Opinion homosexuality Politics and governments

Dieses Gerede von "Love is Love" trifft überhaupt nicht das Thema. Es geht nicht um Gefühle, Gefühle sind auch in keinem Land der Welt strafbar. Es geht immer um die Tathandlungen. Und die sollen halt in der Öffentlichkeit nicht stattfinden.
Die Privatwohnung fällt unter die Autonomie jedes einzelnen. Dort dürfen sie alles tun solange sie nicht gegen das Strafgesetzbuch verstoßen und die Kinder in Ruhe lassen.
In der Öffentlichkeit sollen sie aber auf das Empfinden der Normalbürger Rücksicht nehmen und sich eben nicht ausleben. So extrem dringend wird doch das Bedürfnis nicht sein daß es nicht Zeit bis zuhause hat.

Unfassbar diese absolut diskriminierende und verachtende Einstellung.

I don't speak German. I translated it via a translation application called 有道词典.

By and large, not badly translated. Where did you learn German?

Unfassbar diese absolut diskriminierende und verachtende Einstellung.

Man merkt daß Sie erst 23 Jahre alt sind. Vor 20 Jahren war diese "absolut diskriminierende und verachtende" Einstellung Ausdruck des gesunden Volksempfindens. Lesen Sie einmal den Katechismus der Katholischen Kirche. Wir haben derzeit massive gesellschaftliche Umbrüche und Diskussionen aber mit dem Vokabular, mit welchem Sie Ihre Gegner bestücken, ist einfach kein Diskurs möglich.
Es ist evident daß Ihre Generation im Großteil anders denkt. Die älteren sind hier weniger vertreten. Aber es wäre schon angebracht auch Ihrerseits gewisse Formen nicht zu verlassen.

Unfassbar diese absolut diskriminierende und verachtende Einstellung.

Man merkt daß Sie erst 23 Jahre alt sind. Vor 20 Jahren war diese "absolut diskriminierende und verachtende" Einstellung Ausdruck des gesunden Volksempfindens. Lesen Sie einmal den Katechismus der Katholischen Kirche. Wir haben derzeit massive gesellschaftliche Umbrüche und Diskussionen aber mit dem Vokabular, mit welchem Sie Ihre Gegner bestücken, ist einfach kein Diskurs möglich.
Es ist evident daß Ihre Generation im Großteil anders denkt. Die älteren sind hier weniger vertreten. Aber es wäre schon angebracht auch Ihrerseits gewisse Formen nicht zu verlassen.

Ok, Boomer.

I have A humble question...Are we People more intelligent than our CREATOR...?
If homosexuality was NATURAL then It would make sense...

I have A humble question...Are we People more intelligent than our CREATOR...?
If homosexuality was NATURAL then It would make sense...
if it was unnatural why is it found across multiple species?? And I'm also willing to bet that the device you used to write that comment on isn't exactly "natural" either, is it? But I guess condemning technology in the name of religion doesn't fit your biased views

I have A humble question...Are we People more intelligent than our CREATOR...?
If homosexuality was NATURAL then It would make sense...

We are just animals on a little planet near a little star out of a number quite impossible to articulate.

Our DNA is for more the 98,5% the same as in chimpanzees (and they, or at least their siblings bonobos also have omosexual intercludes).

At least four homo species with almost the same skills used to live at the same time for tens of thousands years. And they hybridized too.

Who has even seen a creator and why we could say homosexuality out of the creation or the nature if it just exist?

Edited by CallMeIshmael .
I have A humble question...Are we People more intelligent than our CREATOR...?
If homosexuality was NATURAL then It would make sense...
if it was unnatural why is it found across multiple species?? And I'm also willing to bet that the device you used to write that comment on isn't exactly "natural" either, is it? But I guess condemning technology in the name of religion doesn't fit your biased views
Why do you people Term "Difference in opinion" as "Biased View"?...
Now listen dear...In nature ,there exist some purpose to every process...Being Hetero is essential,as it results in continuation of our species...Infact that's the only way to...
But can you name any single advantage of Being Homo...if it were natural...then it could have existed since the onset of LIFE on earth...
And who's confronting technology...I'm not ...

Sexual drive is necessary for procreation but runs also on its own.

In several other species too.

And this is a plus for increasing intimacy without spreading children doomed to die in an overpopulated world.

Humans decided to grow up less children avoiding high mortality rate in childhood.

As a separate drive, sexual attraction can work also with people of the same sex.

Sexual drive is necessary for procreation but runs also on its own.

In several other species too.

