Hello everybody! 🙋♀️Welcome to the SONG LYRICS forum!! 🙂
Are there any lyrics of a song that you really ❤️❤️ and EVERYBODY should know? 😛 Or are there lyrics that you think a lot about and cant get out of your head?
The reason for me starting the forum is a song where i think the lyrics are VERY confusing. This is the song:
➡️ KSI feat. Billie Eilish: Dirty and you can hear the song here with also the lyrics on the screen: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xRFbMEFNKXQ
What i think is confusing about the lyrics is that i dont know if they hate the relationship they sing about? Or they actually love it BUTTTT sometimes it is terrible? Or they WANT the relationship to be super bad which makes not any sense? It is one of the most confusing lyrics i know. 🙄😬😬
I am curious what others think about it. And also if you like certain other lyrics or if you think other lyrics are confusing or maybe beautiful like a poem!!
PS: I only tag people who gave permission 🙏🙏: @Pennarossa2024, @Fleurke, @NILU1234, @Etienne, @Simone724, @mayuuram, @Sarahsalah27, @Esma-Nur, @Annika2007, @Emmiiii_17_11, @Miss_Penpal, @Sabri_KC, @allstarcheer, @martutuni, @Roseeeee, @-Kiki-, @Lianshen ⬅️ ❤️💚🩵💙💜🤗🤗