Your opinion about homeschooling

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I feel like it would be an interesting conversation. Personally i was homeschooled 1 year when i was 6 because i lived in a very small town and i didn’t feel good at my school and there weren’t any other schools close. It was wonderful because i was with other homeschooled kids and i had friends,when you are a kid it’s easy you just need to go to a playground and you meet 3 best friends in a day.

I did it for 1 year 4 years ago during covid time because my parents didn’t want me to go to school with the covid restrictions since we couldn’t even socialize. For me it was a living hell because i was 12 and completely lonely without any friend,which is why i suffered from depression. Hopefully it was only one year but it ruined me in a lot of ways.

my general opinion is this: homeschooling can be a great thing to do but not if you are isolated without anyone your age. You must have contacts with other people but not online,in real life,and you need to go out. Especially if you are a teenager.

@LandRoverDiscovery2 @Miss_Penpal Who else is currently homeschooled?

Edited by Roseeeee .

I like your forum @Roseeeee and this is very interesting. I thought about it in the past when i chatted with Mare and Miss Penpal and i like that it works for them really well!! 🏆🏆🥇

For myself i prefer to be in school like it now is because i would miss my friends and i have a school mentor who is super nice and i would really miss her too. And she helps me a lot and understands me in a way that sometimes i even did not know about me!! 😛 And of course some classes i dont like, but others i do and i like it more to be in the room when we have a class about it.

What would you prefer for you now @Roseeeee. If there would be NO bullies and if you have nice friends: in that case would you prefer to be in school or would you like home schooling more? And is it different if it would be in Sweden or Italy? Thank you very much!! 🙏🙏🙏🥰🥰

I believe it depends on the person wether or not they will enjoy being homeschooled. For me it's the best thing ever because I'm not a very social person, and I have two wonderful siblings either way to keep me company at home (when they're not at school, that is). Also, If I hadn't been homeschooled I would have had to go to the school near my house and that thing has a horrible aura, it's like there's a portal leading straight to hell under it or something... You almost expect to turn a corner and see a demon, it's really that bad. But now we found a new school that is much better, and even if I'll have to take the bus to get there every morning, I won't mind going there next year.

my general opinion is this: homeschooling can be a great thing to do but not if you are isolated without anyone your age. You must have contacts with other people but not online,in real life,and you need to go out. Especially if you are a teenager.

I agree with your general opinion, except for having human interactions in real life. For normal people sure, but people like me who have less social skills than a scarecrow prefer to be hermits and never see anyone that isn't family or friends I've known for a long time (meaning none for me, but my parents have friends and they're fine, I don't mind them).

for me its good, cuz ive seen a lot of europe, and im free 🙂😃

for me its good, cuz ive seen a lot of europe, and im free 🙂😃

Don’t you feel lonely? Online friends can’t fill everything

Edited by Roseeeee .

I dont know if thats even legal in the netherlands

I think it can be good for some people, but in general its probably better with normal school. People find friends there easier, socialize more and most probably learn better / concentrate more if they're at school with a teacher too. Except you have private teacher at home lol, but I'll guess most don't have that. For me, I know a lot of people (including myself) who didn't do anything while being homeschooled, maybe the necessary stuff or not even that. Now I'm talking about the few weeks of homeschool we had during covid. I don't know if you really can compare this to homeschool, but I'd imagine you forget about stuff you need to do, or just don't care as much.

Also, I would've been even shyer(is that the right way to write it?), introverted and probably wouldn't have friends at all, just stay at home all the time & get depressed. Now that's just for me, but probably other people too (not everyone ofc, for some people homeschool is the better option and great that its possible!) Now through having too actually speak up for myself, try to make friends etc I got at least somewhat more independent, confident and finally also managed to make friends, eventhough it took me until high school to find those.

