Opinion homosexuality Politics and governments

People talking about something being natural or not always gave me some giggles.

If something is natural (found among other species?) does it mean it has to be done by us? For instance, lions commit infanticid, dolphin commit gang-raping, some penguin are into necrophilia as well... Those are "natural" in this way, but should we, as humans do the same thing?
If something isn't natural, then should we just not do it? As far as I know, the device people use to write down anything here is anything but "natural", so are we supposed to stop using it and go back to monke?

Call to nature seems very tricky in this case... Also, and in the case homosexuality was found among other species, like bonobos, some people oftenf orget that those are rarely (if ever it is) lifelong homosexuality. They are just some sexual intercourses that happen to be homosexual, which are more likely to be limited in time.
Still, if there are homosexuals among humans, and that it's not limited to a generation, a culture or anything, then it might find its roots into biology, and eventually shows some evolutionnary advantages for our species. The thing is now, if it exists, to find what reason would it be an advantage? Does it make females ovulating better/quicker? Does it make males behaviour slightly "better" regarding mating? Is it just good for social reasons just like inthe case of bonobos..?

Finally, should we differentiate homosexuality and LGBTQ+ ideology? In my opinion, yes, we definitely should. More likely because there is a sexual orientaton on a side, which I personally don't care about, and an ideology on the other side, which can be very noisy and annoying for no specific reason.

I have A humble question...Are we People more intelligent than our CREATOR...?
If homosexuality was NATURAL then It would make sense...
if it was unnatural why is it found across multiple species?? And I'm also willing to bet that the device you used to write that comment on isn't exactly "natural" either, is it? But I guess condemning technology in the name of religion doesn't fit your biased views
Why do you people Term "Difference in opinion" as "Biased View"?...
Now listen dear...In nature ,there exist some purpose to every process...Being Hetero is essential,as it results in continuation of our species...Infact that's the only way to...
But can you name any single advantage of Being Homo...if it were natural...then it could have existed since the onset of LIFE on earth...
And who's confronting technology...I'm not ...
It's called a biased view because a bias in this context means unreasonably hostile feelings or opinions about a social group. And calling homosexuality (social group) unnatural (hostile) fits the definition. Now I can see why one could think that those views are not unreasonable. But listen, DEAR, here's the thing: no, everything in nature doesn't have a purpose. This is literally high school biology. Evolution, coincidence, etc. These have absolutely no sense of direction of any kind. And there are many things that seemingly have a purpose, that humans have not yet figured out. And no, being heterosexual is not the only way to continue a species. There are loads of sexual identities that are also attracted to members of the opposite sex. And saying that if something isn't advantageous, it isn't natural is just... stupid. Not everything natural is advantageous and not everything unnatural is disadvantageous. Here are two examples: earthquakes are natural, but I don't see many advantages to those. Do you? Whereas technology is very much not natural, yet it has many advantages. (this is also what I was talking about in my first comment. Yeah, you're not confronting technology. That's the whole point. You don't have a problem with things that are ACTUALLY unnatural, just with homosexuality, apparently)
"If an opinion, contrary to your own,makes you angry,that is a sign that you are subconsciously aware of having no Good Reason for thinking as you do..."
(Bertrand Russell)
I want to tell you that...You are a Human...sharing 99% or so ...( I don't know exact figure)...doesn't mean that you should start acting/living like other creatures...Why don't you talk only about Humans?
Many Species May have Homosexuality for their survival and continual of generation...But that doesn't mean that Humans Should Follow them...
And ...
Please ...using abusive words .. like Stupid. Is never going to strengthen your opinion...it's not always necessary to EXPOSE your Self...I'm not a big Fan of Filthy Things...so please don't do so...
Offence not intended ...Have your Say...but also Give the Basic Courtesy You Expect...!

@Faysal... I don't understand your point of view to be honest...

From what I understand, you believe in some sort of God, who (in the religions that I know) is the highest being existing and basically decides about anything... Sorry, if that is wrong, I am not really informed about these things...
So... My first question would be, how homosexuality could be something bad...

Like I said... I am going with the assumption that there is a God who is almighty, if that isn't what you base your thoughts on you are hopefully going to correct me, so that I can overthink it...

But... If homosexuality was something bad or unnatural, humans would be (like you said yourself) "more intelligent than our CREATOR", which from my point of view cannot be possible... Almighty still means almighty...

So... since (from my point of view) it is impossible for humans to be smarter than God, or control anything on their own, against God's will... Homosexuality must be accepted or even "made" by God... Because otherwise that God would turn meaningless, if it was so easy to ignore his will and just do whatever humanity likes... Right?

Through that I come to the conclusion, that God either accepts / made homosexuality (as well as every other sexuality) or isn't as powerfull as he is supposed to be... How do you think about that?

