What do you think of China ? Politics and governments

Changalisa, the question about the USA is really interesting because some people really think that there is a "democratic" world of some kind and the other one authoritarian one. For example, Taiwan. It's a very provocative question which we discussing? Why? Because "somebody" wants us to discuss such things. They are trying to persuade people that it's the outmost important question we should discuss. Why not discuss Catalonia, North Ireland, yellow jackets in France and so on? Anybody remember Snowden? Where is he? What I am trying to say, these topics are thrown to discuss problems in China and Russia, but nobody cares what is going on in the West? That's why I put the topic - What do you think about Julien Assange. I was told, that very few people know who is he?
Because the topic is...China.
There's nothing to stop you from discussing any of the things you mentioned. Just start another topic.
Why is it that you always pop up in topics like this wanting to talk about something else?

To tell the truth, I don't care what people in other countries think of us, we just have to do our own thing. This post is at best an international experiment. You said there are a lot of posts here asking if you support China and Russia, and I don't see many of them, and we ask because we're really in international focus. You're Irish, and if I'm mistaken then I'm sorry, if you want you can also post asking people what they think of your country, but with all due respect, most people probably don't have much to say because not many people know Much about Ireland. Personal opinion
。translate if you want , I don't want to waste my time on thinking how to express in English , it's more convenient to speak in mother language .
How accurate is the translation? You haven't noticed the other forums about China and Russia? You don't have to look that hard.

translate if you want , I don't want to waste my time on thinking how to express in English , it's more convenient to speak in mother language .
I want to speak in Chinese , it may be the last time I speak English in this post , I would appreciate it if you can understand .

You are on an international board, and English is (unfortunately) the common language here, so it would be basic respect to speak a language most if not all are able to comprehend here, for mandarin especially isn't always well translated with the help of a translator.
Futhermore, you are the one sharing your ideas/expressing your opinion, why would other people have to make an extra effort to read it? If you only want to speak chinese, then there are chinese forums...

Imaginez si tout le monde faisait pareil et parlait sa langue maternelle et utilisait ses codes culturels. Nous nous retrouverions sur le chantier de Babel, et je ne parle pas des langues moins connues. Komz a rez brezhoneg ? Ne rafen ket.

Ps : Ireland is extremely popular and liked for its gaelig culture.

Edited by Lianshen .
So far I've only seen one forum asking for opinions of "America" and it was started by an "American." There's been around ten forums on Russia and some on China included mostly by people of those countries on here in the last 6 months. So, why are these two countries get so much promotion and good talk?
Might be because there are many teens and many chineses actives on this forum, and because Russians and Russia is a hot topic.
teens also have their thoughts ok? and that's really the truth.
Didn't say they that they don't have any thought. What I mean is that teens could tend to be more impatient and not check if a topic already exist as well as they could bother less with arguments. Since I probably need to say it: that's a generality, and of course some grandpas would behave in a worse way,as well as some teenagers would dedicate a lot of time to make researches and arguments.

Xinhua China News Agency.
At 3-40 this morning, a PRC sea-launched cruise missile fired from a Chinese Jianwei-2 type frigate as part of China's naval maneuvers off the coast of Taiwan accidentally veered off course at a target in the Sea of Japan and struck Kaohsiung, Taiwan's largest seaport. This mistaken trajectory destroyed the port's largest commercial wharf and two harbour cranes. Twenty-six port workers and port security guards were killed. China apologizes for the missile control failure and clarifies that the missile control failure could only have occurred based on Taiwanese-made electronic chips. China apologizes to the people of Taiwan for the incident..,
I made this news up after hearing about the Chinese government fiasco regarding Taiwan and the US, with the old lady provocateur from the US... With this fiasco, China has not only put Russia under moral and political attack, but has also put all Russian efforts to rehabilitate a multipolar world in jeopardy.
The US and Taiwan are triumphant. Now it turns out that all China's threats towards Taiwan, all its manoeuvres around Taiwan and hints of "joking with fire" towards the US are pure bluff and profanity.
I doubt that China will go for the "retaliatory strike" I made up, though it should be, remembering that the US has created fakes of a higher power than this ( remember Colin Powell with his test tube on the UN podium when the US destroyed Iraq as a result ? ). If China does not compose something substantial in the political arena of the world in response, its credibility will fall many times over, both among third world countries and in relations with Russia.

China is creating panic.

I think China is acting reasonable so far. We don't know what will happen, but so far, so good. What everybody expected - the Third world war? What they had to do - shoot down this crazy lady? China will respond in own way. It's not the end yet.

The other thing is that the USA is loosing economical strength, but China is getting stronger. Why take the risc? China will say its word later. Today the USA acting very irrational, it's like a dog without a leash. It's obvious that the USA is trying to provoke China on an emotional response.