This is my personal opinion! Its great for those who need it, but for most I believe normal school is a better option. although they could change a few things at schools to make it easier for some people (Not talking about subjects etc, more like the social stuff)

I think it can be good for some people, but in general its probably better with normal school. People find friends there easier, socialize more and most probably learn better / concentrate more if they're at school with a teacher too. Except you have private teacher at home lol, but I'll guess most don't have that. For me, I know a lot of people (including myself) who didn't do anything while being homeschooled, maybe the necessary stuff or not even that. Now I'm talking about the few weeks of homeschool we had during covid. I don't know if you really can compare this to homeschool, but I'd imagine you forget about stuff you need to do, or just don't care as much.

Also, I would've been even shyer(is that the right way to write it?), introverted and probably wouldn't have friends at all, just stay at home all the time & get depressed. Now that's just for me, but probably other people too (not everyone ofc, for some people homeschool is the better option and great that its possible!) Now through having too actually speak up for myself, try to make friends etc I got at least somewhat more independent, confident and finally also managed to make friends, eventhough it took me until high school to find those.

This is my personal opinion! Its great for those who need it, but for most I believe normal school is a better option. although they could change a few things at schools to make it easier for some people (Not talking about subjects etc, more like the social stuff)

You need to see people everyday also because you can’t always be protected from the outside world. So many teenagers homeschoolers are like this unfortunately ,they don’t know how to socialize. Not everyone but some. Being completely isolated like that is absolutely awful.






当然这主要是关于自觉不自觉的问题。我这边很多学生如果上课有弄不懂的问题,他们会选择自己在家中上网搜索网课以进行补救(My school

(My English is not good so I used Chinese,i feel sorry about it🙁

I have a question for @LandRoverDiscovery2 of course you don’t have to answer if you don’t want to i am just curious: you have always been homeschooled,how are you gonna study what you wanna do in life? Here in sweden at 16 we choose and we go to the highschool. in sweden we have an incredible amount of schools and things we can choose,for example there is a huge acting school for tv shows and movies i’ll go to. The schools are very good and the teachers arent idiots,i really like my teachers and all the schools are gratis except the ones where you sleep for rich people.I am saying this because i know that you say that at school you learn bullshit,and it’s true but every school system is different. The swedish one is one of the best ones. And you said that you will do something like delivery guy,is it really your aspiration in life? I am not being offensive or anything i am just curious because after a certain age parents cannot teach everything

I have a question for @LandRoverDiscovery2 of course you don’t have to answer if you don’t want to i am just curious: you have always been homeschooled,how are you gonna study what you wanna do in life? Here in sweden at 16 we choose and we go to the highschool. in sweden we have an incredible amount of schools and things we can choose,for example there is a huge acting school for tv shows and movies i’ll go to. The schools are very good and the teachers arent idiots,i really like my teachers and all the schools are gratis except the ones where you sleep for rich people.I am saying this because i know that you say that at school you learn bullshit,and it’s true but every school system is different. The swedish one is one of the best ones. And you said that you will do something like delivery guy,is it really your aspiration in life? I am not being offensive or anything i am just curious because after a certain age parents cannot teach everything

i think that if people really think im gonna study for anything, they must think a little bit further. For getting a job for money everything i need is to get my driving license and get a job by such a company like DHL, driving a big van as i like to drive. For the rest of my live im gonna travel around the world, and/ore start a farm in Romania. I dont want to get famous, as some people might think i want to get.

Delyvering packages s really my inspiration, cuz i like driving cars, and its the only paying job ican think of i would like to have. Otherwise it would be buying a big van/truck and be my own company in delivering hat ever must be delivert in whole europe; vehicles, meubles, animals (perhaps), normal post etc.

I want a free life, doexact what i want, nobody controlling me (i know that they would be controlling me wheneither i take a job by DHL). My parrents gave me a free life, wich gave me inough time to think ab what i want to do.

@liwenbo1 please use a translator so everyone else doesn't have to

You need to see people everyday also because you can’t always be protected from the outside world. So many teenagers homeschoolers are like this unfortunately ,they don’t know how to socialize. Not everyone but some. Being completely isolated like that is absolutely awful.