And this is a plus for increasing intimacy without spreading children doomed to die in an overpopulated world.

Humans decided to grow up less children avoiding high mortality rate in childhood.

As a separate drive, sexual attraction can work also with people of the same sex.

So can we now understand it to mean that people become homosexual out of responsibility not to produce children who would then grow up in an overpopulation? It is hard to believe which arguments are used to legitimize homosexuality. I'm shocked. The birth rate of German women is currently 1.4 children per woman. Despite massive influx, we will shrink from 82 million people to 60 million in 20-30 years. That is also the real reason why women’s employment and the whole equality theater is so pushed. You are afraid of a shortage of skilled workers in the future.
Homosexuality in order to avoid children is absolutely not necessary.

Sexual drive is necessary for procreation but runs also on its own.

In several other species too.

And this is a plus for increasing intimacy without spreading children doomed to die in an overpopulated world.

Humans decided to grow up less children avoiding high mortality rate in childhood.

As a separate drive, sexual attraction can work also with people of the same sex.

So can we now understand it to mean that people become homosexual out of responsibility not to produce children who would then grow up in an overpopulation? It is hard to believe which arguments are used to legitimize homosexuality. I'm shocked. The birth rate of German women is currently 1.4 children per woman. Despite massive influx, we will shrink from 82 million people to 60 million in 20-30 years. That is also the real reason why women’s employment and the whole equality theater is so pushed. You are afraid of a shortage of skilled workers in the future.
Homosexuality in order to avoid children is absolutely not necessary.

I am afraid you now understand wrong.

Do you make love only for reproduction?

I only pointed out that the natural need for male - female sexual contact, necessary for natural reproduction does not prove homosexuality unnatural. And not necessarily homosexuality but all sex without reproduction purpose has ALSO allowed to slow down the birth rate, that is good for human beings and world environment.

Humans are far too many. If you are concerned about the lesser birth rate in some countries, like Italy and Germany, allowing immigration is a good solution.

All the countries got fine years ago with less people. They could decrease population. I agree we have serious problems to cope while changing our number. But it is just matter of political management.

I have A humble question...Are we People more intelligent than our CREATOR...?
If homosexuality was NATURAL then It would make sense...
if it was unnatural why is it found across multiple species?? And I'm also willing to bet that the device you used to write that comment on isn't exactly "natural" either, is it? But I guess condemning technology in the name of religion doesn't fit your biased views
Why do you people Term "Difference in opinion" as "Biased View"?...
Now listen dear...In nature ,there exist some purpose to every process...Being Hetero is essential,as it results in continuation of our species...Infact that's the only way to...
But can you name any single advantage of Being Homo...if it were natural...then it could have existed since the onset of LIFE on earth...
And who's confronting technology...I'm not ...
It's called a biased view because a bias in this context means unreasonably hostile feelings or opinions about a social group. And calling homosexuality (social group) unnatural (hostile) fits the definition. Now I can see why one could think that those views are not unreasonable. But listen, DEAR, here's the thing: no, everything in nature doesn't have a purpose. This is literally high school biology. Evolution, coincidence, etc. These have absolutely no sense of direction of any kind. And there are many things that seemingly have a purpose, that humans have not yet figured out. And no, being heterosexual is not the only way to continue a species. There are loads of sexual identities that are also attracted to members of the opposite sex. And saying that if something isn't advantageous, it isn't natural is just... stupid. Not everything natural is advantageous and not everything unnatural is disadvantageous. Here are two examples: earthquakes are natural, but I don't see many advantages to those. Do you? Whereas technology is very much not natural, yet it has many advantages. (this is also what I was talking about in my first comment. Yeah, you're not confronting technology. That's the whole point. You don't have a problem with things that are ACTUALLY unnatural, just with homosexuality, apparently)

Somebody from the mods close this discriminating and homophobic thread it has turned into.

Somebody from the mods close this discriminating and homophobic thread it has turned into.

Art. 5. Abs. 1 Grundgesetz garantiert die freie Meinungsäußerung in Wort und Schrift. Eine Diskriminierung würde bedeuten eine konkrete Person oder abgrenzbare Personengruppe, die im Allgemeinen Gleichstellungsgesetz der Bundesrepublik Deutschland benannt ist, in einer konkreten Situation, schlechter zu behandeln als eine Person die die Merkmale des AGG nicht erfüllt. Dies liegt nicht vor. Es ist nicht einmal eine Beleidigung, da keine Person verächtlich gemacht oder in ihrer persönlichen Ehre herabgewürdigt wird. Die Diskussion geht um ein Sexualverhalten. Und ob dieses Verhalten statthaft ist, dazu gibt es verschiedene Ansichten. Zudem gibt es verschiedene Zugangswege, rechtlich, religiös, ethisch/moralisch, biologisch usw. Nur weil Ihnen die Meinung anderer nicht paßt haben Sie nicht das Recht hier Zensur zu fordern. Gerade diejenigen, die immer Toleranz (deutsch übersetzt den Anderen ertragen, erdulden) fordern, sollten selbst einmal Toleranz üben und vorleben!