I want to tell you that...You are a Human...sharing 99% or so ...( I don't know exact figure)...doesn't mean that you should start acting/living like other creatures...Why don't you talk only about Humans?
Many Species May have Homosexuality for their survival and continual of generation...But that doesn't mean that Humans Should Follow them...

Now to your latest response, which I don't even fully understand to be honest again...

First of all... I don't understand that quote in the beginning, because raesade didn't appear angry to me... I find your response a little odd in general, because you didn't say anything about raesade's argument or her entire argumentation...

Then you said "You are a human sharing 99% or so"... 99% of what? And with whom do we share these 99%?

Now about homosexuality being unnatural... I don't understand that point at all to be honest... How do you define natural?
Because from how I define it homosexuality is natural...

Either it is a mental health issue (I am not saying that it is, I am just bringing up the two possibilities how homosexuality could exists, as far as I know), which doesn't really have any negative aspects, since it just changes the gender a person is attracted to... That isn't really a problem at all...
And I think mental health issues would be very natural... Again, I am not trying to offend anyone here...

The other possibility would obviously be, that homosexuality is not a mental illness or anything, but just completely normal, natural and healthy...

I think we agree, that homosexual people don't decide to be homosexual, so it must mean that something in their body, brain, whatever makes them homosexual... And when it is in their body or brain or whatever, it must also be natural... Otherwise it wouldn't be there...

In any way I don't understand why it is such a big problem for some people, that homosexuality exists... It doesn't hurt anyone anyway, so it doesn't really matter that it is there... A homosexual person isn't something special or weird or unnatural in my opinion... It's a person who feels attracted to people of the same gender... That doesn't matter in any way...

I hope I didn't offend anyone, I most certainly did not intend to do so.

Edited by Chaos .

In any way I don't understand why it is such a big problem for some people, that homosexuality exists... It doesn't hurt anyone anyway, so it doesn't really matter that it is there... A homosexual person isn't something special or weird or unnatural in my opinion... It's a person who feels attracted to people of the same gender... That doesn't matter in any way...

This is the point.

While we may discuss about our opinion about homosexuality, somebodies' possible feeling of unease included, we cannot accept any statement against the freedom of being homosexual and have homosexual love or intercludes.

Actually, in my opinion, human kind is not to be separate in etero and homo sexual people. I cannot see any difference as for the "being". I think it is only matter of "doings" and preferences that often change during the life while lot of people have bisexual experience, in very various degree.

The gay pride is just cultural and political reaction against homophobia (always in my opinion). Saying "I am like this, do not bother me" is a protection against people who would persecute free behaviours.

Anyway, this time once more, I must admire a teen agers' contribution. Also somehow complex indeed.

Thankfully LGBTQ are slowly getting their equality.
I wish it was like this in every country. There is a long way to go but I can see improvements.

Thankfully LGBTQ are slowly getting their equality.
I wish it was like this in every country. There is a long way to go but I can see improvements.

Es ist noch viel schlimmer. Die Bundesregierung versucht "Equality" im Rahmen des Genderismus als Top-Down-Strategie durchzusetzen. War es in den 80er Jahren die Überzeugung, Unzucht unter Männern (§ 175 StG😎 nicht länger bestrafen zu wollen so ist es heute die tatsächliche Gleichberechtigung und die schwul-lesbische Sichtbarkeit sowie der selbstverständliche Zugang zu allen gesellschaftlichen Bereichen mit einer offenen transsexuellen Identität.

Der SPD Abgeordnete Karl Heinz Brunner möchte unter § 175 künftig "Homophobie" strafbar machen. Damit würde bereits eine besonders feindselige Haltung gegenüber Homosexuellen strafbar die derzeit gerade noch erlaubt ist. Auch wenn man in den sozialen Netzwerken gesperrt wird so ist bisher die rechtliche Handhabe das Hausrecht und nicht das Strafrecht. Das Hausrecht kann solange nicht gegen das AGG verstoßen wird auch ohne Vorliegen von Gründen nach freier Entscheidung ausgeübt werden. Eine weitere perfide Idee Brunners ist gerade die Nummer 175 zu nehmen. Hat früher eine Verurteilung mit 175 das Führungszeugnis der Homosexuellen stigmatisiert so sollen jetzt wir einen solchen Eintrag im Führungszeugnis bekommen und damit berufliche Nachteile haben und eben nicht wie bisher mit einer harmlosen Beleidigung die nicht eingetragen wird weil sie unter 90 Tagessätzen bleibt. Zudem denkt man auch Freiheitsstrafen von wenigen Monaten an die die Befürworter eines konkreten Homophobie-§ bei uns vollziehen lassen möchten wenn wir kein Bedauern vor Gericht zum Ausdruck bringen. Sollte sich Karl Heinz Brunner durchsetzen kann es also tatsächlich sein daß ich sicher eines Tages das Gefängnis von innen sehe und meine Arbeitsstelle verliere. Das nehme ich aber in Kauf denn ich möchte die Gleichberechtigung einfach nicht und ich will in einer egalitären Welt nicht leben.