Yeah, thats true. I know a lot of people want to pick the easiest way possible for them, I'm sooo tempted to do that too, but its just not how the world works. You have to socialize somewhat, and if you try to make it fun or let loose somewhat it'll be much more fun and you'll realize you missed something. Thats for me, I thought I'd be better off alone and that I'm just not for social life/extroverted stuff. But now that I actually found good friends (bc thats the point where you realize you missed out and were wrong the whole time. When you meet the RIGHT people, who you can actually be yourself around, not overthink etc) I'm much more comfortable talking louder (in class or whatever) and just stuff like that. I believe I've changed a lot. I'm still anxious about a lot of social stuff, but you need to accept that you can't just isolate yourself forever. Doesn't mean you have to be extroverted, just to be happier when you find the right people to hang around with. I'm definetly much less depressed, crying less, and comfortable being myself. To meet the right people, you have to meet people. I've met a lot of wrong people, doesn't mean I say they were mean or whatever, just not the right people for me. I felt excluded, weird (I have to admit, I was weird, still am, but in a diff way lollll.) and thought it'd be that way with everyone, I had to come out of my shell and excluded-bubble to realize I was wrong. I still often feel that way, but its different from before.

Hope this made somewhat sense to other people & not just inside my head....

Yeah, thats true. I know a lot of people want to pick the easiest way possible for them, I'm sooo tempted to do that too, but its just not how the world works. You have to socialize somewhat, and if you try to make it fun or let loose somewhat it'll be much more fun and you'll realize you missed something. Thats for me, I thought I'd be better off alone and that I'm just not for social life/extroverted stuff. But now that I actually found good friends (bc thats the point where you realize you missed out and were wrong the whole time. When you meet the RIGHT people, who you can actually be yourself around, not overthink etc) I'm much more comfortable talking louder (in class or whatever) and just stuff like that. I believe I've changed a lot. I'm still anxious about a lot of social stuff, but you need to accept that you can't just isolate yourself forever. Doesn't mean you have to be extroverted, just to be happier when you find the right people to hang around with. I'm definetly much less depressed, crying less, and comfortable being myself. To meet the right people, you have to meet people. I've met a lot of wrong people, doesn't mean I say they were mean or whatever, just not the right people for me. I felt excluded, weird (I have to admit, I was weird, still am, but in a diff way lollll.) and thought it'd be that way with everyone, I had to come out of my shell and excluded-bubble to realize I was wrong. I still often feel that way, but its different from before.

Hope this made somewhat sense to other people & not just inside my head....

I completely agree but unfortunately I haven’t found the right people yet. And if you are homeschooled as a teenager with no contacts with the outside world you will miss your teenage years that will NEVER come back. You won’t learn many things and you won’t do many experiences. You won’t fall in love,you won’t go out with friends,you won’t go to a party,you won’t have a best friend…and so many other things. You will never discover yourself and the world as a teenager.

I think homeschooling is great but for me its better my kids go to school. Becajse i like the social confact they have . Otherwise people who do homeschooling dont have the stress like the other kids who going to school.

Also, if you don’t have fun during your teenage years,then when you will be older and you will have to be serious and do adult things you will wanna do what you didn’t do and you will realize how much you missed. You’ll realize that all of a sudden.

this will happen if you are homeschooled and isolated,unfortunately

I think homeschooling is great but for me its better my kids go to school. Becajse i like the social confact they have . Otherwise people who do homeschooling dont have the stress like the other kids who going to school.

I agree with that, but in all honesty I don't think I've ever met somebody that was homeschooled. The typical stereotype is they might be sheltered as they grow older, I wonder to what extend this is true

I agree with that, but in all honesty I don't think I've ever met somebody that was homeschooled. The typical stereotype is they might be sheltered as they grow older, I wonder to what extend this is true

It is true for some people,everything depends on your parents,your personality,where you live…