Dress to impress

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Who wants to play it together?

What's the game?

What's the game?
Its on roblox

I'm not on Roblox but i hope other members are and play with you the game! πŸ™‚

BUT i have a question for Roseee and Miss Penpal and everybody. If there is a very special moment like your birthday or a party, what do you dress to impress? πŸ˜› Or what is your favourite outfit for a special moment? πŸ‘—πŸ‘šπŸ‘’

I'm not on Roblox but i hope other members are and play with you the game! πŸ™‚

BUT i have a question for Roseee and Miss Penpal and everybody. If there is a very special moment like your birthday or a party, what do you dress to impress? πŸ˜› Or what is your favourite outfit for a special moment? πŸ‘—πŸ‘šπŸ‘’

probably my favorite top!

I think crop top? Because you said that one time on the forum that is your favourite thing to wear. πŸ™‚ Which colour you like the most or maybe just different one every time? Sometimes I feel not comfortable to wear a crop top, but with friends I dont mind it. But for very special occasions I wear a red dress I got in China because that is my favourite colour.

Curious also what others wear as favourite outfit for a special moment. But for some PPG members I have a good idea I think! πŸ˜›

If there is a big PPG party how do you picture other members in what outfit? I picture this but sorry if I get it wrong (is just for fun)! πŸ˜›

- @Roseeeee: black crop top and blue skinny jeans and red high heals
- @Esma-Nur: a special Turkish dress
- @Etienne: a dark blue suit with white silk shirt and sneakers
- @HappyvomSee: black shirt with a funny text on it and maybe a long styleful skirt
- @H_E_A_R_T: an elegant black dress
- @RESOLVE: maybe a longer red blouse and sand colour loose pants that are of special material
- @LandRoverDiscovery2: a lumberjack shirt and blue jeans
- @Pennarossa2024: a white blouse and an Italian pantalon and sneakers
- @Parsaa: maybe a black shirt and dark pants and a long scarf
- @Homokillers-PGaf: a red dress and a red hair bow clip
- @WisentVincent: white shirt and dark blue shorts with sneakers
- @marba: a black blouse with light blue jeans and gentleman shoes
- @Txya: black top with a white skirt and high heels
- @Lianshen: a light colour suit and maybe a white blouse with gentleman shoes
- @Sabri_KC: a light blue blouse and jeans with white sneakers

I hope i picture everybody right! πŸ₯°πŸ₯°

I would weare this

or this https://www.google.com/imgres?imgurl=https%3A%2F%2Fgurlekmilli.com%2Fwp-content%2Fuploads%2F2021%2F02%2F024-AYDIN-Germencik.jpg&tbnid=SV2hUfZYSMlXnM&vet=12ahUKEwjw6OH7spCIAxWkSP4FHUVUDOAQxiAoBXoECAAQJA..i&imgrefurl=https%3A%2F%2Fgurlekmilli.com%2Furun%2Faydin-kiz-1-germencik%2F&docid=u9P7BQftmWzfVM&w=496&h=812&itg=1&q=nev%C5%9Fehir%27in%20y%C3%B6resel%20k%C4%B1yafetleri&ved=2ahUKEwjw6OH7spCIAxWkSP4FHUVUDOAQxiAoBXoECAAQJA

If there is a big PPG party how do you picture other members in what outfit? I picture this but sorry if I get it wrong (is just for fun)! πŸ˜›

- @Roseeeee: black crop top and blue skinny jeans and red high heals
- @Esma-Nur: a special Turkish dress
- @Etienne: a dark blue suit with white silk shirt and sneakers
- @HappyvomSee: black shirt with a funny text on it and maybe a long styleful skirt
- @H_E_A_R_T: an elegant black dress
- @RESOLVE: maybe a longer red blouse and sand colour loose pants that are of special material
- @LandRoverDiscovery2: a lumberjack shirt and blue jeans
- @Pennarossa2024: a white blouse and an Italian pantalon and sneakers
- @Parsaa: maybe a black shirt and dark pants and a long scarf
- @Homokillers-PGaf: a red dress and a red hair bow clip
- @WisentVincent: white shirt and dark blue shorts with sneakers
- @marba: a black blouse with light blue jeans and gentleman shoes
- @Txya: black top with a white skirt and high heels
- @Lianshen: a light colour suit and maybe a white blouse with gentleman shoes
- @Sabri_KC: a light blue blouse and jeans with white sneakers

