I like to answer too!!! 😛 So these are my answers:
1️⃣: You are now a dish on the menu of a restaurant! What kind of food dish are you and which PPG member must eat you during lunch or dinner?
I will be a strawberry mint bubble tea and people who NEVER had bubble tea before can drink me!! So they all share together!! 😛
2️⃣: How well is your home fortified against a potential zombie attack?
Our house is not fortified at all!!! But our neighbours have a dog that is the size like a small bear so maybe i can borrow it?? And I will ask @Simone724 to help me because he knows EVERYTHINGGG about zombies!!
3️⃣: Which Disney princess could work at the FBI?
I think Mulan because she is super dangerousss and also Anna because you DONT expect it and she can talk with everybody and is super social (BUTTTT she is a secret spy!!!!)
4️⃣: If you have an accent, do you have one in your thoughts, too?
I think yesss BUTTT only if you know that you have an accent.
5️⃣: If you had a third ear, where would you put it?
THat would be UNDERR my hear because i dont want anybody to see it!!! 😛
6️⃣: What’s the best food for a food fight?
The best food fight food is a HUGGGEEE cake with A LOTTTT of whipped cream, noodle soup and maybe tomatoess (but i will do all three as my super food fight weapons)!!!
7️⃣: If you are a scary ghost, who would you haunt?
I would haunt @Etienne so he gives me ALLLL VIP things of PPG and maybe also @Esma-Nur to joke!! And i would haunt also @H_E_A_R_T because she does not expect it!!! 🤭🤭 It would also be fun to be in Egypt together with @Sarahsalah27 and pretend a mummy is real and scare visitors!!! 😃
8️⃣: If you could live inside any movie, which one would you choose and why?
Maybe in the remake of the Marco Polo series in the court of the Khan with a nice outfit of the court!!!!!
9️⃣: If you suddenly woke up in someone else's body for a day, who would you want to be and why??
Somebody from my school and LISTENNN all their secrets and tell with my friends if they gossip about us.
🔟: If you could add a weird flavor to toothpaste, what flavor would you choose??
Maybe a fruity flavour BUTTTT that would feel wrong BECAUSEE you brush your teeth. So maybe mint tea flavour or jasmin??
OMG your answers are sooo fun to read!! I love the idea of haunting people together in Egypt, that would be hilarious!! 😂 Also, your food fight choices are legendary!! 🍰🍅 And yesss, Mulan and Anna as FBI it's so cool!!
2) i always worry about my house because you just need to break the glass to break in
3) merida or mulan
4) nah i don’t think i have a particular accent my english is very good,i’ve always studied american english
6) eggs and cakes,of course
7) when i’ll die i will haunt everyone,especially who I hated during my life
8 )“thirteen” because it’s my favorite movie i think
10) oranges.
Your answers are awesome!! And yeah, you're right, glass is such a weak point for home security! 😭 OMG, haunting everyone you hated in life? That’s next-level revenge!! 👻 Also, I like that you picked Thirteen because it’s your favorite movie, great choice!!
1: You are now a dish on the menu of a restaurant! What kind of food dish are you and which PPG member must eat you during lunch or dinner? Spaghetti and @Esma-Nur most eat me 😵💫😵💫🤪🤣
2: How well is your home fortified against a potential zombie attack?🤣🤣🤣really good i have a basement
3: Which Disney princess could work at the FBI? Anna
4: If you have an accent, do you have one in your thoughts, too? Yeeeees
5: If you had a third ear, where would you put it? At my bumps
6: What’s the best food for a food fight? Spaghettttiiii
7: If you are a scary ghost, who would you haunt? Everybody who wastn nice at me in my life
8: If you could live inside any movie, which one would you choose and why?Frankenstein i really wanne talk with him
9: If you suddenly woke up in someone else's body for a day, who would you want to be and why?? A handsome men. i wanne know-what it is to be a men
10: If you could add a weird flavor to toothpaste, what flavor would you choose?? Bicky burger
Your answers are totally crazy 😅 and i like them!! Spaghetti in a food fight? That’s a delicious mess! 🍝😂 And haunting everyone who wasn’t nice to you? Well-deserved revenge!! 👻😆 Also, I like that you chose Frankenstein!!
1: You are now a dish on the menu of a restaurant! What kind of food dish are you and which PPG member must eat you during lunch or dinner?
I would be a dish of Spaghetti with Clams, and @Yue_ and @Sarahsalah27 must eat me, because they opened this forum 😜
2: How well is your home fortified against a potential zombie attack?
I don't think zombies can a big amount of damages to a house, maybe just break some windows and try to sneak in. In any case, especially during morning, i'm a zombie myself, so they wouldn't attack me! @Yue_ 🤣
3: Which Disney princess could work at the FBI?
Mulan for sure, but maybe also Merida
4: If you have an accent, do you have one in your thoughts, too?
Yes, sometimes i think using the accent as if i was normally speaking 🤣
5: If you had a third ear, where would you put it?
In the back of my head, though it would be uncomfortable when i sleep, i guess
6: What’s the best food for a food fight?
I don't like to waste food, but i'm pretty sure that rotten eggs would be perfect 👀
7: If you are a scary ghost, who would you haunt?
The people i dislike, i can't say their names, but they are people who disappointed or hurted me, somehow
8: If you could live inside any movie, which one would you choose and why?
There are many of them, but maybe Harry Potter, so i could use magic
9: If you suddenly woke up in someone else's body for a day, who would you want to be and why??
An important person, so i would try to take good decisions for other people
10: If you could add a weird flavor to toothpaste, what flavor would you choose??
Pizza! I'd brush my teeth at least 10 times per day, in that case!
haha your answers are absolutely funny!! And I like that you chose me and @Yue_ to eat you 😂😛Spaghetti with Clams? Sounds like a good deal! 🍝😂 i also laughed so hard at the idea of being a morning zombie, genius way to avoid an attack! 🧟♂️🤣 And pizza-flavored toothpaste? Hahaha, that would make brushing teeth an addiction!!!