✍️🏆 Song lyrics 🎤🎧

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Hello everybody! 🙋‍♀️Welcome to the SONG LYRICS forum!! 🙂

Are there any lyrics of a song that you really ❤️❤️ and EVERYBODY should know? 😛 Or are there lyrics that you think a lot about and cant get out of your head?

The reason for me starting the forum is a song where i think the lyrics are VERY confusing. This is the song:

➡️ KSI feat. Billie Eilish: Dirty and you can hear the song here with also the lyrics on the screen: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xRFbMEFNKXQ

What i think is confusing about the lyrics is that i dont know if they hate the relationship they sing about? Or they actually love it BUTTTT sometimes it is terrible? Or they WANT the relationship to be super bad which makes not any sense? It is one of the most confusing lyrics i know. 🙄😬😬

I am curious what others think about it. And also if you like certain other lyrics or if you think other lyrics are confusing or maybe beautiful like a poem!!

PS: I only tag people who gave permission 🙏🙏: @Pennarossa2024, @Fleurke, @NILU1234, @Etienne, @Simone724, @mayuuram, @Sarahsalah27, @Esma-Nur, @Annika2007, @Emmiiii_17_11, @Miss_Penpal, @Sabri_KC, @allstarcheer, @martutuni, @Roseeeee, @-Kiki-, @Lianshen ⬅️ ❤️💚🩵💙💜🤗🤗

Lemon Boy by Cavetown. At first I thought the guy (singer) was singing about how he became friends with a bitter old man in his neighbourhood, and then I learned it was a song about him dealing with and embracing his anxiety and depression and I was like: OH😐.

Still one of my favourite songs, and I think the lesson it gives of 'getting rid of everything seen by society as bad is getting rid of parts of yourself' is great. It really helps me cheer up sometimes even if it's kind of a sad song when you think about it.

Here is the song with lyrics on the screen: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ep4D2A73M3I

Lemon Boy by Cavetown. At first I thought the guy (singer) was singing about how he became friends with a bitter old man in his neighbourhood, and then I learned it was a song about him dealing with and embracing his anxiety and depression and I was like: OH😐.

Still one of my favourite songs, and I think the lesson it gives of 'getting rid of everything seen by society as bad is getting rid of parts of yourself' is great. It really helps me cheer up sometimes even if it's kind of a sad song when you think about it.

Here is the song with lyrics on the screen: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ep4D2A73M3I

Thank you very much @Miss_Penpal!! 🙏🙏 I just listened to the song and was reading the lyrics BUTTTT if you did not explain the song i would have NO idea that they had that special meaning!! 🥰🥰😊😊😇😇

https://youtu.be/52nfjRzIaj8?si=L0li2yywOp44G7FR after my divorce i listen that song with so much tears- but it heals me ...

由 Fleurke 编辑.

Really emotional song and lyrics @Fleurke!!! It is really beautiful but also hurting to listen!! 🥺😢😢

Super mega BEARRR huggggg for you: 🤗🤗🥰🥰🥰❤️❤️❤️❤️

Hello everybody! 🙋‍♀️Welcome to the SONG LYRICS forum!! 🙂

Are there any lyrics of a song that you really ❤️❤️ and EVERYBODY should know? 😛 Or are there lyrics that you think a lot about and cant get out of your head?

The reason for me starting the forum is a song where i think the lyrics are VERY confusing. This is the song:

➡️ KSI feat. Billie Eilish: Dirty and you can hear the song here with also the lyrics on the screen: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xRFbMEFNKXQ

What i think is confusing about the lyrics is that i dont know if they hate the relationship they sing about? Or they actually love it BUTTTT sometimes it is terrible? Or they WANT the relationship to be super bad which makes not any sense? It is one of the most confusing lyrics i know. 🙄😬😬

I am curious what others think about it. And also if you like certain other lyrics or if you think other lyrics are confusing or maybe beautiful like a poem!!

PS: I only tag people who gave permission 🙏🙏: @Pennarossa2024, @Fleurke, @NILU1234, @Etienne, @Simone724, @mayuuram, @Sarahsalah27, @Esma-Nur, @Annika2007, @Emmiiii_17_11, @Miss_Penpal, @Sabri_KC, @allstarcheer, @martutuni, @Roseeeee, @-Kiki-, @Lianshen ⬅️ ❤️💚🩵💙💜🤗🤗

Hello! @Yue_ This is a really cool forum 🥰🤗

There is a Trend song now on Tik Tok which is really stuck in my head named Deenial is a river!!😅

The lyrics:

I ain't a killer but don't push me

Don't wanna have to turn a ni**a

guts into soup beans

Woah, woah, woah, woah, woah


Okay, Doechii, we don't wanna

revert back into our old ways

Sorry, okay....😂

It doesn't want to get out of my head!!!

Hello! @Yue_ This is a really cool forum 🥰🤗

There is a Trend song now on Tik Tok which is really stuck in my head named Deenial is a river!!😅

The lyrics:

I ain't a killer but don't push me

Don't wanna have to turn a ni**a

guts into soup beans

Woah, woah, woah, woah, woah


Okay, Doechii, we don't wanna

revert back into our old ways

Sorry, okay....😂

It doesn't want to get out of my head!!!

