What do you think of China ? Politics and governments

I shall tell everything in a sentence: will get ruined due to colonial intentions, otherwise a really good country.

I think Trump is another topic.
By the way, Thatguymike, what's stopping you from leaving the USA?
You could go live with your friend who you want to marry in China. See how much you really like it.

All these topics are strange. Why China? Why not talk about what is the USA is doing? What they are doing? They trying to make a bad guy of Russia, now they trying to spoil their relationship with China. Why? What reality we are living in? What's going on? Looks like an American administration gone mad. Is it the thing that leading power on Earth should be showing? What's going on?
Why do you ask so? I think it's a reasonable topic,

Another chat about China?
Well I'll say one thing they're very concerned about what people think of them.
讲真,我完全不在乎其他国家的人怎么看我们,我们做好自己的事就行了。这帖子发出来顶多也就算个国际实验。你说这里有很多帖子问你们是否支持中国和俄罗斯,我倒没有看到很多,我们之所以这么问是因为我们确实处于国际焦点。你是爱尔兰的吧,如果我搞错了那对不起,如果你想的话你也可以发个帖子问大家怎么看你的国家,但恕我直言,大部分人可能都没什么话好说,因为了解爱尔兰的人真的不多。个人观点。translate if you want , I don't want to waste my time on thinking how to express in English , it's more convenient to speak in mother language .

There are so many of these chats in support of China or Russia, condemning the US or the western world in general. How many times are they started by people from those countries?
I already see some familiar arguments.
Deflection/What about-ism: "If you think (something) is bad in China what about (something else) in (Other Country)" They don't actually address anything about the country in the forum title.
Then there is "Why can't we all live in peace?" or "The western media lies"

Soon someone will have the old reliable:
"You don't know about China because you don't live there"

Could you please update your rhetoric before starting another China forum.


This argument goes for any country! The USA is messed up right now, and has been for a while (Trump) but every country has its problems and the people there are going to play favorites. I can't wait to leave the USA if i ever get the chance!!!
Isn't it Biden now?

So far I've only seen one forum asking for opinions of "America" and it was started by an "American." There's been around ten forums on Russia and some on China included mostly by people of those countries on here in the last 6 months. So, why are these two countries get so much promotion and good talk?
Might be because there are many teens and many chineses actives on this forum, and because Russians and Russia is a hot topic.
teens also have their thoughts ok? and that's really the truth.

Not being mean to china but I'm kinda scared about that rocket falling down

I think Trump is another topic.


大家好,现在有个关于语言的问题,我虽然平时英语还不错,但让我在这个帖子里每句话都翻成英文太为难我了。我知道这正好是个锻炼的机会但真的很麻烦,你们也可以这么干。见谅一下,谢了。I want to speak in Chinese , it may be the last time I speak English in this post , I would appreciate it if you can understand .

syx syx
大家好,现在有个关于语言的问题,我虽然平时英语还不错,但让我在这个帖子里每句话都翻成英文太为难我了。我知道这正好是个锻炼的机会但真的很麻烦,你们也可以这么干。见谅一下,谢了。I want to speak in Chinese , it may be the last time I speak English in this post , I would appreciate it if you can understand .

syx syx
This argument goes for any country! The USA is messed up right now, and has been for a while (Trump) but every country has its problems and the people there are going to play favorites. I can't wait to leave the USA if i ever get the chance!!!
Welcome to China, welcome to Guangzhou😁


:) 我真的每天都在脑中寻找合适的词汇,还有我这段时间用不了微信了,(虽然我平时也不常用)而且手机被shou

syx syx


:) 我真的每天都在脑中寻找合适的词汇,还有我这段时间用不了微信了,(虽然我平时也不常用)而且手机被shou


syx syx


:) 我真的每天都在脑中寻找合适的词汇,还有我这段时间用不了微信了,(虽然我平时也不常用)而且手机被shou


:) 我真的每天都在脑中寻找合适的词汇,还有我这段时间用不了微信了,(虽然我平时也不常用)而且手机被shou


Changalisa, the question about the USA is really interesting because some people really think that there is a "democratic" world of some kind and the other one authoritarian one. For example, Taiwan. It's a very provocative question which we discussing? Why? Because "somebody" wants us to discuss such things. They are trying to persuade people that it's the outmost important question we should discuss. Why not discuss Catalonia, North Ireland, yellow jackets in France and so on? Anybody remember Snowden? Where is he? What I am trying to say, these topics are thrown to discuss problems in China and Russia, but nobody cares what is going on in the West? That's why I put the topic - What do you think about Julien Assange. I was told, that very few people know who is he?



And as an example - Nancy Pelocy! What did she do? Why? Exactly for these reasons - to provoke.