Der Lichtblick ist daß sich die Zeiten auch wieder ändern können. Wir sehen das in Polen. In Ostpolen hatte man auf Ortsschildern eine Zusatztafel montiert "LGBTI-freie Zone" in mehreren Sprachen. Inzwischen sind allerdings auf internationalen Druck in den meisten Ortschaften die Tafeln aber wieder entfernt. Dennoch gibt es dort keine schwul lesbische Sichtbarkeit. Die AFD hat ihren neuen Slogan "Deutschland-aber normal" vorgestellt. Ich hoffe daß viele Bürger die AfD wählen und so zum Ausdruck bringen daß wir diese inklusive Gesellschaft ablehnen.

Sehr gut, dass die AfD eine verbitterte, rassistische und homophobe Minderheit ist. Das wird wohl auch immer so bleiben 😊.
Deutschland ist bunt und vielfältig 🏳️‍🌈.

Ich bin der festen Überzeugung, dass du eigentlich nur hier bist um Leute zu trollen. Gelingt dir gut 😉.

"If an opinion, contrary to your own,makes you angry,that is a sign that you are subconsciously aware of having no Good Reason for thinking as you do..."
(Bertrand Russell)
I want to tell you that...You are a Human...sharing 99% or so ...( I don't know exact figure)...doesn't mean that you should start acting/living like other creatures...Why don't you talk only about Humans?
Many Species May have Homosexuality for their survival and continual of generation...But that doesn't mean that Humans Should Follow them...
And ...
Please ...using abusive words .. like Stupid. Is never going to strengthen your opinion...it's not always necessary to EXPOSE your Self...I'm not a big Fan of Filthy Things...so please don't do so...
Offence not intended ...Have your Say...but also Give the Basic Courtesy You Expect...!

Ok fine. Maybe I shouldn't have used stupid, that might have been a bit rude. But still, I think my point still stands. Something not being advantageous does not mean that it is unnatural. That is a conclusion made with basic logical reasoning. Saying otherwise is incorrect, therefore I called it stupid. But if that makes you uncomfortable I will avoid using negative words like that.

Now on to your point about me bringing beings other than humans into the conversation... how exactly do you define "natural"? You call behaviour that exists in humans "unnatural", and then when it is pointed out that that behaviour is also found in other species besides humans, you say that "humans shouldn't follow them"? I see no downsides to the existence of identities other than heterosexual. You say that homosexuality doesn't make sense. What part about it exactly? Being attracted to someone?

And also I do want to point out that thing about basic courtesy you said at the beginning. If you want respect, maybe don't start by calling a stranger on the internet "dear".

Live and let others live.

First, it is morally wrong. Second, please tell me why you have to run around forcing everyone to know your sexual preference? We don't care! Keep it in your bedroom. Third, it's science: Men who are born men can not become women.

Homosexuality is found in 450 species. Homophobia is found in only one. which is unnatural now? 😏

Die Gottesanbeterin frißt das Männchen nach der Paarung. Sie kommt aber nicht ins Gefängnis dafür. Würde eine Frau das machen würde sie die Todesstrafe bekommen oder in die Justizvollzugsanstalt eingeliefert werden (je nach Justizsystem). Es gibt einen Unterschied zwischen Mensch und Tier!

The praying mantis will eat the male after mating. But she doesn't go to jail for it. If a woman did that, she would face the death penalty or be sent to a correctional facility (depending on the judicial system). There is a difference between humans and animals!
First of all, every example doesn't suit every topic. There are certain examples that will suit a topic we're talking about. And every animal is different. Cats don't eat each other always, neither do humans. Praying mantis does and it's in the insect's nature.
We're taking about a different topic here, not cannibalism.

The Bible says homosexual acts are crimes!

Tired of the homophobia 😴😴.

I'm happy about all pride parades happening worldwide and that more and more countries are opening up.

In many countries around the world, homosexuality is a criminal offense. In some countries there is even the death penalty. I don't want to tell you what homosexuals do because children are reading along, but it's very disgusting!

The Bible says homosexual acts are crimes!

The Bible also says that you shall love your next and yet here you are hating on other people for living their life and loving who they love 😂😂😂😂. Hypocrisy at its finest, my guy.

But you're only here to troll people online anyway so what's thr point.

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