I never heard from it @Sarahsalah27 maybe my daughter will know it

I never heard from it @Sarahsalah27 maybe my daughter will know it

Yeahh 😂 I think most of the teenagers know it on Tik Tok!! It's trend now😅

📸️ https://youtu.be/52nfjRzIaj8?si=L0li2yywOp44G7FR after my divorce i lisren that dong with do much tears-it heals me ...

we have so much in common auntie! i always sings that song whenever i feel upset/sad.




+ funny thing is when he made mistake and my spotify out of nowhere play this song

and at minute 1.15, at the lyrics 'i know that you're wrong for me, gonna wish we never met on the day i leave' then he said:

"i'm sorry i was wrong, maybe i'm wrong for you like what the song has said" (he gave his painful smile exactly like this )

and in my heart I said: YOOOO SPOTIFY WHY YOU MAKE IT WORSEEE, I didn't mean to play that song!

but then he added his sentence:

"i shouldn't do that. no matter what, i'll fix my behavior. i'm sorry baby, please"

but due to my pride (also feel embarrassed), i said nothing and stay flat. well even in my life, universe support my sulking 😒🙄

Hello! @Yue_ This is a really cool forum 🥰🤗

There is a Trend song now on Tik Tok which is really stuck in my head named Deenial is a river!!😅

The lyrics:

I ain't a killer but don't push me

Don't wanna have to turn a ni**a

guts into soup beans

Woah, woah, woah, woah, woah


Okay, Doechii, we don't wanna

revert back into our old ways

Sorry, okay....😂

It doesn't want to get out of my head!!!

Ohh i like that song

Ohh i like that song

Yesss it's so cool and funnyy!!!

we have so much in common auntie! i always sings that song whenever i feel upset/sad.




+ funny thing is when he made mistake and my spotify out of nowhere play this song


and at minute 1.15, at the lyrics 'i know that you're wrong for me, gonna wish we never met on the day i leave' then he said:

"i'm sorry i was wrong, maybe i'm wrong for you like what the song has said" (he gave his painful smile exactly like this

📸️ )

and in my heart I said: YOOOO SPOTIFY WHY YOU MAKE IT WORSEEE, I didn't mean to play that song!

but then he added his sentence:

"i shouldn't do that. no matter what, i'll fix my behavior. i'm sorry baby, please"

but due to my pride (also feel embarrassed), i said nothing and stay flat. well even in my life, universe support my sulking 😒🙄

Yes @mayuuram im so proud of the beautifull soul you are 🤲

I really like the idea of this forum😄

I love story telling songs such as Nobody No Crime by Taylor Swift

Taylor has a best friend, Este and they meet up every Tuesday night at a restaurant called Olive Garden. Este thinks her husband is cheating on her and she wants to confront him soon but the next Tuesday she's nowhere to be found and her husband reports his missing wife. Taylor gets suspicious, especially when a few weeks later the 'new' girlfriend of Este's husband moves in and takes Este's place. Because Taylor's sure, that the man murdered Este she drowns him in a lake. Este's sister Danielle is her alibi and everyone thinks his new wife murdered him for his money.

I know, the story is a bit brutal but it's fun to listen to it and there are sooo many other storytelling song I like

Hello everybody! 🙋‍♀️Welcome to the SONG LYRICS forum!! 🙂

Are there any lyrics of a song that you really ❤️❤️ and EVERYBODY should know? 😛 Or are there lyrics that you think a lot about and cant get out of your head?

The reason for me starting the forum is a song where i think the lyrics are VERY confusing. This is the song:

➡️ KSI feat. Billie Eilish: Dirty and you can hear the song here with also the lyrics on the screen: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xRFbMEFNKXQ

What i think is confusing about the lyrics is that i dont know if they hate the relationship they sing about? Or they actually love it BUTTTT sometimes it is terrible? Or they WANT the relationship to be super bad which makes not any sense? It is one of the most confusing lyrics i know. 🙄😬😬

I am curious what others think about it. And also if you like certain other lyrics or if you think other lyrics are confusing or maybe beautiful like a poem!!

PS: I only tag people who gave permission 🙏🙏: @Pennarossa2024, @Fleurke, @NILU1234, @Etienne, @Simone724, @mayuuram, @Sarahsalah27, @Esma-Nur, @Annika2007, @Emmiiii_17_11, @Miss_Penpal, @Sabri_KC, @allstarcheer, @martutuni, @Roseeeee, @-Kiki-, @Lianshen ⬅️ ❤️💚🩵💙💜🤗🤗

funny forum 🙂




Here's one with English lyrics:


Here's one with English lyrics:


i didnt know you would search on Romanian folk songs 😃, no idk neiher what that means; my Romanian is not that good 🙂, but maybe @Remus could tell us?

i didnt know you would search on Romanian folk songs 😃, no idk neiher what that means; my Romanian is not that good 🙂, but maybe @Remus could tell us?

I already found and delete my question thank you 🙂.

@Sabri_KC i think that you can sing the lyrics of almost every national anthem!! which one is the best??

AND @-Kiki- if you are alone at home and nobody can see you which song do you sing SUPERRR loud without looking online for the lyrics?? 😛