Article 5, Paragraph 1 of the Basic Law guarantees freedom of expression in word and in writing. Discrimination would mean treating a specific person or definable group of people, who is named in the General Equal Opportunities Act of the Federal Republic of Germany, in a specific situation, worse than a person who does not meet the criteria of the AGG. This is not the case. It is not even an insult as no person is despised or disparaged in their personal honor. The discussion is about sexual behavior. And there are different opinions as to whether this behavior is permissible. In addition, there are different ways of access, legal, religious, ethical / moral, biological, etc. Just because you don't like the opinion of others, you don't have the right to demand censorship here. Especially those who always demand tolerance (German translated, endure, endure the other) should practice tolerance themselves and set an example!

This sentence deserves to be pointed out:

"(...) there are different opinions as to whether this behavior is permissible.

Here as in any democracy cannot be different opinion whether homosexuality is PERMISSIBLE.

As an expression of personal freedom homosexuality just exists and does not need any permission.

Personally I even do not think that homosexual people exist like separate kind and I cannot see any difference in the persons. It seems to me just matter of preference in behaviours. Never the less I know that for many homosexuals the pride for their identity is important, as political and social issue in society.

It would be better entitle this debate "What do you think about people's different attitudes towards homosexuality", since like it is now it seems about homosexuality as a possible problem in itself.

Edited by CallMeIshmael .
Somebody from the mods close this discriminating and homophobic thread it has turned into.

Art. 5. Abs. 1 Grundgesetz garantiert die freie Meinungsäußerung in Wort und Schrift. Eine Diskriminierung würde bedeuten eine konkrete Person oder abgrenzbare Personengruppe, die im Allgemeinen Gleichstellungsgesetz der Bundesrepublik Deutschland benannt ist, in einer konkreten Situation, schlechter zu behandeln als eine Person die die Merkmale des AGG nicht erfüllt. Dies liegt nicht vor. Es ist nicht einmal eine Beleidigung, da keine Person verächtlich gemacht oder in ihrer persönlichen Ehre herabgewürdigt wird. Die Diskussion geht um ein Sexualverhalten. Und ob dieses Verhalten statthaft ist, dazu gibt es verschiedene Ansichten. Zudem gibt es verschiedene Zugangswege, rechtlich, religiös, ethisch/moralisch, biologisch usw. Nur weil Ihnen die Meinung anderer nicht paßt haben Sie nicht das Recht hier Zensur zu fordern. Gerade diejenigen, die immer Toleranz (deutsch übersetzt den Anderen ertragen, erdulden) fordern, sollten selbst einmal Toleranz üben und vorleben!

Article 5, Paragraph 1 of the Basic Law guarantees freedom of expression in word and in writing. Discrimination would mean treating a specific person or definable group of people, who is named in the General Equal Opportunities Act of the Federal Republic of Germany, in a specific situation, worse than a person who does not meet the criteria of the AGG. This is not the case. It is not even an insult as no person is despised or disparaged in their personal honor. The discussion is about sexual behavior. And there are different opinions as to whether this behavior is permissible. In addition, there are different ways of access, legal, religious, ethical / moral, biological, etc. Just because you don't like the opinion of others, you don't have the right to demand censorship here. Especially those who always demand tolerance (German translated, endure, endure the other) should practice tolerance themselves and set an example!

Meinungsfreiheit hört da auf, wo ich andere in ihrer Freiheit einschränke, mein Lieber 😉.

Somebody from the mods close this discriminating and homophobic thread it has turned into.

