Nice compliments with objects ⏰πŸ₯πŸŸ Games

Bed is warm and soft. And lawrence is like a warm character who threath you soft and gentle
Next: toothbrush

Mare you did REALLY well giving Rose 🌹 a nice and sweet compliment! ⭐🫢 I agree that she has a beautiful name and she is like a beautiful rose for real!! VERY GOOD Mare! You took the challenge and did a great job!! πŸ˜ƒ

And thank you Lianshen and Lawrence for your nice compliments!! That is really sweet! πŸ₯°πŸ₯°

Now for toothbrush I choose Lianshen! He is like a toothbrush! πŸͺ₯ Every time I see a message from him to me on PPG I feel much better! Just like after using a toothbrush you feel refreshed a lot! πŸͺ₯ 😊😊

The next person must give a PPG member a compliment using the object snowman! β˜ƒοΈ

PS: I expected like maybe 5 replies for this game but we got a lot of members who are really good at it!! πŸ™πŸ™πŸ™

He_art brings a sense of joy and magic wherever she goes, lighting up even the coldest days with her cheerful presence, and she really knows what true joy is⭐

Ok, next object: A Swordβš”οΈ

Sharp as it can be, real words are sharper... like phylosofic quotes of lir_elhan.

For the next person: Broom

Daniel Is like a broom.
Hey sweeps away bad feelings from everybodyπŸ™‚β˜ΊοΈ

Daniel Is like a broom.
Hey sweeps away bad feelings from everybodyπŸ™‚β˜ΊοΈ
thank you
And next object πŸ˜ƒπŸ˜

thank you
And next object πŸ˜ƒπŸ˜
toilet seat

thank you
And next object πŸ˜ƒπŸ˜
Oh yeah, sry I forgot.
Next: computer

toilet seat
some people in my mind but not positve lolπŸ˜›πŸ˜›

some people i can think of but not positve lolπŸ˜›πŸ˜›

well... we all have that kind of people that gives us/feel bad or sh*t

Oh yeah, sry I forgot.
Next: computer
djeezz.... computer. harder then i though to choose

Roseee 🌹 said toilet seat as next object but that is a difficult object to give someone a compliment!! 🚽 But the rule is to give compliment using that object, but i dont want to hurt somebody. So i have a solution!!! I choose me!! πŸ™‚ Now the rule is not broken and we dont hurt another person and I dont mind because is only a game. πŸ˜› πŸ™‚

So Yue is like a toilet seat! πŸ˜› It is something that maybe helps to make you feel more comfortable in stressy times. πŸ˜³πŸ™„

Now the next person must use object Lawrence said to give a compliment: a computer! πŸ’»

diogenes_caskonline is like a computer !

Always fullk of information ! πŸ™‚

Roseee 🌹 said toilet seat as next object but that is a difficult object to give someone a compliment!! 🚽 But the rule is to give compliment using that object, but i dont want to hurt somebody. So i have a solution!!! I choose me!! πŸ™‚ Now the rule is not broken and we dont hurt another person and I dont mind because is only a game. πŸ˜› πŸ™‚

So Yue is like a toilet seat! πŸ˜› It is something that maybe helps to make you feel more comfortable in stressy times. πŸ˜³πŸ™„

Now the next person must use object Lawrence said to give a compliment: a computer! πŸ’»


Toilet seat and computer are not easy to give someone

diogenes_caskonline is like a computer !

Always fullk of information ! πŸ™‚

That is a VERY good one Parsa Azizami! I think Diogenes knows more things than a computer can put on a harddrive!!! πŸ’» It is really special to have him here on PPG to tell us a lot of things!! 😊😊 And he is very friendly too when he replies messages!! ⭐

But now Mister Mimi you have to tell the next object for someone to give a compliment! πŸ˜›

Ok so Parsa is like a panda!! 🐼 After eating a lot of bamboo 🌿🌿 he fell asleep and forgot to mention a new object! πŸ˜› πŸ˜› πŸ˜›