I think China is acting reasonable so far. We don't know what will happen, but so far, so good. What everybody expected - the Third world war? What they had to do - shoot down this crazy lady? China will respond in own way. It's not the end yet.
У Китая есть на все про всё только сутки - 3 августа. Если он в эти сутки не оповестит мир о мерах против Тайваня и США, - грош ему цена и всем его обещаниям. Я понимаю Си Дзен Цина с его внешним триллионным долгом. Но у кого таких долгов нет ? У США - более 40 триллионов и что ?
На союз с Китаем надеяться нечего. Еще Вольф Мессинг, когда давал прогнозы на 2022 год предупреждал - Для России главный враг будет Америка, но более опасный - будет Китай, который под личиной друга будет скрывать истинные свои намерения. Таков к сожалению Китайский менталитет.

Игорь, Москва- Пекин идут народы, пусть зеленеют всходы. Такой был лозунг у нас и у китайцев. Всё возвращается на свои круги. Сегодня США и Запад не только против России и Китая, а практически против всего остального мира. Как было во времена СССР. Сегодня начинается тоже самое. В Африке видели как Лаврова встречали? Всё к этому идёт. Создаётся новый мировой порядок. Старый устраивает только США и Запад.

Yes, there is nothing wrong. The United States is the only country in the world that loves peace. We are all terrorists. I will appeal to everyone on this forum to support you in winning this year's Nobel Peace Prize, just like Obama who launched the war. 😘

China is creating panic.

Sir,don’t lose patience,although I was like you yesterday night.Let the Bullet Fly

Xinhua China News Agency.
At 3-40 this morning, a PRC sea-launched cruise missile fired from a Chinese Jianwei-2 type frigate as part of China's naval maneuvers off the coast of Taiwan accidentally veered off course at a target in the Sea of Japan and struck Kaohsiung, Taiwan's largest seaport. This mistaken trajectory destroyed the port's largest commercial wharf and two harbour cranes. Twenty-six port workers and port security guards were killed. China apologizes for the missile control failure and clarifies that the missile control failure could only have occurred based on Taiwanese-made electronic chips. China apologizes to the people of Taiwan for the incident..,
I made this news up after hearing about the Chinese government fiasco regarding Taiwan and the US, with the old lady provocateur from the US... With this fiasco, China has not only put Russia under moral and political attack, but has also put all Russian efforts to rehabilitate a multipolar world in jeopardy.
The US and Taiwan are triumphant. Now it turns out that all China's threats towards Taiwan, all its manoeuvres around Taiwan and hints of "joking with fire" towards the US are pure bluff and profanity.
I doubt that China will go for the "retaliatory strike" I made up, though it should be, remembering that the US has created fakes of a higher power than this ( remember Colin Powell with his test tube on the UN podium when the US destroyed Iraq as a result ? ). If China does not compose something substantial in the political arena of the world in response, its credibility will fall many times over, both among third world countries and in relations with Russia.

China has kicked up a fuss in the past and told people they were "playing with fire" before. I don't think this will lead to anything major.

China has kicked up a fuss in the past and told people they were "playing with fire" before. I don't think this will lead to anything major.
China has kicked up a fuss in the past and told people they were "playing with fire" before. I don't think this will lead to anything major.
The Chinese mentality is that of cunning and avengers. I don't think China will forget the provocation with the old lady over the Taiwan case.

Yes, Chinese are not so straightforward, they do thing their own way. More than that, anybody expected from them any military action or shooting down this crazy lady? But the USA can't use China against Russia anymore, this is the effect. Now Russia and China will be closer to each other. Congratulations Nancy Pelocy. What a smart move!

Yes, Chinese are not so straightforward, they do thing their own way. More than that, anybody expected from them any military action or shooting down this crazy lady? But the USA can't use China against Russia anymore, this is the effect. Now Russia and China will be closer to each other. Congratulations Nancy Pelocy. What a smart move!
Это не умный ход. Это очередная провокация через старушку, организованная англичанами ( Ми-6 ) и ЦРУ. Двух стариков - Байдена и Ненси, которые не только соображать не умеют, но просто им уже ходить трудно, используют в глобальной политической игре против России и Китая. Сами собой они ничего не представляют - тупые марионетки.

Игорь, там у них разлад и споры в стране. Сама ли она поехала или нет, но логика у них всё чаще больная. Перед распадом СССР тоже самое было.

Игорь, там у них разлад и споры в стране. Сама ли она поехала или нет, но логика у них всё чаще больная. Перед распадом СССР тоже самое было.
Конечно это была заготовленная акция. Что - старушенця будет рисковать своей жизнью ради каких то тайваньцев ? Да никогда Я знаю менталитет американцев и если им хорошо заплатят - они могут рискнутьЮ если будет гарантия и страховка 🙂)) Из этой акции явно лезли уши ЦРУ и МИ-6