Art. 5. Abs. 1 Grundgesetz garantiert die freie Meinungsäußerung in Wort und Schrift. Eine Diskriminierung würde bedeuten eine konkrete Person oder abgrenzbare Personengruppe, die im Allgemeinen Gleichstellungsgesetz der Bundesrepublik Deutschland benannt ist, in einer konkreten Situation, schlechter zu behandeln als eine Person die die Merkmale des AGG nicht erfüllt. Dies liegt nicht vor. Es ist nicht einmal eine Beleidigung, da keine Person verächtlich gemacht oder in ihrer persönlichen Ehre herabgewürdigt wird. Die Diskussion geht um ein Sexualverhalten. Und ob dieses Verhalten statthaft ist, dazu gibt es verschiedene Ansichten. Zudem gibt es verschiedene Zugangswege, rechtlich, religiös, ethisch/moralisch, biologisch usw. Nur weil Ihnen die Meinung anderer nicht paßt haben Sie nicht das Recht hier Zensur zu fordern. Gerade diejenigen, die immer Toleranz (deutsch übersetzt den Anderen ertragen, erdulden) fordern, sollten selbst einmal Toleranz üben und vorleben!

Article 5, Paragraph 1 of the Basic Law guarantees freedom of expression in word and in writing. Discrimination would mean treating a specific person or definable group of people, who is named in the General Equal Opportunities Act of the Federal Republic of Germany, in a specific situation, worse than a person who does not meet the criteria of the AGG. This is not the case. It is not even an insult as no person is despised or disparaged in their personal honor. The discussion is about sexual behavior. And there are different opinions as to whether this behavior is permissible. In addition, there are different ways of access, legal, religious, ethical / moral, biological, etc. Just because you don't like the opinion of others, you don't have the right to demand censorship here. Especially those who always demand tolerance (German translated, endure, endure the other) should practice tolerance themselves and set an example!

Meinungsfreiheit hört da auf, wo ich andere in ihrer Freiheit einschränke, mein Lieber 😉.

Nein das ist nicht der Fall. Bis 1994 galt in der seit 1949 demokratisch regierten Bundesrepublik § 175 Strafgesetzbuch. Die Norm wurde durch das Bundesverfassungsgericht bestätigt. Unzucht unter Männern war also eingeschränkt.
Auch zahlreiche andere Gesetze, Verordnungen und Richtlinien schränken Freiheiten ein, z.B. die Straßenverkehrsordnung, die Gewerbeordnung usw.

Somebody from the mods close this discriminating and homophobic thread it has turned into.

Art. 5. Abs. 1 Grundgesetz garantiert die freie Meinungsäußerung in Wort und Schrift. Eine Diskriminierung würde bedeuten eine konkrete Person oder abgrenzbare Personengruppe, die im Allgemeinen Gleichstellungsgesetz der Bundesrepublik Deutschland benannt ist, in einer konkreten Situation, schlechter zu behandeln als eine Person die die Merkmale des AGG nicht erfüllt. Dies liegt nicht vor. Es ist nicht einmal eine Beleidigung, da keine Person verächtlich gemacht oder in ihrer persönlichen Ehre herabgewürdigt wird. Die Diskussion geht um ein Sexualverhalten. Und ob dieses Verhalten statthaft ist, dazu gibt es verschiedene Ansichten. Zudem gibt es verschiedene Zugangswege, rechtlich, religiös, ethisch/moralisch, biologisch usw. Nur weil Ihnen die Meinung anderer nicht paßt haben Sie nicht das Recht hier Zensur zu fordern. Gerade diejenigen, die immer Toleranz (deutsch übersetzt den Anderen ertragen, erdulden) fordern, sollten selbst einmal Toleranz üben und vorleben!

Article 5, Paragraph 1 of the Basic Law guarantees freedom of expression in word and in writing. Discrimination would mean treating a specific person or definable group of people, who is named in the General Equal Opportunities Act of the Federal Republic of Germany, in a specific situation, worse than a person who does not meet the criteria of the AGG. This is not the case. It is not even an insult as no person is despised or disparaged in their personal honor. The discussion is about sexual behavior. And there are different opinions as to whether this behavior is permissible. In addition, there are different ways of access, legal, religious, ethical / moral, biological, etc. Just because you don't like the opinion of others, you don't have the right to demand censorship here. Especially those who always demand tolerance (German translated, endure, endure the other) should practice tolerance themselves and set an example!

Meinungsfreiheit hört da auf, wo ich andere in ihrer Freiheit einschränke, mein Lieber 😉.

Nein das ist nicht der Fall. Bis 1994 galt in der seit 1949 demokratisch regierten Bundesrepublik § 175 Strafgesetzbuch. Die Norm wurde durch das Bundesverfassungsgericht bestätigt. Unzucht unter Männern war also eingeschränkt.
Auch zahlreiche andere Gesetze, Verordnungen und Richtlinien schränken Freiheiten ein, z.B. die Straßenverkehrsordnung, die Gewerbeordnung usw.

Jo, 1994.
Willkommen in 2021.

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