@Faysal... I don't understand your point of view to be honest...
From what I understand, you believe in some sort of God, who (in the religions that I know) is the highest being existing and basically decides about anything... Sorry, if that is wrong, I am not really informed about these things...
So... My first question would be, how homosexuality could be something bad...
Like I said... I am going with the assumption that there is a God who is almighty, if that isn't what you base your thoughts on you are hopefully going to correct me, so that I can overthink it...
But... If homosexuality was something bad or unnatural, humans would be (like you said yourself) "more intelligent than our CREATOR", which from my point of view cannot be possible... Almighty still means almighty...
So... since (from my point of view) it is impossible for humans to be smarter than God, or control anything on their own, against God's will... Homosexuality must be accepted or even "made" by God... Because otherwise that God would turn meaningless, if it was so easy to ignore his will and just do whatever humanity likes... Right?
Through that I come to the conclusion, that God either accepts / made homosexuality (as well as every other sexuality) or isn't as powerfull as he is supposed to be... How do you think about that?
I want to tell you that...You are a Human...sharing 99% or so ...( I don't know exact figure)...doesn't mean that you should start acting/living like other creatures...Why don't you talk only about Humans?
Many Species May have Homosexuality for their survival and continual of generation...But that doesn't mean that Humans Should Follow them...
Now to your latest response, which I don't even fully understand to be honest again...
First of all... I don't understand that quote in the beginning, because raesade didn't appear angry to me... I find your response a little odd in general, because you didn't say anything about raesade's argument or her entire argumentation...
Then you said "You are a human sharing 99% or so"... 99% of what? And with whom do we share these 99%?
Now about homosexuality being unnatural... I don't understand that point at all to be honest... How do you define natural?
Because from how I define it homosexuality is natural...
Either it is a mental health issue (I am not saying that it is, I am just bringing up the two possibilities how homosexuality could exists, as far as I know), which doesn't really have any negative aspects, since it just changes the gender a person is attracted to... That isn't really a problem at all...
And I think mental health issues would be very natural... Again, I am not trying to offend anyone here...
The other possibility would obviously be, that homosexuality is not a mental illness or anything, but just completely normal, natural and healthy...
I think we agree, that homosexual people don't decide to be homosexual, so it must mean that something in their body, brain, whatever makes them homosexual... And when it is in their body or brain or whatever, it must also be natural... Otherwise it wouldn't be there...
In any way I don't understand why it is such a big problem for some people, that homosexuality exists... It doesn't hurt anyone anyway, so it doesn't really matter that it is there... A homosexual person isn't something special or weird or unnatural in my opinion... It's a person who feels attracted to people of the same gender... That doesn't matter in any way...
I hope I didn't offend anyone, I most certainly did not intend to do so.