на войне ?. У каждого в семье кто-либо погиб на прошлой войне. Не надо путать стареющих политиков и обычных пожилых людей. Политики создают войны. Политики и диктаторы решают кому жить в мире, а кому в войне. Это твоя бредовая мысль предлагает мне заподозрить тебя в сумасшествии. Сколько молодых политиканов сейчас в мире ? Сколько из в правительствах и США и других Европейских стран ? Это они являются проводниками идей, старых политических пердунов. И это говорит о том, что у них нат принципов и собственных мозгов. Все желания есть только разбогатеть на политической игре. Их не интересуют последствия. Мне было бы интересно посмотреть как представители ЛГБТ и гендерного сообщества будут воевать на Украине. Я сомневаюсь, чтобы хоть один из них решился поехать в Украину и восстановить там свободу и демократию. Треть политических руководителей Западного сообщества являются уже или гендерами или ЛГБТ. Включая папу Римского. Это все является индикатором упадка Западного общества. И они это знают и развязывают новые войны. Талько через войны они могут сохранить свой статус и прибыли.
Bzzzzzzzzz....... Is this forum about the LBGT community and the Western war lords now?
"...Мне было бы интересно посмотреть как представители ЛГБТ и гендерного сообщества будут воевать на Украине. Я сомневаюсь, чтобы хоть один из них решился поехать в Украину и восстановить там свободу и демократию...
...Это все является индикатором упадка Западного общества. И они это знают и развязывают новые войны..."
"...I would be interested to see how representatives of the LGBT and gender community will fight in Ukraine. I doubt that even one of them would dare to go to Ukraine and restore freedom and democracy there...
...All this is an indicator of the decline of Western society. And they know it and unleash new wars..."
Igor643, you know, I am talking about the West society, not our society. The West is now is USSR in a worst understanding. Russians and dogs are not allowed in this restaurant! Can you imagine such a sign in Russia? Germans and Americans are not allowed in Russian restaurants? Doesn't it sounds crazy? But such sign was in one of Germans restaurants. Germans again using the same tactic? I don't know then what is normalcy? West is sick. And they don't realize it. I am not for LGBT and other crazy things, but let's be reasonable. We are not going to put them to jail or burn them in fire. We have to understand them, they will have to understand us. Otherwise, the world is going to hell.
Igor643, you know, I am talking about the West society, not our society. The West is now is USSR in a worst understanding. Russians and dogs are not allowed in this restaurant! Can you imagine such a sign in Russia? Germans and Americans are not allowed in Russian restaurants? Doesn't it sounds crazy? But such sign was in one of Germans restaurants. Germans again using the same tactic? I don't know then what is normalcy? West is sick. And they don't realize it. I am not for LGBT and other crazy things, but let's be reasonable. We are not going to put them to jail or burn them in fire. We have to understand them, they will have to understand us. Otherwise, the world is going to hell.
Igor643, you know, I am talking about the West society, not our society. The West is now is USSR in a worst understanding. Russians and dogs are not allowed in this restaurant! Can you imagine such a sign in Russia? Germans and Americans are not allowed in Russian restaurants? Doesn't it sounds crazy? But such sign was in one of Germans restaurants. Germans again using the same tactic? I don't know then what is normalcy? West is sick. And they don't realize it. I am not for LGBT and other crazy things, but let's be reasonable. We are not going to put them to jail or burn them in fire. We have to understand them, they will have to understand us. Otherwise, the world is going to hell.А вы что , не знали ?
Igor643, you and I we know about such things, but in the West they see us as monsters. They think that we are for oppression, for dictatorship, we are abnormal. But again, it's not about you and me, it's about them!
And again, West and East don't understand each other. Or it seems like that? Maybe the West understand what's going on, but it does it anyway? Then why? I think it's the case. Interests! It's not about human rights, not about anything else, it's interests! Russia and West is competitors! In any way. Like a really smart businessmen I have to praise my own product and put down the products of my competitor. China is also competitor to the West. Then why we are so surprised? It's only business! Nothing personal.
It's all about politics I guess. Politicians want some hype for survival so they name a country as an enemy. By doing that they can deviate people attention towards that and neglect on their own country problems. On the other hand WAR ( or Military ) is very good business since the profit can be easily hide from the public.
It's all about politics I guess. Politicians want some hype for survival so they name a country as an enemy. By doing that they can deviate people attention towards that and neglect on their own country problems. On the other hand WAR ( or Military ) is very good business since the profit can be easily hide from the public.
It's all about politics I guess. Politicians want some hype for survival so they name a country as an enemy. By doing that they can deviate people attention towards that and neglect on their own country problems. On the other hand WAR ( or Military ) is very good business since the profit can be easily hide from the public.Ты есть абсолютно прав ! Молодец что ты понимаешь это. Глобальная политика правит миром.
Yes, Dumi, that's right. It always was like that. But today is something different. The West tried to punish Russia, but actually it punished itself. All the cheap sources of energy will go to China, India and other Eastern countries. West already is suffering, but it's only beginning! China becoming a quick growing economic power. In some arias it already overcome Western technologies. That's why the West is scared to death because the balance is turning to the East.
Yes, Dumi, that's right. It always was like that. But today is something different. The West tried to punish Russia, but actually it punished itself. All the cheap sources of energy will go to China, India and other Eastern countries. West already is suffering, but it's only beginning! China becoming a quick growing economic power. In some arias it already overcome Western technologies. That's why the West is scared to death because the balance is turning to the East.И почему же это другое ? Сам себя опроверг. Россия в глобальном окружении Запада. Причем тут частные злопыхатели типа Литвы и прочих польских шавок, Это и есть глобальный заговор против России + появился Китай !
The US shares much technology with China. Sometimes we even steal it from each other.