I hope i picture everybody right! πŸ₯°πŸ₯°

I can personally assure that Txya looks absolutely breathing in black 😜

I would weare this

or this https://www.google.com/imgres?imgurl=https%3A%2F%2Fgurlekmilli.com%2Fwp-content%2Fuploads%2F2021%2F02%2F024-AYDIN-Germencik.jpg&tbnid=SV2hUfZYSMlXnM&vet=12ahUKEwjw6OH7spCIAxWkSP4FHUVUDOAQxiAoBXoECAAQJA..i&imgrefurl=https%3A%2F%2Fgurlekmilli.com%2Furun%2Faydin-kiz-1-germencik%2F&docid=u9P7BQftmWzfVM&w=496&h=812&itg=1&q=nev%C5%9Fehir%27in%20y%C3%B6resel%20k%C4%B1yafetleri&ved=2ahUKEwjw6OH7spCIAxWkSP4FHUVUDOAQxiAoBXoECAAQJA

WOWWW ❀️❀️

I can personally assure that Txya looks absolutely breathing in black 😜

I think that @Txya would look very elegant and pretty. πŸ™‚ And did I get your outfit right @WisentVincent?

And I forgot to mention @Miss_Penpal! I think maybe she would wear a beautiful light blue dress and a nice casual blouse and elegant flat shoes.

Edited by Yue_ .
I think crop top? Because you said that one time on the forum that is your favourite thing to wear. πŸ™‚ Which colour you like the most or maybe just different one every time? Sometimes I feel not comfortable to wear a crop top, but with friends I dont mind it. But for very special occasions I wear a red dress I got in China because that is my favourite colour.

Curious also what others wear as favourite outfit for a special moment. But for some PPG members I have a good idea I think! πŸ˜›

my favorite one has a leopard pattern! i love it

If there is a big PPG party how do you picture other members in what outfit? I picture this but sorry if I get it wrong (is just for fun)! πŸ˜›

- @Roseeeee: black crop top and blue skinny jeans and red high heals
- @Esma-Nur: a special Turkish dress
- @Etienne: a dark blue suit with white silk shirt and sneakers
- @HappyvomSee: black shirt with a funny text on it and maybe a long styleful skirt
- @H_E_A_R_T: an elegant black dress
- @RESOLVE: maybe a longer red blouse and sand colour loose pants that are of special material
- @LandRoverDiscovery2: a lumberjack shirt and blue jeans
- @Pennarossa2024: a white blouse and an Italian pantalon and sneakers
- @Parsaa: maybe a black shirt and dark pants and a long scarf
- @Homokillers-PGaf: a red dress and a red hair bow clip
- @WisentVincent: white shirt and dark blue shorts with sneakers
- @marba: a black blouse with light blue jeans and gentleman shoes
- @Txya: black top with a white skirt and high heels
- @Lianshen: a light colour suit and maybe a white blouse with gentleman shoes
- @Sabri_KC: a light blue blouse and jeans with white sneakers

I hope i picture everybody right! πŸ₯°πŸ₯°

this is accurate!
and what would you wear? what do you wear for parties or special occasions?

this is accurate!
and what would you wear? what do you wear for parties or special occasions?

No i cant say because you have to guess for me and other members you want to mention! πŸ˜› Because I am very curious what you picture! πŸ™‚

No i cant say because you have to guess for me and other members you want to mention! πŸ˜› Because I am very curious what you picture! πŸ™‚
i think,a cute dress with a flowers pattern probably

i think,a cute dress with a flowers pattern probably

My most favourite is a red dress and we bought that in China! Because it is my favourite colour and it is nice maybe for special moments like wedding or other things. πŸ™‚ And if you mean your favourite is leopard top like now your profile picture it is REALLY good match for you and makes you PPG fashion queen! You need to get a new badge from Etienne! πŸ˜›

My most favourite is a red dress and we bought that in China! Because it is my favourite colour and it is nice maybe for special moments like wedding or other things. πŸ™‚ And if you mean your favourite is leopard top like now your profile picture it is REALLY good match for you and makes you PPG fashion queen! You need to get a new badge from Etienne! πŸ˜›
hahah thank youu

Yue_ is right Roseeeee YOU are the Fashion Queen of PPG! 😍